Saturday, March 6, 2010

Public Speaking Exercises

Impressive, captivating and arresting are the benchmarks of a seasoned public speaker. While it may look all so flashy and easy to address an audience, believe it or not, being on the stage with the limelight on you can be extremely grueling and for some dreadful as well. Remember, public speaking does not solely depend on your script. There are a number of factors that need to be considered to become a good orator. Right from eye contact to your posture, volume and speed of speech to the tone and infliction, the list of parameters that need attention is endless. For a novice speaker, the best bet would be to indulge in exercises that are truly designed for enhancing public speaking capability. Apart from helping you strengthen your weakness, these exercises would give a boost to your confidence level. In the following lines, we have provided valuable public speaking exercises, just for you.
Easy Public Speaking Exercises
Record Yourself
Undoubtedly, recording yourself is the best way to judge your public speaking skills. It gives you an opportunity to judge yourself the best way possible. You might have prepared an impressive speech and worked upon your vocal skills as well, but chances are that at the time of speaking you can fail to create the kind of impression that you thought of. Recording your performance at practice session is the best way to grow as an orator or public speaker.
The record would act like a mirror reflecting your highs and lows. It would showcase all the negativities wherein you need to work about and the positive that need some refinement. Questions like, do you connect to the audience, do you have a tendency to read, never looking up from your notes to acknowledge listeners or is your cadence too rapid, would all be answered immediately, after watching the tape. This would allow you to focus your attention on certain important aspects and evaluate yourself correctly.
The Magic Of Tongue Twisters
Did you know that practicing tongue twisters is the best way to attain clarity of speech and diction? Most orators or spokesperson indulge in practicing tongue twisters. These not only give you an excellent diction, but also help you attain proper cadence or tempo of speech. Tongue twisters also make you aware of what you are saying and how you are saying it. The best deal would be to practice a few, right before the performance. It would surely give you the 'warm up' you required. Some of the tongue twisters you can practice are 'New York’s unique. Unique New York, You know you love unique New York'; 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers' and 'Red leather, yellow leather'.
Instant Speaking Game
A fun exercise to improve public speaking skills would be to indulge in at least 15 minutes of instant speaking game everyday. The game can either be played all alone or with a partner. In case you are playing with a partner, let him/her give you a topic at random. Upon getting the topic, you need to speak on it for about a minute. For those playing all alone, newspaper would be a great option to get the topics. Choose a headline in random and speak on it for about a minute. This way you would not only improve your speaking skills, but also your brainpower. Also interactive sessions held after public speaking would be a cakewalk for you after practicing this exercise, as it helps you answer the most unexpected of questions, with ease.
Voice Projection
What is the point of speaking, when the audience cannot hear you? Just like the speech, voice projection is an important factor to consider. Weak voices (by weak, I do not mean soft) lack confidence and give an impression of fear, nervousness and anxiety. As per the rule of thumb, your voice should come from your lung and not from your mouth or throat alone. A voice coming out from the lungs would be strong, confident and impressive. If you have a voice projection problem, indulge in regular exercise. Deep breath with an attempt to move both hands out as far as possible. This is belly breathing. If you breathe this way and speak simultaneously, your voice would surely be the fullest, strongest and richest. This is because you would be using your lung up to the full capacity. Make sure you make no noise while breathing. Practice these exercise and you would surely be a good orator!

Thank you.


crazy iggle said...

ID: BHD08-07-759

assalamualaikum madam.

thank you for your tips. i hope i can use this tips in future. here i want to share one more tips in public speaking exercise. it is SPEAK IMPROVISATIONALLY.

This is a fun method of learning how to speak with authority and can be done alone or with a partner. The basic premise is to give a one-minute talk about a subject without any prior knowledge of what the theme will be. For instance, if you’re trying this technique with someone else, have him or her shout out a topic area (i.e., “cat food”, “houses in malaysia”, “mistakes made at weddings”). Then, you, as the “public speaker”, will talk about the topic. (If you’re solo, pick up a newspaper, point randomly to any headline, and use that as your topic area.)

Not only is this exercise useful for exercising your brainpower and improve skills, it will also help you become more comfortable when speaking to a crowd. Additionally, it can increase your ability to answer unexpected questions with ease.

thank you.

dAk said...

Name : Maisarah bt Abdul Rahman
ID : Bhd08-07-812
Class : HND 1 (Sect 2)

Assalammualaikum madam…

I enjoyed reading this post and I would like to add 1 more thing that everyone should do. The exercise that you should do is relax. Relaxation can be achieved with purposeful breathing. Before going on stage, inhale deeply through your mouth and exhale very slowly through your nose. Breathing in this manner will help you to relax and calm your nerves. When you're relaxed, you appear very confident to your audience while simultaneously appearing as though you're a complete natural when it comes to speaking in front of groups of people.
Remember that most people fear public speaking and the fact that you are doing what they fear will automatically put you in a positive spotlight. Another exercises like recording yourself (as madam mention about it), perfecting your diction, and focusing on your breathing will all contribute to you looking like a pro. No longer will you have to experience anxiety or lose any sleep if you commit to practicing the exercises that you have learned here.
I hope people will try it. Thank you.

Rina Ramli said...

ID: BHD08-07-844


I like that post because all the method interesting and fun.I think everyone will like and enjoy after read this post.

Everyone can do this exercise and they also can practice this exercise at their house or hostel.

I also want add one tips. I think this tip important to us as a preparation to do public speaking.

Mirror image

Most public speaking fears stem from the fact that while on stage, we won’t be able to see ourselves. Hence, we tend to assume the worst. "My hair might be messy," or "there might something coming out of my nose," or "my tie might be improperly knotted" are just some of the things public speakers think of when delivering their presentations. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This way, your fears will diminish.

Unknown said...

ID: BHD08-07-774


This topic is interesting and I enjoyed read it. Thanks to madam for give some interesting exercises.

I interested in the magic of tongue twisters.It's fun game.I like do it with friends and family.My sentences challenge are with...

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuckif a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldif a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Next, recording.This is quite enjoyable.I didn't thought that we can practice public speaking by record our voice.We prefer to record music,singing..why not we change it to improve ourselves in public speaking.=)

This topic is not only improve our skill in public speaking,it also improve our English conversation.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

name:hamimra binti mohamad jali
sec2 HND 1

assalamualaikum madam.

Aside from the content of a presentation, your delivery is the most important factor (some would say even more important than the content itself). Building good delivery habits takes effort.

Here's three exercises that, done regularly, will improve two essential areas of public speaking delivery: personal presence and vocal tone

Personal Presence

Some people walk into a room and shrink away. Others command attention, immediately taking center stage even when they don't put themselves forward. Part of this presence comes through good posture. One particularly effective exercise requires only a stability (Swiss) ball and your body itself.

1. Kneel on the ground in front of the ball.
2. Roll forward until your stomach is on the ball, feet on the ground behind you and hands on the ground in front of you.
3. Place you hands behind your head lift with your lower back until your body forms a straight line from feet to head.
4. Lower slowly; repeat.

Obligatory Note: If you have a history of back problems, consult your doctor before doing this or any other back exercise.

Vocal Tone

Vocal tone is a function of two things: your vocal cords and your body cavities. How your body cavities? When you speak, your voice originates at your vocal cords and then resonates through your chest, throat, and head as it comes out of your mouth. That's why people sound funny when they have a cold - with plugged sinuses, your voice can't resonate well. So, to improve vocal tone, one must "open up" their chest, throat, and head cavities.

1. Hum at a comfortable pitch.
2. Move the pitch slightly lower; pay attention to how your chest feels.
3. Hum until you can feel the vibration in your chest. Continue humming once you do, attempting to increase the vibration.
4. Next move the pitch slightly higher; pay attention to how your head feels.
5. Let your mouth open. Hum until you feel the vibration in your tongue and lips, behind and above your mouth. Continue humming once you do, attempting to increase the vibration.
6. Finally, return to your chest once more. Repeat the whole exercise, always ending with your chest in order to develop a full, luscious sound.

Note: In this exercise, avoid tension at all costs. Breath frequently, and stop if you get light headed.

These two exercises, done often, will increase your effectiveness both as a speaker and as a person as you increase your ability and capacity. Happy speaking!

Thank you

~eada~ said...

ID : BHD 08 07 773

Thank you madam for your post.

Here i have some tips to share with you.

1. Know the audience.
Greet some of the audience as they arrive.
It's easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.

2. Know your material.
Practice your speech and revise it if necessary.If you're not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase.

3. Relax.
Ease tension by doing exercises.

4. Know the room.
Be familiar with the place in which you will speak.Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.

I hope i can apply this tips when i give a speech.

Thank You!

diyla said...

ID: BHD08-07-862


I have read the tips from above about this topic. Now, I'm going to share with you some public speaking exercises that can help you before you presenting your speech. I know it can get tough especially the last 30 minutes before you're expected to speak, so I'll share with you some of things I do.

1) Try to relax.
~I know that's just a silly statement to start with but there are little exercises that can help you relax.
~You need a quiet place where you can focus on your speech that you can show your high level of confidence to the audience.

2) Watching yourself do that speech
~You can watching yourself do that speech and doing it calmly.
~Sometimes looking at through a television screen can make it more easier. The idea is that you want to run it through your mind that you're going to calm when you do this speech.
~You want to show your mind how a calm speech looks and exactly what you do during that speech.

3) Be prepared for your speech.
~It is the most important thing you can do to relax. If you know your speech well enough, it takes a lot of the edge off. Maybe you're nervous about the questions at the end.
~You have to practice this. Have someone ask you questions related to your speech. This will make you more confident when presenting your speech infront of the audience.

I hope that you can apply this tips to help you in presenting your speech in future.

Thank you.

DaNNia (Nurulizzati) said...

ID: BHD 08-07-868

Thank you for this tips,i like about 'the magic of tongue twister'. In this tips i can learned how to say some words clear and correct.When i try to say the words 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers' and 'Red leather, yellow leather'. I cannot say it clearly, but i still can practice it, and will practice it untill i can say the words clear and correctly.

Nurul Ashikin bt Azizan said...

Nurul AShikin bt Azizan
Hnd1 Sec3

Such a good tips from you madam.Thanks a lot.

After I read your post, I think it such a good tips for the students like me to practice this easy public speaking exercise. It's sure will improved students bility to give a great speech.

I'm attrated with the exercise using the record ourselves. When we record ourselves during a public speking and then watching the video tapes we surely know our lack and we will improve the lack of ourselves to gives a good speech better than before.

We also not feel ashamed when we gives a speech and record it, and upgrade our speech content after watch the video before we present it infront the public.

Thanks all for this post..Thank you..^^

nuRuL AiEyNz said...

ID NO: BHD08-07-821

Assalamualaikum madam...

I have some public speaking exercise that you can do at home. It's simple and easily for you to do the exercise.

Sooner or later, you will have to speak in front of a significantly large audience. Will it be your 15 minutes of fame or will it be your 15 minutes of shame? Worry not, as there are a number of public speaking exercises that will prepare you for that big opportunity.

Are you afraid that you might forget your lines? Concerned that you might stutter? Worried that you might say something inappropriate?
Below you will find some public speaking exercises you can do in the comforts of your own home.

1) Mirror image

Most public speaking fears stem from the fact that while on stage, we won’t be able to see ourselves. Hence, we tend to assume the worst. "My hair might be messy," or "there might something coming out of my nose," or "my tie might be improperly knotted" are just some of the things public speakers think of when delivering their presentations. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This way, your fears will diminish.

2) Practice in front of family members

Seeing yourself speak in front of the mirror can only do so much. Extend your public speaking exercises even further by speaking in front of a "friendlier" audience: your family. Ask them for suggestions later on so that you may improve your delivery.

3) Practice varying the tone of your voice to emphasize certain points

Practice assigning a certain tone to important points of your speech. Shout out the lines that are meant to shock the audience, if you have to. Whisper the lines that denote exasperation. There are a lot of public speaking exercises, but this can provide the most immediate results.

Ayuni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

ID :BHD08-07-842


After I read the the post above,I notice some other exercise that can help we to do the speech presentation.It is a good exercise that can help me to do public speaking exercise.

There are other exercise of the public speaking:

To present a confident public speaking, you need to offer genuine eye contact with the listeners. Have a glance at the public through out your speech. Your eye contact will depict your level of confidence and your expertise in the specific field. You need to involve the whole audience in the process through proper eye contact. Speak and pronounce confidently to make the listeners believe in what you convey. Effectively influence your listeners by offering vital and truthful information. You may add humors to your speech to encourage the public and to keep them interested all the way through. Do not directly read from a written note, as this may distract the reader from hearing your speech.
I hope people we use it for public speaking exercise.

~Thank you~

Sazarina Sejali said...

ID No : BHD 08-07-839
Sec : HND1 Sec. 2

I was read the "Easy Public Speaking Exercices" it is helpful for us for giving a good speech. Here i want to share some more tips to improve our speech quality.

Aside from the content of a presentation, your delivery is the most important factor (some would say even more important than the content itself). Building good delivery habits takes effort. Luckily, unlike content which may or may not apply to other speeches and areas of your life, building better delivery habits will benefit you not just during a speech, but also during interviews, meetings, and any time you want to leave someone with a good impression. Here's three exercises that, done regularly, will improve three essential areas of public speaking delivery a personal presence and vocal tone.

1. Personal Presence

Some people walk into a room and shrink away. Others command attention, immediately taking center stage even when they don't put themselves forward. Part of this presence comes through good posture. One particularly effective exercise requires only a stability (Swiss) ball and your body itself.

a. Kneel on the ground in front of the ball.

b. Roll forward until your stomach is on the ball, feet on the ground behind you and hands on the ground in front of you.

c. Place you hands behind your head lift with your lower back until your body forms a straight line from feet to head.

d. Lower slowly, repeat.

Obligatory Note:
If you have a history of back problems, consult your doctor before doing this or any other back exercise.

2. Vocal Tone

Vocal tone is a function of two things: your vocal cords and your body cavities. How your body cavities? When you speak, your voice originates at your vocal cords and then resonates through your chest, throat, and head as it comes out of your mouth. That's why people sound funny when they have a cold - with plugged sinuses, your voice can't resonate well. So, to improve vocal tone, one must "open up" their chest, throat, and head cavities.

a. Hum at a comfortable pitch.

b. Move the pitch slightly lower; pay attention to how your chest feels.

c. Hum until you can feel the vibration in your chest. Continue humming once you do, attempting to increase the vibration.

d. Next move the pitch slightly higher; pay attention to how your head feels.

e. Let your mouth open. Hum until you feel the vibration in your tongue and lips, behind and above your mouth. Continue humming once you do, attempting to increase the vibration.

f. Finally, return to your chest once more. Repeat the whole exercise, always ending with your chest in order to develop a full, luscious sound.

In this exercise, avoid tension at all costs. Breath frequently, and stop if you get light headed.

I hope with all of this tips we can do better in our public speeking.

NiNa said...

ID : BHD 08 07 814

i was enjoy reading your post. here i want to share another public speaking exercise.

Mind Your Language
Language usage is the basis of this public form of communication. Poorly developed language skills become the biggest hindrance for the speaker. Working on accents, pronunciations, stress of specific words, diction, intonation and pace are the keys that all great public speakers have. It is also essential for the speaker to have a control over the voice and the language. Incorrect use of phrases and bad vocabulary will only render in frivolous entertainment for the audience, at the expense of the speaker. The language also has another connotation, that of body language. The gestures, histrionics, eye contact and postures speak volumes on the speaker in question.

Style Quotient
It is not necessary that the speaker should be dressed in the best of brands. What matters is his detailed attention to the soft skills. Soft skills refer to a cluster of personality traits, like the ability to communicate, social graces, personal habits and friendliness. These bring out the best in the speaker and leave behind an effective impression.

Sharulazwan said...

ID: BHD 08-07-805

Thanks you for your tips....

i would like to add tips...correct me if i'm wrong......

Here some tips.....

Tape Yourself
Without a doubt, this is one of the least favourite activities of most public speakers (the majority of people simply do not enjoy listening to or watching themselves on tape), but this exercise produces fast results.

Have a friend or colleague tape you at an actual or simulated public speaking event and then review the video in the privacy of your home. Watch yourself for moments of greatness… and for moments of weakness. For instance, are you mumbling at any points? Do you have a tendency to read, never looking up from your notes to acknowledge listeners? Is your cadence too rapid?

After evaluating yourself on camera, you’ll have a much better indication of where you need to focus your attentions.

(Note: If you’re feeling particularly brave, allow someone else to watch the video, too. Having another individual’s objective feedback can be invaluable, if somewhat unnerving initially.)

Recite Tongue Twisters
“New York’s unique. Unique New York, You know you love unique New York.”
“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”
“Red leather, yellow leather.”
Each of the above phrases is an example of a “tongue twister.” Often, actors use such sentences as “warm ups” to encourage excellent diction and appropriate cadence before a performance. As a public speaker, you can do so, too.

Repeat each phrase (you can search for other tongue twisters online) five times, attempting to perfectly and naturally recite the words without sounding too “robotic”. This exercise will not only help you improve your enunciation; it will also help you focus on becoming aware of what you’re saying and how you’re saying it.

Speak Improvisationally
This is a fun method of learning how to speak with authority and can be done alone or (preferably) with a partner. The basic premise is to give a one-minute talk about a subject without any prior knowledge of what the theme will be. For instance, if you’re trying this technique with someone else, have him or her shout out a topic area (i.e., “cat food”, “houses in Costa Rica”, “mistakes made at weddings”). Then, you, as the “public speaker”, will talk about the topic. (If you’re solo, pick up a newspaper, point randomly to any headline, and use that as your topic area.)

Not only is this exercise useful for exercising your brainpower and improv skills, it will also help you become more comfortable when speaking to a crowd. Additionally, it can increase your ability to answer unexpected questions with ease.

Sing or Hum
Many thespians like to sing (even if they aren’t in singing roles), hum, and/or whistle before a performance, as it “warms up” the throat, tongue, and lips.

You can also intone a few of your favourite tunes as a way of preparing your body and mind for a public speaking engagement. The point isn’t to become a great singer, of course; it’s to work your vocal chords.

Thank You.....

eyqa said...

ID: BHD 08-07-771

Assalamualaikum madam...

When standing in front of audience, people will start to fear. Speaking in public is genuinely scary for most people, including many whom outwardly seem very calm. But don't worry. Actually your audience wants you to succeed. They're on your side. They're glad it's you up there and not them. There are some tips I want to share with you to avoid twitchy in front the audience

• Good preparation is the key to confidence, which is the key to you being relaxed, and this settles the butterflies.
Good preparation and rehearsal will reduce your nerves by 75%, increase the likelihood of avoiding errors to 95%. (Source: Fred Pryor Organization, a significant provider of seminars and open presentation events.)

• Prepare, which means plan it, and practice it.
Then you'll be in control, and confident. Your audience will see this and respond accordingly, which in turn will help build your confidence, and dare we imagine, you might even start to enjoy yourself too.

Unknown said...

ID: BHD 07-07-681

Alot of exercise will result a good speech.
I attracted to the point of voice projection that madam mentioned above.a good voice projection can ensure the message will not pending to the audience.

So I want to share some first step toward a powerful voice that can help our voice will be loud and clear.

1.You can speak only as well as you breathe. Control your breath, and you begin to control your speaking voice. Also, better breathing reduces tension in the neck and shoulders that can inhibit your best natural voice. The voice is a wind instrument. Try the following exercises to get yours in tune!

2.Get ready.
Stand with your feet not quite shoulder width apart, your weight forward, more on the balls of the feet than the heels. Relax your hands by your sides. Start to pay attention to your breathing. As you exhale, release your shoulders, relax your neck, unclench your teeth, and see if you can't manage a yawn and maybe even a smile.

3.Diaphragmatic breathing. This is breathing from your belly. It fuels your voice and releases tension from your upper body. It's also called belly breathing because as you inhale, your belly expands (and your chest and shoulders don't move). This is the opposite of what you might do on the beach where many people suck in their bellies and puff out their chests.

4.Shoulder bounce.
Once you've mastered the Ha, start to release tension from your neck and shoulders. First, lift your shoulders up toward your ears, hold them for a count of four, and then let them drop, completely releasing them. Now, do this rapidly. This is the shoulder bounce.

thank you..

Ahmad Safwan said...

ID: BHD 08-07-825


Thanks for the tips. I hope can learn something from this tips. Here, I would like to add some tips:

1. Know Your Topic
Whatever we plan on speaking publicly about, make sure we know our topic. This not only helps our confidence, it helps us lengthen our speech in an emergency. It will also help with any question and answer periods. Best of all, if you get lost while speaking, we will know how to expand on any topic and keep talking.

2. Know Your Audience
Different audiences are going to be expecting different things from our public speaking. Make sure we know exactly who is our audience will be and what they expect. A business speech, for example, is going to need to be much longer and technical than a speech for kindergartners. Targeting our audience expectations will help make our speech a huge success.

3. Practice Makes Perfect
Always practice our public speaking before actually speaking in public. Gather our friends or family around and practice our speech with them. This will help us to get into a rhythm and ease our nerves. We will also be able to get honest feedback from our audience on what improvements we need to make.

4. Speak Clearly and Loudly
Nothing destroys a good speech like the audience not being able to hear or understand it. Make sure you speak clearly, enunciating the sounds so people will understand. Also make sure we speak loudly enough, without shouting, so that the entire room can hear what we are saying.

5. Make Eye Contact
Nothing can deaden the impact of our speech like lack of eye contact. We want to be looking up and out, projecting our voice and enthusiasm, into the audience. When we are looking down, we are projecting the speech into the podium.

5. Use Body Language
The most captivating speeches are where the speaker walks while they talk, or at least moves around some. Standing still tends to make our speech very formal and stilted. We want a more conversational tone and attitude towards the audience. Hand gestures and moving around some will help loosen us up and put us in a more conversational mood.

Emy[ motmot ] said...

ID : BHD 08-07-757

Slam Pn Mimi.
I have some tips to share with you all.

Here,I have some ways that you all can do it before give a speech.You can make a exercises in front of mirror.From that you can make that you are nervous actually or not.You always need to do the exercises before do the speech.

Then,you also need to control your breath before you make a speech.You should be replace you fear and nervous with thinking positively.Confident with yourself that you can do it.

Next,you can also make exercises in front of your friends.Then you tell them to comment your speech which is good or not.From that you can know anything that you are totally wrong and you can imporove it while doing the real speech.Other thing,you do not do it while doing the real speech if you know what is your fault.

Besides,you also need to be prepared early to ensure that you can delivery your speech without make any simple and small mistakes.You need to prepare with your mental and also your physical.

I wishes that tips you can take for you speech.From that tips,I hope it can help in your speech.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

ID: BHD08-07-802

Assalamualaikum Pn.Mimi

this is the simple way to improve the public speaking and i want to share with you all

Step 1

First of all, being prepared with your material can help reduce some of the tension. Give yourself plenty of time to research your topic so you don't feel rushed to do everything at the last minute.

Step 2

The other side of this fear is being in front of people. This was such a strange thing to me in that the same people I was fine speaking with at my seat suddenly changed when was in front of them! The physical symptoms of this fear--dry mouth, increased heart rate, etc. --unfortunately are hard to immediate stop and have to go extinct over time (with practice). What I found helped at the beginning was what I did before I had to speak. I didn't let worry build. Instead, I would do something fun or relaxing earlier that day such as watch a funny movie. I would still be nervous, but it was easier to control.

Step 3

Add some entertainment value to what you're doing. In school and often work situations, people are used to dry, boring material. The bored response of your audience will make you nervous, thinking it's you and not the material. A few jokes that relate to the topic don't hurt, and doing this often caused me to get a better grade. I found this out by accident on a project where I had to fill time, but it works! If you're afraid to try humor, an interesting or unique angle on the material will work as well. Just give it some thought.

that's all
thank you

aien andisma said...

siti rafidatulain binti ismail
section 3

firstly, thank you madam for your good tips.
i will try to do all the exercise to improve my self.

but the most problem of me is voice projection. until now, i still cannot use the right voice projection. with your tips maybe i will improve myself.

A.H.I.B said...

ID : BHD 08-07-870


Here are a few articulation exercises and practical tips that will help you gain control over your verbal communication:

1. Focus on the tongue.
The tongue plays a big part in shaping the words you speak; so every public speaker has to literally keep his tongue in check.
Here is an exercise that can help you control your tongue: Utter the alphabet A – utter it in such a larger than life manner, that your face breaks into a smile. When that happens, focus on your tongue and you will notice that it is minimally touching your teeth on both sides. What has happened is that the distance between your tongue and the front of your mouth has shortened, making you emit a very clear sound. Practice these articulation exercises and you will gain tongue control and soon the words flowing out of your mouthpiece will sound crisp, clear and full of impact.

2. Strengthening the articulatory organs.
Here is easy diction articulation exercises that can help you strengthen all the face and body muscles that get involved while speaking also practice public speaking tongue twisters daily.
Think about it, if you can master the art of saying sentences such as Betty bought a bit of butter, but she found the butter bitter, so Betty bought a bit of better butter to make the bitter butter better crisply, then you can speak normal sentences with some real gusto.
That said, you have to follow these tips while speaking aloud tongue twisters:
•Speak slowly.
•Speak carefully.
•Make sure the first and the last words are crisply spoken and avoid jumbling words.
•Repeat the tongue twister at a faster speed till you reach a sound level of coherence, crispness and lucidity.

3. Download famous speeches and practice speaking them at home after you are through with the exercises mentioned above.

4. Buy video recordings of famous speakers is the fourth of my recommended articulation exercises. And practice the same by repeating after them. Of course, you do not have to follow their style and language. All you need to do is to listen how they emit words, phrases and terms, and how they emphasize certain words, and how they allow their language to flow.

5. Record what you are practicing. Focus your attention on the speech language patterns that are imperfect and work on them.

6. Practice simple breathing and meditation exercises. These will help you get a grip on your speech and control a motor-mouth, should you possess one.

7. Expert advice. Some experts say that speaking aloud and mastering the large passages of the well-known Gilbert and Sullivan's opera text lyrics Pirates of Penzance can help you effectively deliver the most complex speech. Good luck!

Nurul Syazwani bt Malek said...



Public speaking exercise is very good especially for the people who can speak clearly in front of the audience. I like the point is voice projection this is because many of people can speak loudly in front of the people so that how you can make the public if your voice can hear clearly.
Then,if you speak loudly with a confident the audience will judge you that you speech is very good speak with clearly even your speak not good at all.
Finally the good voice will help you to get the good speech in front of the audience.
That's all thank you.

ə٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]K.A.M.Iə٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅] said...

ID : BHD08-07-815

I had read Easy Public Speaking Exercise that madam has post and also my other friends comment that make me feel more comfortable to practice speaking day by day. Yeah many of us do not really know the easiest way on how to practice speaking before we can deliver a good speech. This make us feel scare to volunteer ourselves to talking in front audience because we has set on our mind that speaking is not easy and this will ashamed us. But that’s totally wrong because we still have a time to practice ourselves and by reading your post, me myself has started to do this exercise.

I like the magic of tongue twisters because it’s quite fun and I can practice with my friends in a class. This is not just to improve our pronounce, it can also teach us a new words that we never care before.

Besides, the instant speaking game is quite fun also to spend my free time. I do practice this game since my secondary school and this absolutely help my grammar. I’m not saying that I’m pro enough to speak in English but I have learned so many things by doing this exercise.

Thanks a lot because madam has reminded us that “practice make perfect” and this really helps us as your student.

azie said...

ID : BHD 08-07-856

I like this topic madam. Everyone has their own strategy to do exercises to make them easy during public speaking.

Below are some public speaking exercises you can do in the comforts of your own home. Observe these regularly and there is no reason why people won’t love what you’ll say and how you’ll deliver the same.

1- Mirror image. Most public speaking fears stem from the fact that while on stage, we won’t be able to see ourselves. Hence, we tend to assume the worst. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This is the best way to observe yourself.

2- Practice in front of family members. Seeing yourself speak in front of the mirror can only do so much. Extend your public speaking exercises even further by speaking in front of a "friendlier" audience: your family. Ask them for suggestions later on so that you may improve your delivery

3- Record yourself on tape
Yes, that's right. How many times have you seen other people speaking on public and you could point out some things that you found "stupid" or that amazed you?
You can do the same to yourself. Have someone tape you while you are giving a public speech and then go home and watch it?. Note your weaknesses so you can fix it, but also note your good moments so you can emphasize on them!

4- Observe others eye contact. In every situation in which you interact with others, watch their eyes. Observe how long they maintain eye contact while they are speaking to you. Watch how they maintain eye contact while speaking to others.

Thank you.

mariyam said...

ID BHD 08-07-851

Thank you madam for the tips. i want to share about how to give a good speech.

Giving a good speech can actually be quite fun. Here's how to give a good speech, and maybe enjoy doing it.

Step One: Make sure you're comfortable with your topic. Ideally, you'll actually enjoy the topic and maybe even feel passionate about it. It's a lot more fun to listen to someone who is passionate about their topic.

Step Two: Know whom you're talking to. Who is going to be sitting in the audience? This is important because you're going to speak differently if you're chatting with a room full of teenagers than if you're chatting with a room full of business people. A

Step Three: Know how long you have to speak. This will make a difference in how you prepare and how involved your speech will be. A 10-minute talk on copywriting would be very different from an hour talk on copywriting.

Step Four: Begin to prepare your speech. Outline what you want to talk about and write your key points. If you're going to be citing data or statistics, make sure you write those down and do your research now.

Step Five: A good speech is interactive. It has the audience nodding, laughing, and raising their hands to participate. Once your speech is outlined, make room for audience participation. Ask questions, tell funny stories and leave room for your audience to interact. Additionally, if your audience is participating, it takes some of the pressure off you: your speech becomes a bit of a collaborative process.

Step Six: Create note cards. Use note cards as cue cards. They're present to cue you to what you're going to talk about next. You may also want to jot your data on these cards so you don't have to memorize statistics.

Step Seven: Practice your speech. This is perhaps the most important point of giving a good speech because if you practice correctly and enough times, you'll be able to walk in front of your audience knowing deep down that you know your topic well enough to talk for the full time allotted. However, practice doesn't mean reading your speech over and over again. It means standing up and talking. Use your note cards to keep you on track.

Step Eight: Smile. Really, if it looks like you're having fun then your audience will have fun too. If you look like you're going to pass out at any minute, your audience is going to be more focused on how much you're perspiring than what you're actually saying.
Step Nine: Take a deep breath before you step on stage and then relax and go with the flow. Take comfort that once you're done, you're done and plan to celebrate when you've completed.

Step Ten: Once your speech is complete and the raucous applause has quieted thank your audience for their attention and take your leave.

Thank you

shazzwan said...

ID: BHD 08-07-854
CLASS: HND1 [section 4]

hello madam mimi,

In a presentations,we do need to perform in our best to able the massage reach the audience,and to understood.

In other way,to achieve these goals are,not just practice those points stated.
These points given prove that 'Public Speaking Exercises We Can Do At Home'.

Sooner or later, you will have to speak in front of a significantly large audience. Will it be your 15 minutes of fame… or will it be your 15 minutes of shame? Worry not, as there are a number of public speaking exercises that will prepare you for that big opportunity.

Are you afraid that you might forget your lines? Concerned that you might stutter? Worried that you might say something inappropriate? Believe it or not, most public speakers – even the veterans – have the same fears. Yet, they manage to deliver their pieces to much applause. If they can do it, so can you. Below you will find some public speaking exercises you can do in the comforts of your own home. Observe these regularly and there is no reason why people won’t love what you’ll say and how you’ll deliver the same.

Mirror image. Most public speaking fears stem from the fact that while on stage, we won’t be able to see ourselves. Hence, we tend to assume the worst. "My hair might be messy," or "there might something coming out of my nose," or "my tie might be improperly knotted" are just some of the things public speakers think of when delivering their presentations. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This way, your fears will diminish.

Practice in front of family members. Seeing yourself speak in front of the mirror can only do so much. Extend your public speaking exercises even further by speaking in front of a "friendlier" audience: your family. Ask them for suggestions later on so that you may improve your delivery.

Practice varying the tone of your voice to emphasize certain points. Here's a little known fact: public speaking is more of an art than a science. It's more of a show than a lecture. More attention is given to how you deliver your piece than to its content. Sad? Perhaps? True? Absolutely! Hence, it is easier to "trick the system," so to speak. Practice assigning a certain tone to important points of your speech. Shout out the lines that are meant to shock the audience, if you have to. Whisper the lines that denote exasperation. There are a lot of public speaking exercises, but this can provide the most immediate results.

REMEMBER: you don't have to memorize your lines. If you memorize each and every word you'll say, you'll just sound robotic when you deliver your speech. Worse, this might cause you to fumble in finding your words because your tendency is to forget them. Instead, memorize the gist of what you want to say, then practice expressing it spontaneously. Armed with the gist of what you want to share, you'll never lose track when you do get to deliver your speech.

IMPORTANT: create an outline, and rely on it! Most speeches fail because they sound directionless. They're like random lines joined together to create the semblance of length to fill up the time allotted. In the previous exercise, you were asked to memorize the gist of what you want to share. That gist should be incorporated in an outline that should work towards delivering your ultimate point. For example, the first part of your outline should introduce the problem, the second should discuss the importance of a solution, the third should present the solution and details about the same, and the fourth should tell the audience why the suggested solution is the best choice. Of all the public speaking exercises, this is the most critical.

Practice these public speaking exercises whenever you can and you will be a well-admired public speaker in no time.

Zul said...

ID: BHD 08-07-863
CLASS: HND1 [section 1]

Assalamualaikum madam...

I'm going to share with some public speaking exercises that can help take the edge off before ever step on stage.

Firstly is try to relax. I know that's just a easy statement to start with but there are little exercises, especially with self hypnosis that can help you relax.You need a quiet place where you can focus for a few minutes. You want to start thinking about your finger tips and how the muscles can relax. Feel them lose their tension, than move up your finger to your hand. The idea is to keep moving up until you hit all of your body.

Secondly is be prepared for your speech. That's just really the most important thing you can do to relax. If you know your speech well enough, it takes a lot of the edge off. Maybe you're a little nervous about the questions at the end. Practice this. Have someone ask you questions related to your speech. Ones you've never heard.

Lastly, Practice in front of family members. Seeing yourself speak in front of the mirror can only do so much. Extend your public speaking exercises even further by speaking in front of a "friendlier" audience: your family. Ask them for suggestions later on so that you may improve your delivery.

Thanks you

Nurulatika said...

ID: BHD08-07-772

Your tips are very useful for me. But here I want to share with you the other tips about this topic based on our voice.

The best people to learn from in this
area are singers. A singer would never start singing without warming
up. It’s very much like a baseball pitcher. If a pitcher would start
throwing as fast as they could without a warm up, the chances of an
injury would be huge.

Same thing with a singer. A singer would never start belting out a
tune without first warming up their voice. Similar to a pitcher, if
they did this they could permanently injure their voice.

Your’e not a professional speaker, but you need to do some basic vocal
preparation before you speak as well. The best way I’ve found to do
this is to take a line or two of text and start out reading it very
slowly and very softly. Then keep repeating the same line at that same
level of volume and speed about 5 times. Then move it up a notch. Take
the same line and read it just a little faster and a little louder.

Keep moving it up until you have gotten to your “normal” level of both
volume and speed. Do this every time before you speak. Just like a
baseball player or a professional singer, you need a warm up plan.
This will work.

noor amirah azhar said...

ID : BHD 08-07-756
CLASS : HND 1 ( SEC 1)

Salam Madam...

First of all thank for the tips that you have shared with us on how to make an exercise before speech.Here I want to share some tips on public speaking exercise.

Before doing your speech you can get practice in-front the mirror. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This way, your fears will diminish.

Next, you must know your room or place that you will be giving your speech. You must be familiar with the place in which you will speak and arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.

Finally, practicing on your voice tone. Make sure that you are using the right tone to expressed your feeling depend on what the speech is about.

That all that I can share about on how to make public speaking exercise. I hope that this tips will help you to improve your confident while doing the public speaking.

zaRina.. said...

ID : BHD08-07-836

Assalamualaikum Madam Mimi..

Thank for your tips above. I think its a good tips for me to do exercises before deliver my speech. Here, I want share with everyone 'How to Practice So You Can Speak Without Notes'.

A proven method of practicing, so you can speak without notes (commonly known as extemporaneous method) follows:

1. Write out your speech word for word. Writing out your speech will help you deliver it when you are on your feet. It helps to get your ideas down on paper, so you can see them. However, do not use it to rehearse your speech.

2. From the written speech prepare a speaking or skeleton outline. The main points of your speech should be written down in a few words so that you can see them at a glance. Any sub-points should be represented by 1 or 2 words. Keep the speaking outline brief to avoid the temptation to read the speech.

3. Practice the entire speech without reading. If you have any problems with the content refer back to your written speech for a reminder only. Study it, and try to deliver your speech from the speaking outline. Do not use the written speech as your memory jogger when running through your speech.

4. The amount of times needed to practice the speech will depend on the nature of the speech and how long it takes the speaker to become familiar with the ideas contained in the speech. The aim is to speak freely about your subject. The wording of your speech should be determined at the time you are speaking. If you word it differently each time you practice speaking, then one of these ways will almost certainly be recalled when you are speaking.

5. Practice your delivery in front of the mirror or alternatively video yourself and review for improvements. Also deliver it in front of a few friends and family to help to get used to an audience. If possible deliver it in the room where it will be finally delivered, it will help to prepare you for the actual speech conditions.

6. If you are struggling to free yourself from your notes, then commit the speaking outline to memory.

The extemporaneous style of speaking promotes thinking on your feet which is a highly prized and admired skill. It allows you to be flexible enough to adapt to any changed circumstances, and is the best way to achieve a natural conversational style that is commonly the most effective public speaking style.

I hope this tips can help everyone to make a good public speaking.

Syarifah Nur Liyana said...

ID NO: BHD 08-07-767


Thank you for your useful tips above. Actually i have been try it and it really give me a bit impact to my english pronounciation. Even it not give me big impact but it really works. Tongue twister, actually i have been practice it a while in secondary school and it really help me out.

Thank you.

SyimaZizan said...



Nice and interesting article.
But I want to add more about public speaking exercise.Here's three exercises that I think will improve three essential areas of public speaking delivery: personal presence, vocal tone, and voice projection.

Personal Presence

Some people walk into a room and shrink away. Others command attention, immediately taking center stage even when they don't put themselves forward. Part of this presence comes through good posture. One particularly effective exercise requires only a stability (Swiss) ball and your body itself.

Kneel on the ground in front of the ball.
Roll forward until your stomach is on the ball, feet on the ground behind you and hands on the ground in front of you.
Place you hands behind your head lift with your lower back until your body forms a straight line from feet to head.
Lower slowly; repeat.

Vocal Tone

Vocal tone is a function of two things: your vocal cords and your body cavities. How your body cavities? When you speak, your voice originates at your vocal cords and then resonates through your chest, throat, and head as it comes out of your mouth. That's why people sound funny when they have a cold - with plugged sinuses, your voice can't resonate well. So, to improve vocal tone, one must "open up" their chest, throat, and head cavities.

Voice Projection

It doesn't matter what you say if people can't hear you! Weak (not quiet, but weak) voices can give the impression of fear and anxiousness, two impressions you don't want to give. To develop good voice projection, remember this principle: your strength doesn't depend on your mouth or throat, but on your lungs. In other words, when people yell until their throat is sore and they can't speak anymore, they're just hurting themselves and not using the air support they could for a full, strong voice.

thats all that i can share..Thank you..

ina@gadis kampung said...

ID : BHD 08-07-837

Assalamualaikum madam, I already read this article. All the tips that you and other friends give are really useful for me. I’ll try to practice some of the tips for example try to record when I give speech. All practical skills and techniques that have been post in this article can be use to improve public speaking abilities and techniques, and enable me to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

Here, I want to share some tips that can be use to everyone :
1. Learn to channel your nerves. Remember being nervous means that we don’t become too comfortable and complacent. But being too nervous means that we can shake and become tongue tied!

2. Dress the part to feel confident and comfortable

3. Remember making mistakes is alright – we are humans not machines

4. Prepare your presentation or speech thoroughly and try to anticipate possible questions

5. Express your sentiments concisely and clearly – Don’t use 50 words when 10 will be enough!

6. Remember any story must have a beginning middle and end. Use stories and personal accounts of experiences and situations to bring your material and speeches to life

7. Tell jokes and use humour to elaborate points

8. Do not repeat excessively-although some repetition of key messages can be a good thing

9. Speak slowly and clearly and don’t rush in order to finish as quickly as possible

10. Speak to the person furthest away from you to ensure your voice is heard

11. Vary the tone of your voice to avoid sounding monotonous. Remember audiences can sleep!

12. Try not to read continuously from notes, although you probably will need to refer to them

13. Maintain eye contact as much as possible. Look around the room, do not focus on one person – this may make them feel uncomfortable!

Remember that public speaking becomes easier over time and with practise. Public speaking is a skill that can be learned and polished. I hope this tips is useful for us. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Muhammad Fakhrin b Ahmad Shairuzi
Hnd 1 (Section 4)

Public speaking exercises can really improve your public speaking abilities.

The first exercise is to record yourself with a voice recorder or video with a camera. Your mobile phone may have this capability. A video will give you the advantage of hearing how you sound in addition to seeing how you look when speaking. Recording and reviewing yourself will provide you with the fastest improvements in your public speaking. While this exercise will undoubtedly be your least favourite, it is the most effective and will provide the fastest improvements.

The second exercise is to practice tongue twisters before giving your speech.
You may think that sounds silly. After all, what do tongue twisters have to do with public speaking? Of all the public speaking exercises that exist, only by practicing tongue twisters out loud can you improve your diction in such a short period of time. If nobody can clearly understand what you’re saying, you can expect your audience to quickly tune you out and ignore what you have to say, no matter how useful or important your presentation is.

The final exercise is all about relaxation.
Relaxation can be achieved with purposeful breathing. Before going on stage, inhale deeply through your mouth and exhale very slowly through your nose. Breathing in this manner will help you to relax and calm your nerves. When you’re relaxed, you appear very confident to your audience while simultaneously appearing as though you’re a complete natural when it comes to speaking in front of groups of people. You may use other relaxation exercises that you already use before your sports competition and are familiar with.

sayeAreen said...

section: HND 1 (2)
id: BHD 08-07-770

assalamualaikum madam....
here i want to comment on the post above..

here are other exercises that we can do before start a public speaking.
Before you get up to speak, there some physical exercises that you can
do to help you get more comfortable. These exercises can be divided
into two groups, your voice and the rest of your body.

starting with the voice. The best people to learn from in this
area are singers. A singer would never start singing without warming
up. It’s very much like a baseball pitcher. If a pitcher would start
throwing as fast as they could without a warm up, the chances of an
injury would be huge.

Same thing with a singer. A singer would never start belting out a
tune without first warming up their voice. Similar to a pitcher, if
they did this they could permanently injure their voice.

You are not a professional speaker, but you need to do some basic vocal
preparation before you speak as well. The best way I’ve found to do
this is to take a line or two of text and start out reading it very
slowly and very softly. Then keep repeating the same line at that same
level of volume and speed about 5 times. Then move it up a notch. Take
the same line and read it just a little faster and a little louder.

Keep moving it up until you have gotten to your “normal” level of both
volume and speed. Do this every time before you speak. Just like a
baseball player or a professional singer, you need a warm up plan.
This will work.

Now let’s discuss your other warm up exercises. These are the ones
other than those you do with your voice.

Just because speaking happens in the upper part of your body, you need
to stretch and prepare your entire body, head to toe. If you do yoga,
you can skip the rest of this article. Those who do Yoga are great at
stretching and relaxing their bodies, which is exactly what you need
to do.

I suggest you start at your toes and move up. If you can, take off
your shoes. Start by moving your feet up and down. Then stretch both
feet in every direction. Next, move up to your calf muscles. Press
your hands against a wall and stretch your calf muscles like runner
do. Staying with the runner them, stretch your thigh muscles by
grabbing your toes with the same side hand and pulling them up. Don’t
over stretch. If you haven’t done this before you’ll be sore the next

Then do some bending over and try and touch your toes. Do not bounce.
Just let your body hang there for a few seconds and lift yourself up.

Now, gently twist your body from left to right keeping your feet
planted. This will loosen up the upper torso. Gently roll your neck,
making sure to remain relaxed and do it slowly and carefully. At the
slightest sign of pain, stop!

You are now physically ready to speak. This entire process should take
you between 10 and 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Nur Hazirah bt Rusli


Thanks Madam Mimi for the tips. I want to share another public speaking exercises that I know. It's about breathing.

In order to speak well, we need to breathe well and that means filling all our lungs. Being anxious or nervous is often expressed through shallow breathing and that in turn affects the voice. It pushes the tone up, reducing its range and effectiveness.

Try this:

■ Stand with our feet a comfortable shoulder width apart.

■ Support the weight of our body through our hips and legs rather than locking our knees.

■ Consciously release and relax our shoulders.

■ If we're holding our stomach in, let it go.

■ Place our hands on our stomach.

■ Breathe in through our nose to the count of 4. Count slowly. As we inhale feel our diaphragm rising.

■ Breathe out through our mouth to the count of 4 and now feel our diaphragm expanding.

■ Do several rounds of inhale and exhale to a 4 count while making sure we keep our shoulders, stomach and legs relaxed.

■ Once we have mastered the 4 count, increase it. Through regular practice we will soon be able to extend it for a 8 or even 10 count.

That's all...thank you.

..bOoLat.. said...

Name : Faten Hannani Binti Mohd Isa
Id : BHD 08-07-758
Class : HND 1 (Section 1)

Assalamualaikum Madam Mimi,

Here I would to share some research that I had make about public speaking exercises. Firstly is about to introduce another speaker. This is a brilliant thing to practice because it can be quite nerve wracking. Most people do it badly so you'll stand out. The other good thing is it's a really, really short speech!

Secondly is lay out a speech which in this series of public speaking exercises you'll not only learn how to lay out a speech, you'll get to practice the individual parts. For example you'll practice doing an opening statement in a couple of different ways. It's like learning anything properly ... break it down, get good at each part, and then put it all together again. That's how you'll get more confident with your speaking. Fast.

Thirdly is read a famous speech. Ever thrilled to the sound of the "I Have A Dream" speech? Just wait until you feel yourself saying it! Or whatever other famous words turn you on. This exercise isn't just great fun, it's been used to train orators for thousands of years. Your turn!

Next is be an inspiration. In this exercise you'll really understand how an inspirational speech works. How it's different to any other sort of speech, including motivational talks. You'll absolutely love these types of speeches. Guess what? So do your audiences.

Lastly is make the audience to laugh. A cool exercise where you'll get your audience laughing. Whether you think you're a natural comedian or not, you'll have a lot of fun with this. Never underestimate how useful it is to make your audience laugh. They'll like you better and that makes you more persuasive, not just entertaining.

That's all for now. Thank You.

Unknown said...


Assalamualaikum.Thank you to mdm mimi for the very usefull tips.Here I'm going to share with you some public speaking exercises that can help take the edge off before you ever step on stage. I know it can get tough especially the last 30 minutes before you're expected to speak, so I'll share with you some of things I do.

Try to relax. I know that's just a stupid statement to start with but there are little exercises, especially with self hypnosis that can help you relax. Self hypnosis never worked for me, but before you put yourself in a hypnotic state, you first have to relax and these are the exercises you can use. You need a quiet place where you can focus for a few minutes. You want to start thinking about your finger tips and how the muscles can relax. Feel them lose their tension, than move up your finger to your hand. The idea is to keep moving up until you hit all of your body.

The next exercise should be you watching yourself do this speech, and doing it calmly. Sometimes looking at through a television screen can make it a little easier. The idea is that you want to run it through your mind that you're going to calm when you do this speech. You want to show your mind how a calm speech looks and exactly what you do during that speech.

Lastly, be prepared for your speech. That's just really the most important thing you can do to relax. If you know your speech well enough, it takes a lot of the edge off. Maybe you're a little nervous about the questions at the end. Practice this. Have someone ask you questions related to your speech. Ones you've never heard. It'll teach you to think on your feet.

Thak you...

as said...


ID : BHD08-07-763

CLASS : HND 1 (1)

Assalamualaikum Pn Mimi.

Here I have other tips that I want to share with all of you that are not many of us want to say about it. Firstly, realize that people want you to succeed. They don't want you to fail. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining.

Next is work from your personal brand (exercise). Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.

Then you must concentrate on the message, not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your nervousness will dissipate.

Other than that, it is quite important, which is don't make apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience's attention to something they hadn't noticed. Keep silent.

Besides that, you should turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm.

Last but not least, you can gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need.


Share^Rough said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Share^Rough said...


Assalamualaikum Pn mimi, by the way thanks for the useful tips, with the several tips that you just give right there will really help me to boost up my skills in giving speech with the Record Yourself, The Magic Of Tongue Twisters, Instant Speaking Game, Voice Projection. Here i would like to add a little tips that could help in improving public speaking skills.

Mind over Matter
It is the matter which matters! Put your mind to the matter and it will keep you in line with the relevance of the subject. Irrelevant talking makes the audience lose interest. A catch in relevant talking lies in how much significance you give to the subject. It is suggested that matter content in the public speech should be 7% and first point should be made in the first few minutes itself. A surprising statistic, but let's face it, we don't like it when someone gets preachy. Another reason for less importance to matter is that, getting into the details of anything really gets boring and inscrutable sometimes. The key is to keep the audience hooked.

Mind Your Language
Language usage is the basis of this public form of communication. Poorly developed language skills become the biggest hindrance for the speaker. Working on accents, pronunciations, stress of specific words, diction, intonation and pace are the keys that all great public speakers have. It is also essential for the speaker to have a control over the voice and the language. Incorrect use of phrases and bad vocabulary will only render in frivolous entertainment for the audience, at the expense of the speaker. The language also has another connotation, that of body language. The gestures, histrionics, eye contact and postures speak volumes on the speaker in question.

Style Quotient
It is not necessary that the speaker should be dressed in the best of brands. What matters is his detailed attention to the soft skills. Soft skills refer to a cluster of personality traits, like the ability to communicate, social graces, personal habits and friendliness. These bring out the best in the speaker and leave behind an effective impression.

Knock Their Socks off
Exercising the aforementioned skills is a mandatory thing for all public speakers. For better public speaking, tape your rehearsal performance. This way you will know the changes that are needed to make the speech more effective. If possible see the recorded tapes of the speeches that great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru and Hitler have made. Ask a friend or colleague to hear you out and to evaluate the performance. There may be a few tongue twisters in the drafted speech. Getting them right won't be a problem, if you recite them a couple of times.

With religious commitment to these exercises, you will be able to rule the roost at any event. 'Interactivity' is better than a 'monologue'. So involve the audience by asking them to answer questions or making them sing along or even listening to their queries. A personal element to the speech always makes the public and the speaker connect. Begin with the humorous anecdote, so as to lighten up the mood. The better art of public speaking comes, when the speaker knows that he is speaking for the public and not for himself.

pijo jonas said...

Nurhafiza Bt Yazulla

Assalamualaikum Madam,

I agree with this article. Without exercise, we cannot deliver a good and effective speech to the audiences. In this article, there are four public speaking exercises that we can use. One of them is by recording ourselves while wa are giving our speech. We could use handphone or camera to record our talk and movement. Other than that, we could also see the connection between the audiences and us.

Tongue twister is also one way that we could use in public seaking exercise. This is because we could improve our diction since diction is one of the important aspect that the judges will see. Next, instant speaking game. Instant speaking game is the best exercise that we could do if we have to deliver our public speaking in a spontaneous way or mostly known as impromptu speech.

Last but not least, voice projection. Without good voice projection from the speaker, it kind of hard for the audiences to understand the topic that we choose.

Thank you.

adDein said...

Mohd Aizudin bin Jamalan
HND 1 section 2

Assalamualaikum Pn Emilia and friends..

Thank you for madam for post this article. I hope I can make all the tips while doing the exercise before give a speech. I found this article about "How to practice public speaking".

1. The first thing you can do is talk to yourself. I don't mean on a public street corner somewhere. But you can do things like talk into a recorder and then play it back for yourself. If you don't want to buy a recorder you can use your answering machine or voice mail service. In doing this you can practice speaking in short messages and then get a feel for how your voice and tone sound. At this stage you only have yourself as a critic. So look for improvement but don't be too critical of yourself.

2. After you sense a confident tone in your own recorded messages you can take your public speaking skills to the next level by using the phone. Call local businesses and ask them questions about what they do. If you are trying to build up your confidence then I wouldn't suggest trying to sell them anything in the early part of the process. This will give you practice in talking to a live person and practicing your communication without the level of commitment you would have in talking to someone you will need to interact with on a daily basis.

3. Next you can move on to talking to strangers in person. Again, you can go to businesses you don't need to go to on a daily or weekly basis. These can include a store you only need to buy something from once every 6 months, the staff at your doctor and dentist's offices, and etc. While you are there don't just limit the conversation to the bare minimum necessities. Strike up conversations with the mechanic about lesser known cars, ask your dentist about teeth whitening options, ask a store manager to go into some detail about the product you are considering buying. Just because you are asking these questions doesn't mean you have to buy product or service you ask about. But the conversation will get your speaking skills in flow.

4. Once you have built your public speaking skills up to a higher level you can start putting them to use in bigger social gatherings. Parties are one of the best places for this. Start by asking others what their interests are and then elaborate on that. Often, if you show an interest in other people then they will be more interested in corresponding with you rather than if you just tried to talk about yourself the entire time. At this point you can start to observe other people's body language in response to the things you say. This way you can get a feel for what gets the most positive results.

5. As you build these public speaking skills and graduate to speaking in front of bigger groups it helps to keep things in perspective. Keep in mind you don't have to impress every person in the room. Remind yourself that not every joke a late night host tell gets big laughs and very few politicians convince over 80% of the population to vote for them. As long as they get laughs or votes from 51% of their target audience they are doing well.

6. Finally, you can also use mental imagery to boost your public speaking confidence. As you start to talk to others imagine yourself talking with confidence and others responding positively to you. This may not work 100% of the time but it is better than anticipating frowns or confusion from your audience.

kukucantik said...

ID : BHD 09 01 896

thank you because your article give a guide line and show me how to give a speech with successfull. Here, i want to share with you some information about public speaking exercise.

1. Record yourself.
When you record yourself in giving a speech, you can replay and you will know, the mistake in giving a speech.

2. The magic of tongue twisters.
Understand alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words or stressed syllables in a phrase. It is the key ingredient of an effective tongue twister.

3. Instant Speaking Game
When giving a speech, you also can attract the audience with the simple speaking game. For example, ask audience to join you in way how to say this phrase "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."

4. Voice Projection.
Project your voice from the diaphragm--the muscle that extends across your waist just below the ribcage. You're essentially beginning the speech from your midsection and not your throat, which increases your projection without straining your voice.

Thank you...

@sma_kh@l said...

ID : BHD08-07-869

Public Speaking Exercises You Can Do At Home

Sooner or later, you will have to speak in front of a significantly large audience. Will it be your 15 minutes of fame or will it be your 15 minutes of shame? Worry not, as there are a number of public speaking exercises that will prepare you for that big opportunity.

Are you afraid that you might forget your lines? Concerned that you might stutter? Worried that you might say something inappropriate? Believe it or not, most public speakers – even the veterans – have the same fears. Yet, they manage to deliver their pieces to much applause. If they can do it, so can you. Below you will find some public speaking exercises you can do in the comforts of your own home. Observe these regularly and there is no reason why people won’t love what you’ll say and how you’ll deliver the same.

1)Mirror image
Most public speaking fears stem from the fact that while on stage, we won’t be able to see ourselves. Hence, we tend to assume the worst. "My hair might be messy," or "there might something coming out of my nose," or "my tie might be improperly knotted" are just some of the things public speakers think of when delivering their presentations. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This way, your fears will diminish.

2)Practice in front of family members
Seeing yourself speak in front of the mirror can only do so much. Extend your public speaking exercises even further by speaking in front of a "friendlier" audience: your family. Ask them for suggestions later on so that you may improve your delivery.

3)Practice varying the tone of your voice to emphasize certain points
Here's a little known fact: public speaking is more of an art than a science. It's more of a show than a lecture. More attention is given to how you deliver your piece than to its content. Sad? Perhaps? True? Absolutely! Hence, it is easier to "trick the system," so to speak. Practice assigning a certain tone to important points of your speech. Shout out the lines that are meant to shock the audience, if you have to. Whisper the lines that denote exasperation. There are a lot of public speaking exercises, but this can provide the most immediate results.

Practice these public speaking exercises whenever you can and you will be a well-admired public speaker in no time.

Thank you...

m@nz said...

ID: BHD08-01-743


You already have your speech written but you know there are still some tweaking and editing to do. Plus, you are not yet sure about your approach. You recognize that you still have to practice further. You want to deliver a good public speaking performance and you need to train more but don't know what else to do.

It is easy for many to say that you just have to practice. But there is more to it than just practice. In terms of public speaking, the question we should be asking is how we should practice. What are effective training methods we should utilize to improve our public speaking skills?

[1] Practice speaking slowly
Nervousness is just normal. But our nerves screw with our speech patterns. When we are anxious, we tend to talk very fast which results to incomprehensible speaking.
A great way to avoid this is to start in a very slow pace. As the speech goes on, we tend to pick up speed but since we started in a slow tempo, we avoid reaching the tipping point where our words become gibberish.

The best way to train our speech cadence is to record our rehearsals and listen to ourselves afterward. Detect which words are garbled and correct them. It is also recommended that you should determine which statements need emphasis and drama.

[2] Practice in front of the mirror.
This is a very common training advice. To tell you the truth, it is not that effective. You tend to get distracted with your reflection. You won't concentrate on your speech anymore; you'll just get engrossed in trying to find your faults that are actually caused by the distraction in the first place. A senseless loop.
The better way is to video record your self, which is very easy to do with technology nowadays. Observe your posture and gestures. Also take note of the little things like the timing of your smiles and frowns. Also, watch out for any distracting mannerisms.

[3] Rehearse with real people
Let your family and friends join in the fun. Arrange seats for them. Consider them as your audience. Let them critic you afterward but don't get too disheartened if they are too hard on you. After all, they are not your intended audience. Value their opinions anyway even they can be a bit biased.
The point of this method is for you to practice your eye contact and the way you connect with the listeners.

[4] Integrate
Combine all three. Have a rehearsal with your family and friends while recording it in very clear video and audio resolution.

nurin said...

NAME : Nurulain bt Adanan
ID : BHD08-07-871
CLASS : HND1 Section1


Thank you for your tips. I agree with you because when to be a good speaker, we must to do more exercise. Exercise only are not enough, so we must to find the information from all sources. It can help in impromptu speech. Beside that, we get more information.
Before do the speech, we should do some rehearsal to be more confident and we can set the time. Thank you.

Unknown said...

ID.NO: BHD08-07-761


Firstly I want to thanks to madam because share with us about tips to make the exercise before giving the public speaking. Here I would like to add a little of tips to make exercise at home before giving speech.

Practice in front of mirror:

Most public speaking fears stem from the fact that while on stage, we won’t be able to see ourselves. Hence, we tend to assume the worst. "My hair might be messy," or "there might something coming out of my nose," or "my tie might be improperly knotted" are just some of the things public speakers think of when delivering their presentations. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This way, your fears will diminish.

Practice in front of family members:

Seeing you speak in front of the mirror can only do so much. Extend your public speaking exercises even further by speaking in front of a "friendlier" audience: your family. Ask them for suggestions later on so that you may improve your delivery.
Practice varying the tone of your voice to emphasize certain points
Here's a little known fact: public speaking is more of an art than a science. It's more of a show than a lecture. More attention is given to how you deliver your piece than to its content. Sad? Perhaps? True? Absolutely! Hence, it is easier to "trick the system," so to speak. Practice assigning a certain tone to important points of your speech. Shout out the lines that are meant to shock the audience, if you have to. Whisper the lines that denote exasperation. There are a lot of public speaking exercises, but this can provide the most immediate results.


You don't have to memorize your lines. If you memorize each and every word you'll say, you'll just sound robotic when you deliver your speech. Worse, this might cause you to fumble in finding your words because your tendency is to forget them. Instead, memorize the gist of what you want to say, and then practice expressing it spontaneously. Armed with the gist of what you want to share, you'll never lose track when you do get to deliver your speech.

The important thing should we do first:

Create an outline, and rely on it! Most speeches fail because they sound direction less. They're like random lines joined together to create the semblance of length to fill up the time allotted. In the previous exercise, you were asked to memorize the gist of what you want to share. That gist should be incorporated in an outline that should work towards delivering your ultimate point. For example, the first part of your outline should introduce the problem, the second should discuss the importance of a solution, the third should present the solution and details about the same, and the fourth should tell the audience why the suggested solution is the best choice. Of all the public speaking exercises, this is the most critical.

Practice these public speaking exercises whenever you can and you will be a well-admired public speaker in no time.

Anonymous said...

ID.NO: BHD08-07-795

Assalamualaikum as a opener.
firstly I would like to thanks madam because give this information public speaking exercise to us. it is very usefull.In your article, it have 4 tips.but, I only can find the 3 simple tips.

Here's three exercises that, done regularly, will improve three essential areas of public speaking delivery: personal presence, vocal tone, and voice projection.
Personal Presence
Some people walk into a room and shrink away. Others command attention, immediately taking center stage even when they don't put themselves forward. Part of this presence comes through good posture. One particularly effective exercise requires only a stability (Swiss) ball and your body itself.
1. Kneel on the ground in front of the ball.
2. Roll forward until your stomach is on the ball, feet on the ground behind you and hands on the ground in front of you.
3. Place you hands behind your head lift with your lower back until your body forms a straight line from feet to head.
4. Lower slowly; repeat.
Vocal Tone
When you speak, your voice originates at your vocal cords and then resonates through your chest, throat, and head as it comes out of your mouth. So, to improve vocal tone, one must "open up" their chest, throat, and head cavities.
1. Hum at a comfortable pitch.
2. Move the pitch slightly lower; pay attention to how your chest feels.
3. Hum until you can feel the vibration in your chest. Continue humming once you do, attempting to increase the vibration.
4. Next move the pitch slightly higher; pay attention to how your head feels.
5. Let your mouth open. Hum until you feel the vibration in your tongue and lips, behind and above your mouth. Continue humming once you do, attempting to increase the vibration.
6. Finally, return to your chest once more. Repeat the whole exercise, always ending with your chest in order to develop a full, luscious sound.
Voice Projection
To develop good voice projection, remember this principle: your strength doesn't depend on your mouth or throat, but on your lungs. In other words, when people yell until their throat is sore and they can't speak anymore, they're just hurting themselves and not using the air support they could for a full, strong voice. To develop that support,
1. Sitting straight, place one hand on your belly and another behind your back opposite your hand on your belly.
2. Breath in, attempting to move both hands out as far as possible (it takes a lot of strength to get your hand on your back to move; don't worry if it doesn't). This is belly breathing. Notice how it feels; this is how you want to breath when you speak in order to use your full lung capacity and get the fullest, strongest, and richest sound.
3. Exhale quickly, but make no sound as you do so. Sound is an indication of tension.
4. Breath in again. Now, when you exhale, say the first letter of the alphabet.

that's all,thank you..

Wan Azim said...

HND1 (3)

Assalamualaikum madam.

public speaking exercise, one of a good topic actually.

I'm sure that the tips that you share was enough when we make it in a right way.

to be a good speaker we should practice well before we give a speech. for example try to standing up in front of mirror then try to judge yourself by that. here you can see that how your posture,gesture as well as body language. so try to improve yourself by that to make sure you are in confident to standing in front of the audience.

in addition, there is another way like you said, record yourself. try to take your phone to record your speech and the try to listen it after its done and analyst the weakness such as your voice projection and your pronunciation to make your speech more interesting and you will be one of the good speaker.

thanks for sharing and I'll try my best to improve myself.

faizal said...

mohd faizal
hnd1 sec 3.

first,thank you for your post. it so useful for all yours student..

i think , if all your student following with your post about speaking exercises .. we can better in speaking skill..

what i want to add is, after doing the tips , we need to stand in real situation.. the real situation are different with own practice.. because we need to look 1001 face , emotion, and all..

that means after get speaking skill we need eyes-to-eyes audience skills.


fareiz b. adzmi said...

ID NUM: BHD 0807865

Assalamualaikum. I would like to thank you for the tips given. Here it is there are actually a few ways to reduce public speaking fright and it is called public speaking exercise. Indirectly, we can reduce the public speaking fright by doing this activities and games. It is actually helps us a lot in becoming more energetic and enthusiastic in giving the speech as we have a very high self esteem. I believe that if we record our voice or speech, we can detect and know what is going wrong with our speech. When we already knew what is going wrong, we can improve it to a better level. Tongue twist game is such a good game in order to make the words become smoother and clearer. Other than that, this game also helps us in improving our voice projection. As a good speaker, we need to voice out our words out loud so that the audience can understand and listen to our speech clearly. Trust in me, when I say good voice projection will attract the audience to listen to our speech carefully and they will also give full concentration. The other way that can help us in improving our public speaking is by asking our friends to listen to our speech and ask them to ask some questions or else we can also practice to converse with them. Other than that, we can choose any interesting topic and find few main ideas and brainstorm it. It can also help us to be more familiar in managing and arranging the ideas. Well, as the saying goes practice makes perfect. Thank you. =)

Shaq said...

Name : Shafiq Izwan Bin Shamsuddin
ID : BHD0807813
Section: H1 Section1

Hello there and assalamualaikum.

Public speaking exercises simply refers to whatever approach you need to practice speaking in public. There are public speaking courses you can take to help gather some tips and experience, or you can work on it at home. However you do it, public speaking exercises can help improve your overall speaking skills as well as help alleviate public speaking fears.

Memorize and Repeat
The easiest public speaking exercise is to memorize and repeat. Find a short speech and memorize it. Depending on your skill, this can be a simple speech from a textbook or an elaborate speech by a world leader. Gather your family around and give the speech to them. Then ask for honest feedback about your delivery.

A true public speaking exercise needs to be more than just repeating a speech, though. You need to deliver the speech as it was meant to be delivered. You need to capture the right tone and truly give the speech. To do this there are a few things you need to keep in mind:.

Eye contact: It’s important to look up and maintain eye contact with your audience when you give a public speech. Maintaining eye contact automatically delivers your voice straight out and into the audience, instead of down and into the ground.
Volume and speed: You need to speak loudly and clearly to deliver a good public speech. Nobody wants to listen to something they cannot hear or understand. Make sure to keep your pace at a medium rate, not too slow and not too fast.
Tone and inflection: Ignoring the tone of your voice or forgetting to make inflections on certain words makes for a very dull speech. Help make your speech interesting and fun by making it sound interesting and fun.

So, make a lot of exercises. Practice makes perfect.

T U N S Y U K R I said...

ID.NO: BHD08-07-781

Thank you for madam for post this article. I hope I can make all the tips while doing the exercise before give a speech in front of the audience.

i would like to add a couple of exercise that i thought would be useful.

first is when we need to practice, we can always practice in front of a mirror. by doing this, we can observe and see how our body gesture, facial expression and body language. if there is anything that we did not satisfied, we can change it on the spot thus improve ourselves.

second is we can always ask our friends and family to be our listener. it can also be a preparation before we talk in front of the other people. besides we can always ask their opinions about the performance and we will be a bit comfortable to receive their advices because they are very familiar with us.

i hope it will be useful and can help others.

thank you.

Unknown said...

ID.NO: BHD08-07-792

salam. now i would like to share with you "How To Give Great Speech"..

Speaking in front of an audience can be intimidating. The fear of forgetting what to say, anxiety about being evaluated or criticized, or the stress of performing before a crowd lead some to avoid speechmaking at all costs.

There is no need to hide from the microphone, podium, or stage any longer. The following approach will change a dreaded speech into an opportunity to shine.

Steps to Speech Writing
-Know the objectives and expectations of the speech
-Know the time constraints for the speech
-Choose a topic that is interesting and comfortable
-Develop a theme statement that epitomizes the point of the presentation
-Create an outline of ideas that flows naturally from the introduction toward the conclusion
-Write as clearly and concisely as possible
-Avoid excessive jargon and grandiose language
-Begin the speech with a strong introduction that tells the audience what to expect
-The body of the speech should remain focused and reinforce the theme statement
-End the speech with a strong conclusion that tells the audience what they have just heard
-Use anecdotes, quotations, humor, statistics, or examples to emphasize points
-Transitional words and phrases between main topics help the presentation flow
-Visual aids should enhance the speech and not be a distraction
-Slides should not merely be the script of the speech

Steps to Speechmaking
-Practice the speech until it can be given from rote memory
-Practice in front of a mirror and watch for distracting movements or habits
-Practice in front of a friendly audience such as a family member or officemate
-Look confident despite the anxiety: hold the head up, stand tall, shoulders relaxed, and smile
-Maintain good eye contact with everyone present
-Speak to all sides of a large audience, focusing the eyes on multiple points in the venue
-Body language such as hand gestures and movement about the stage help engage the audience
-Speak clearly and pleasantly, with appropriate volume, strength, and expressiveness
-How to Vanquish Stage Fright
-Arrive early and get comfortable with the room in which the speech will be given
-Greet and establish a friendly connection with as many audience members as possible
-Know the speech well by practicing beforehand
-Take a moment to relax before given the speech: deep breathing exercises may help
-Visualize giving a wonderful speech and the explosion of applause that will follow
-Remember that the audience wants the speaker to succeed
-Do not mention nervousness because it is likely that no one would have known otherwise
-Focus on the speech not on what might go wrong or other anxieties
-Harness nervous energy and use it to be enthusiastic and engaging
-Give more and more speeches
-With practice, even those who are most fearful of public speaking can become more comfortable with it and may eventually enjoy speaking to an audience.

thank you (",)

Anonymous said...

BHD 07-07-718

Thanks for your tips given madam, i hope i can use this tips before my turn to give my speech in front the audience. All the tips given is fun and will help us reduce the fear that we have to face the audience. this tips can be the preparation before we deliver our speak to the audience, so that, when the real day that we must to deliver the speech, it help us to have the confident self. So, using the tips given is useful to all the speaker that face the fear to speak and don't have the confident self.

thank you.

hey hey hazman said...

ID: BHD08-07-830
Class: HND1 Section 3

By reading this article, the exercises stated is quite useful. What interest me the most is the “Magic of tongue twisters”. It is because it teaches me how to pronounce a word correctly and fluently instead of becoming like daffy duck in the cartoon series bugs bunny. The instant speaking game is just as interesting as the magic of tongue twisters. I would like to add, if we are playing alone, pick a topic from a newspaper and talk in front of a mirror. This will also improve our voice projection in a correct tone.

As conclusion, the exercises can help a speaker to overcome stage fright and nervousness. By giving some effort towards the exercises given, I am sure that it will slightly improve our public speaking confidence

Kikie Zaly said...



Thank you for the useful tips that you're giving to us. To get the best speech, we must do some exercise.

I agree that record yourself is the good public speaking exercise. Before we speech, we must know confident level that we have. It is because when we're giving speech, we're not felt nervous. So that, we must do some exercise before we speech.
For example record when we practice the speech,practice in front the mirror. When we do like that, we can know whether we're ready to speech in front the audience or not. By that, we can improve our speech.

Next, instant speaking game. We can use instant speaking game as public speaking exercise. As what you said, the game can either be played all alone or with a partner. In case you are playing with a partner, let him/her give you a topic at random. Basically, when we do like that, we can improve our confident level and we exactly ready to give speech.

Last but not least is voice projection. We must have a good voice projection when we're give the speech. It is because, when yoor voice are slow and soft, the audience will not attract to hear your speech and they will get bored with you. So that you must improve your voice projection to make your audience feel wanna hear your speech. If you're feel nervous, take a deep breath and then start your speech with confident.

Thank you.

zurinarahman said...


Salam madam.

I really like the tipss that are listed in this post especially the instant speaking game. I'm sure that it is really good improving my public speaking skills. Now i would like to share with you other tips or words that can be use to improve our enunciation.
For listeners, one of the most irritating speech habits is a speaker that doesn’t enunciate clearly. When you don’t bother to pronounce each syllable of each word properly and words get slurred together, you sound uneducated. Worse, your listener has a hard time hearing you – especially if there’s other noise around you or when you’re speaking on the phone.

Dropping “g”s is one of the most common examples of poor enunciation. Say this list of words out loud:

Did you say “go-ing” or did you say “go-in”? If you said “go-in” (or “walk-in”, “jog-gin”, etc.), you’re a G-dropper.

Be warned; this was not a fair test. Pronouncing words in isolation is very different than what we normally do when we speak.

Say these sentences out loud:

•I’m going to have to rethink that bid.
•Waiting to hear back from the bank is very nerve-wracking and stressful.
•Before starting my business, I looked at a lot of different business opportunities.
•There’s more to learning than just reading, writing and arithmetic.
Did you drop any Gs? Did you enunciate each syllable of each word?

Speech Exercise: The Mirror Face Test

A mirror is a great aid when you’re working on your enunciation. I call this the face test. When you’re enunciating properly, your mouth, tongue, lips and jaw move.

Stand in front of a mirror and watch yourself while you say, “I’m going to have to rethink that bid”. See how your lips purse and retract when you say “go-ing”? See how your lips jut out to pronouce the “b” in “bid”? This one sentence is a real face workout.

Say the rest of the sentences out loud, watching yourself speak in the mirror. Now say them all again, slowing down your rate of speech and exaggerating the facial movements.

This week, you should have a mirror session of five minutes every day. You’ll immediately notice that this practice will carry over into your “normal” speaking life, causing you to be more conscious of the way you speak and speak more clearly.

Speech Exercise: Enlist a Speech Monitor

Because it’s so hard to perform naturally when we’re focusing on speaking well, the best way to determine whether or not we’re enunciating properly when we speak and stop slurring and mumbling is to enlist a speech monitor.

It’s a lot easier for someone else to pick up on our sloppy speech habits than to hear ourselves. For convenience, choose someone that lives with you (spouse, child, or roommate), explain that you’re working on your enunciation, and ask him or her to tell you whenever you drop a G or don’t speak clearly. Keep track of how often your speech monitor tells you you’ve committed this speech offense.

What you should see, as you continue to practice speaking clearly, is the number of times your speech monitor hears you speaking sloppily decrease.

Ready for the pressure situation? Ask someone who works with you regularly to be a speech monitor.

The Benefits of Enunciation

As your enunciation improves, your listeners will:

•Form a better impression of you as you speak, thinking of you as an educated, knowledgeable person, more worthy of trust.
•Be better able to focus on the message you’re communicating, rather than being distracted by the way you’re expressing yourself.

Unknown said...

ID NO: BHD08-07-841
Class: HND 1(sec 3)

I want to add from my opinion how to exercise before doing a speech..

1) Go to the crowded people.
- You can doing exercise by give your speech in front of crowded people or peoples that sitting in a place. You can improve your speaking skill, your nervous can be settle down and your confident will increase by doing this. You also can get feedback from the peoples.

2} Record your exercise.
- You can also record your exercise and then analyze the record. You can improve your skill of speaking from the recording. You can give the recording to your lecturer or peoples to know the mistake in your speaking.

3) Mirror as your deflection.
- You also can make your exercise by using a mirror. You can see your own style of speaking. You know your body language, your movement and your eye contact. You can know by yourself your own mistake. This style of exercise is for someone who want to improve their skill by their own self.

To give a speech make sure you practice so the audience will attract from beginning to the end. Thank you.

Unknown said...

name: khaliq naru b abd hamid
id:bhd 08-07-806
section: hnd section 1

Thank you for your tips. i hope i can use this tips in future. Here I want to share one more tips in public speaking exercise
This is a fun method of learning how to speak with authority and can be done alone or with a partner

Need to have to have a positive sensory orientation towards your speech, learn to have confidence. Unfortunately there are no secrets to this, the speaker have to rehearse over and over again until confident that you can make it

thanks you...

HNDSD researcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DzZiy said...

ID: BHD08-07-807


I would to elaborate based on my opinion, of the points given of the public speaking exercises.

Record Yourself
The is the best method I've seen that should be practice by all presenter in doing a public speaking. When you tend to record yourself via a type recorder or by using your mobile sound recorder, you will know what you are doing wrong in your presentation. So help yourself to be better and to improve yourself by recording yourself and be a better presenter.

The Magic Of Tongue Twisters
Saying a tongue twisters sentences may be hard but it does help you to become better in your speeches. It help you to say the right sentences and follow the right rhythm. It may be hard for one, to do a public speaking slow and relax in an intense situation. So by practicing tongue twisters sentences this may help a presenter to organize their sentence slowly and organisely.

Instant Speaking Game
This will help one a lot in an impromptu speeches. Doing a game with different topics and spontaneous presented will help a presenter to think quickly in a crucial time given. This will help a lot for a presenter to think creatively and be creative within a short span of time given.

Voice Projection
The key to a successful presentation and a good presentation is a loud and clear voice projection that can be heard by all the audiences. The audiences will show you a great appreciation if they can heard every thing that you say and not just spend a butch hours waited listening to your dull and unclear presentation. Once you be loud and clear, you will be able to fill up your enthusiasm level and be more confident of yourself. So be loud and clear, show how confident you are! Enthusiasm is one of main criteria of being a great speaker.

fickie said...

ID : BHD08-07-850

I would like to thank you for sharing with us such a very helpful information.

Exercise will keep anyone fit.So,public speaking exercise will keep everybody fit for any speeches.If it don't help a lot,at least it will help a little.

Recording yourself during a speech practice is definitely one of the best way to know your mistake.I found that this method of practice seem to be very practical because it is clearly visible,can be listened to and the best part is that you can watch it as many times you want!If you are not embarrassed about your recording,you can ask for comments and critics on your recording to the people that you trust.

Tongue twisting is very funny,fun and most of all,it helps you to pronounce well.This will help you to pronounce something much better and fluent.For example,I used to have problems in pronouncing the letter 's'.So,everyday i will pronounce the word that have the letter 's' in it.Honestly,I am much better now =)

Instant speaking game is something that my friends and I do for fun.Without realizing,we have actually learn a lot from it.We learn to be much confidence and we also learn that to be relax is very important.Other than that,my friends does help me a lot in improving my way of delivering my speech.

Voice projecting practice is something I do a lot before my real day speech.That is because I have hard time in throwing my voice and I have a small voice which I can sound like a cartoon sometime.That practice does help a lot because it seem that i have less voice projection problem.

So,do your exercise and you will soon become fit.

Thank You =)

feefar said...

Name: Nor Afifa binti Ismail
ID: BHD08-07-811
Class: HND1(4)

thank you for your information. it would be the best way to me to improve my skill on public speaking.

frankly speak, your tips about 'record yourself', i already used it. since that i have a problem to face the audience,feeling shy to them,makes me used this technique to test myself. hence, i may judge myself about my performance.

about twister tongue, since i primary school i already used this technique with my friends to say some critical word, which are really hard to say. based on my experience, my buddies always laugh at me when i tried to say some weird word. but i tried to be professional as long as i can improve myself.

so, thumbs up for the best idea for this entry!

thank you...

Rina Ramli said...

ID : BHD08-07-844

Salam madam...

Thank you for you post and I sure this post can help all student when they give the speech.

With public speaking exercise, it can help our speech to be more fluent. Audience also can understand what we tell.

The exercises also can help a speaker to overcome stage fright and nervousness.

With record, we can know the level our speech because we can heard our speech. From this, we know what the wrong thing that we do and we can do the correction before we give the speech.

Farhana Bt Awang said...

ID NO : BHD 08-07-843

Assalamualaikum pn mimi,
Firstly, i want to thank to you because of that tips to get a good public speaking exercise. for me, i always ask my friends to hear my speech if i have a speech to present.
it is also a public speaking exercise for us to do in home but, it may cause disturb to our friends because to hear pur speech. Maybe they have their own work to do. So, from that your article, now i can make practice or exercise without disturbing my friends time. Thank to you madam, because make give a tips to us.

mahfuzah said...

ID: BHD08-01-721
Class: (SECTION 1)

Hi to Mrs Mimi ..

thank you to the information you provided. it will help them to make a speech. with exercises in public speaking to help the discussion a more smooth and orderly. viewers can understand what we say. the exercises also can eliminate stage fright and nervous in front of the public. with this we can know the level we are speaking of our speech, from here we will get to know the offense that we do and we will take necessary measures to give our speeches.

so thank you.

Eein said...

Name: Azreen Syazwana binti Razali
ID No: BHD 08-07-852
Section: HND1 (3)

Salam Madam...

How we deliver our speech is the most important factor and require big effort. To do so, here's the exercises that, done regularly, will improve three essential areas of public speaking delivery.

First is mirror image. Practicing in front of a mirror will condition your mind to visualize how you deliver your speech when the big moment comes. This way, your fears will diminish.

Next, practice in front of family members. Extend your public speaking exercises even further by speaking in front of a common audience. Ask them suggestion on how to improve your speech so that your delivery later will be much easier.

Then, your voice projection. To develop good voice projection, just breath in and try to relax. This is the best exercise for you.

Lastly, improve your personal presence. Practice it a lot at home. Practice these exercises whenever you can and you will be a well-admired public speaker in no time.

I hope all this exercise will effectively and simply help you in delivering a speech.

Thank You :)

nAs SaY said...

ID NO : BHD 08-07-787

Assalamualaikum pn mimi,

I agree with that example because speakers won’t let it happen if he or she want to be a good speaker.

To be a good speaker, we need a practice in order to make our self feel nervous, and unconfident. For example, try to find someone that you really trust and practice in front of him or her. Then you can know your weaker part of speech, and how people judge our speech. Besides that, talking while standing in front of the mirror is the other way how to improve your level of confident, see your posture, gesture and body language. Preparation and rehearsal is important because the environment and our feeling were totally different with practice. Audience will judge anything including your delivered voice, body languages to make your speech more attractively.

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