Friday, February 19, 2010

Overcome the Fear of Speaking to Groups

A great fear that many people have is speaking before a group or audience. The primary reason is that they are afraid of looking foolish in front of other people. The way to overcome this fear is through preparation, a safety net, and a positive attitude toward the audience.

Questions you may have include:

  • Why are people so afraid of public speaking?
  • What are ways to overcome this fear?
  • How can I apply these methods?

This lesson will answer those questions.

Reason for fear

The fear of speaking is rated as only second to the fear of snakes and before the fear of dying.

Effects of fear

What happens to many people is that--even before they start speaking--their heart starts beating faster and their mouth gets dry. Some may even get nauseous or feel like fainting.

Once the person starts talking, the heart keeps beating rapidly and the person may hear his or her voice tremble. The legs or even the whole body may start shaking. The person may also stutter or start speaking rapidly.

Although some people calm down, once they get going, others may ramble through the material incoherently.

Do you wonder why many people don't want to go through that ordeal again?

Looking foolish

The reason most people get anxious when required to speak to a group is that they are afraid of looking foolish or stupid in front of many of their peers and important people. They are afraid that their mind will go blank or that their lack of speaking skills will lower the opinion others have of them.

Being humiliated can destroy a person's ego and confidence. In fact, it can really ruin your day.

Steps to overcome that fear

There are several steps of tricks to use to overcome the fear of making a mistake or looking foolish when you speak to a group:

  1. Be well-prepared before speaking to a group
  2. Practice your speech
  3. Have a backup, in case you forget what you want to say
  4. Reduce the fear of your audience
  5. Relax yourself just before you speak

In the following material, I will explain each of those points.

1. Be well prepared

One of the best ways to make sure you don't make foolish mistakes is to be well prepared before you speak to a group. You should know what are going to talk about, who you will speak to, and under what conditions you will speak.

Leave nothing to chance

A professional in any field does not leave anything to chance before a big game, important performance, or critical presentation to corporate executives. Strategies are laid out, all material is ready, contingency plans are made, and every detail is taken care of.

When you are well prepared, chances of failure or goof-ups are greatly reduced. You feel more relaxed and sure of yourself, because you have all the bases covered.

Your material

You need to know exactly what you are going to talk about. This doesn't mean to memorize exactly what you plan to say. Rather, it is to have a good outline of facts and information that you can talk about.

Know audience

It is good to be aware of what type of audience you will be speaking before. This will give you an idea of the subject matter and tone of your speech. If you are speaking before some important people or at an important event, that fact may increase your anxiety. But it is good to know up front, so that you can properly prepare for the occasion.


It is good to check over the conditions under which you will speak. If you can, go up to the lectern to check things over and get a feel for things. If you will use a microphone, check it out.

In some situations, a person may simply make a presentation in a meeting room at work. Even then, it is a good idea to check out the room beforehand and try to visualize how you will be doing things.

Note that going through this process will actually relax you and give you more confidence when it is your turn to speak.

2. Practice

You should practice your speech many times before you give it.

Even if you know your material very well, practice is extremely important. The more you give a talk, the more automatic it becomes, the more meat it can have, and the more confidence you have in your abilities to give the speech.

Practice alone

Ways to practice alone are to first simply say the speech out loud. This is good to get the material more ingrained in your memory.

Use a mirror

Then say the speech, looking into a mirror. This is good to do, because you must concentrate more. You also get an idea of how you look when speaking. Finally, if you must refer to notes, it allows you to practice eye contact with the audience.

Stand in the corner

An interesting trick is to say your speech while standing in the corner. The sound reflects back to you, and you can get a good idea how you sound when you speak.

Record your practice

Another way to practice is using a tape recorder. This forces you to avoid pausing to try to remember things. It also allows you to play the speech back to study how you sound, your phrasing, and the content of the material.

Use a friendly audience

Practice before friends. This is a very important way to practice, because it is getting closer to the "real world" of speaking to a group. Even an audience of one person is good for this type of practice.

3. Have a backup

It is worthwhile to bring along a "security blanket" or "safety net" in case something goes wrong in your presentation. The main thing to worry about is forgetting what you were going to say next. This can happen even if you've done extensive practicing of the speech.


It is good to have your speech outlined on a few sheets of paper or on 3 X 5 cards. You can then refer to them in case you have a mental lapse. Referring to your notes is certainly acceptable to an audience, as long as you are not reading a speech word-for-word from a script.

Reduces anxiety

One thing that having a safety net provides is that it reduces you anxiety about forgetting what you were going to say or having your mind go blank. You may never even use the cards, but the fact that you have them--just in case--can greatly reduce the butterflies.

4. Reduce fear of your audience

The more important the audience or the occasion, the greater your fear can be. You don't want to look like a fool in front of the bosses at work, your peers, or even your friends and relatives.

Not that important

One method to overcome this fear is to visualize the people as not all that important. An old trick is to imagine that the audience is naked. Or perhaps imagine them all in clown outfits. A ridiculous image will make them seem not all that important.

Use positive approach

The problem with that method is that it seems somewhat negative. If you look down at your audience, it may be reflected in your speech. I prefer a more positive approach.

You have to realize that the audience is usually on your side. They want to hear what you have to say and to see you do well. Before you give your speech, think of them as caring, friendly people who want to hear you speak. It is just like talking to your friends.

The positive image should relax you and put you in a good frame of mind. The audience will also read your body language and respond accordingly.

5. Relax before speaking

When you are introduced to speak, take three breaths to settle you down before you get out of your chair. Then when you go up to the lectern, thank the person who introduced you and then count to 10 before you start speaking.

This will allow the audience to get settled and ready to hear you. It also is a way that you are showing that you are now in control.

It is not easy to do, because you have to look at the audience and panic may settle in. But if you have made all the preparations, you can be sure of yourself and deserve to be in control of the situation. It is a good feeling.

Applying your skills

If you have to speak before groups at school, work or in some organizations, it is good to practice speaking more often to hone your skills and to reduce any fears you may have. You can take classes in public speaking in night school, join Toastmasters, or find other opportunities to speak to groups.


Many people are afraid to speak before a group or audience, because they fear looking foolish in front of other people. The way to overcome the fear of speaking to a group is to make sure you are well prepared, have some backup material ready in case you forget your lines, visualize your audience as not so important, and practice as much as you can before you speak.

Thank you.


shidafzan said...

hi sis, you have great blog here.

But why do we still have this fear for doing public speaking? I found this especially with Malays, even me myself, I am 35 already but still fear to speak in front of audience.

Even if we have practicing this a lot.. hmmm..

Cik Eniey said...

ID : BHD 08-07-846

Assalamualaikum and thank you for your post. As people know the words public speaking strikes fear and anxiety in the minds of otherwise competent and confident people. Does the thought of speaking in front of a group evoke fear, make you sweat, starts your heart pounding? It's likely you have glossophobia - the fear of public speaking.

So, here I would like to share some tips that I know to overcome your fear of public speaking.

1. Start Small : If you're new to the world of speaking, start small. Find a few friends and family to practice on. Begin by speaking to smaller groups and build up from there.

2. Prepare : Nothing helps ease the fear of public speaking than knowing your material. The ability to connect with your audience comes from having the confidence you won't get lost during your delivery. Rehearse several times before the big talk. Time your presentation and always have back up material in case time is left over.

3. Don't Memorize : Mastering the art of public speaking comes not from memorizing word for word your entire speech. The real pros know their material by remembering key points and prompts on sub topics and examples to cover.

4. Reduce Stress : The most fearful moment of any presentation is the one minute before your stage entrance. Use the tactic of elite athletes by visualizing a positive outcome and using deep belly breathing to reduce stress and build confidence.

5. Find a Friend : Prior to your public speaking on stage introduce yourself to a few members of the audience in the front row. During your talk look these people in the eye to ease your nerves and connect with your audience.

6. Engage the Audience : Creating a monologue presentation puts the entire task of informing and entertaining the audience on you. Make your talk a two-way interaction with questions and participation to reduce boredom and speak with ease. Having the group involved also gives you time to reorganize your thoughts if things are going off track.

So in my opinion, lets make public speaking part of our life function and boost our confidence success. Our fear will evaporate over time and we will wonder why we didn't start sooner.

Thank You.

zaRina.. said...

ID : BHD08-07-836

Thanks a lot because post this article in your blog.I like this article because it can help me how to overcome my fear when I speaking in front of audience.Sometimes,this problem happen to myself.So,I hope after read this article I can control my fear when I give my speech and can deliver a good speech.
Thank You.

Wan Azim said...


i love your blog madam,quite good and i can't create a blog like yours.
About the speech, i love to talk to u as i am the one who know nothing about public speaking. Now i am 20 years old but i still can't speak properly in front the audience. One of my problem is like u said, fear. That always be one of my big problem when i want to give a speech. When fear haunted myself another problem comes that is not confident. Like u said, speaker should have a preparation, but even doing prepared i still do not have self confident. One of thing that i realize is i fear to do a mistake, that is also interfere myself. I agree with u and thanks for the helpful blog. Hopefully with your guide i will be a good speaker.


Nurul Syazwani bt Malek said...


I think everybody in this world afraid to speak in front of people. The reason why people afraid in front of the people because they afraid if the language of their speak is wrong, they also nervous, and they also not prepared for the speak. Then you must ignore everybody in front of you.Just make life simple talk what ever you want to say and make sure that your word is not different from the other people so that the people will not laugh at you.Your voice also must louder so that the audience will concentrate for you. That's all my comment for the overcome public speaking.

[NurAinFatihah] said...

ID : BHD08-07-789

Speak infront of many people is not easily. It difficult for a person like me. I`m scared and shy to talk infront of many people. I`m become shy to talk infront of people when they laugh what i`m saying and they staring at me. To people that like to talk,no problem for them to talk infront of people. I like this post because with this post can help me to overcome my fear when i stabd infront of people. I want to share 1 point which is when we speaking infront of many people, we can feel nerveous right? Like madam said in the post. we have to take three breath before start our speech. I suggest to muslim students to recite a doa before start to speaking. From that, we can feel relax and calm down. Ohter than that, i agree and satisfy with the point in this post. It really can make me strong when speaking infront of people. With this post as my guide to speak infront of people, i hope i can do the next speech better than the older speeh.
thank you.

Sazarina Sejali said...

Name : Sazarina Binti Sejali
ID No. : BHD 08-07-839
Section : HND1 Sec. 2

I totally agree with you,me myself is extremely afraid talking in front of people,even i have well prepared before i still can not relax, less of confident also make me feel scared. I think talk in front of the mirror and record the practice can help reduce my fear. Talk in front the mirror can view how we are when we talk, this can build our self confident. Thank You Madam

..bOoLat.. said...

Name : Faten Hannani Binti Mohd Isa
ID : BHD 08-07-758
Class : HND1 (Section 1)

Assalamualaikum Puan Mimi,

As we all know, everyone has the feeling of fear before giving a speech or presentation.if no one feel like that, he/she is not a normal person right? And i'm still wondering why this feeling must have in each person eventhough all kind of tips we have try and learn?

i hope that when i'm taking this subject it will make me more comfortable and feel brave to speak in public. thank you.

Unknown said...

ID: BHD08-07-792

salam madam.
i like this post..through this post you can help students to be more comfortable and they can faced their fear..insyaALLAH..thanks a lot madam..

frankly i said, before this i felt the same experience.just because of fear..not only fear to faced the audience, but i felt to nervous too. it is because i afraid if my languages, grammar and i afraid if people will laugh to me.

for me to prevent my nervous, i like to hold a pen or pencil during give any presentation or speech.. i've learned from my teacher, if we want to prevent nervous, we hold any pen or bring something as our backdrop to make us more confident..

thank you madam for this information..this help us a lot.. =D

as said...

ID : BHD08-07-763

Assalamualaikum to Puan Mimi an all here..

As we know, many people are "getting die" when they are ask to give a speech in front of other people,especially if they are ask to give impromptu speech. Why is this happen? The reason are already answered by Puan Mimi at the text above. One of the reason is we are looking foolish in front of people.

I myself always in that situation because I think people will laugh and bored with my speech.

Hopefully by all the tips that are given by Puan Mimi and what have I learned from this subject, I can overcome my fear and be more confidence to give a speech in front of people.

Thank you(",)..

Share^Rough said...

ID: BHD08-07-794

first of all thanks madam for this tips to overcome fear in speech because me myself also have this kind of fear or should i say nervousness when giving speech. You also can see me sweating when giving speech and also losing balance of my body when giving speech haha. By the way back to the topic, for me i prefer practice alone, making outline and telling joke to overcome my fear. For me by practice alone slightly can built up my confidence when giving the actual speech and with the outline that i make it will greatly help me in the speech because it can guides me with the main point of the topic. I also prefer telling joke to overcome fear because it will slightly turn the tense situation when on stage to lively and more enlightening mood. And also i think the must not do things when giving speech is memorizing what we gonna say because if we stuck up or freak out during the speech, hmm there goes your speech. So for me practice, built outline and more practice is the best way to overcome fear of giving speech.

Emy[ motmot ] said...

ID no : BHD 08-07-757
Section : HND1 (1)

Salam to Pn Mimi.

As we know everyone can be fear including me when they should be do the speech in front of crowded of people. So that with have the tips that madam give in this blog, I really hope that tips can overcome my problems which is fear when give speech to audiences.

All of tips that madam give in blog is very good to solve problems that I have. I hopefully that I can be brave and more confident while give speech in front of audiences after this.

Thank you.

HNDSD researcher said...
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Anonymous said...

Name : Muhammad Fakhrin b. Ahmad Shairuzi
ID : Bhd08-07-777
Class: Hnd 1 (Section 4)

Assalamualaikum, madam.

Actually, there can be many reasons for being fearful of giving a speech. We may imagine the listeners disapprove of us, are going to criticise us or will walk out of the room in the middle of our talk.

For me, i am very fear of these four combination of fear which is fear of rejection, fear of people, fear of crowds, and fear of non-acceptance.

I hope after i read all the tips above, i can overcome fear of speaking to groups.

crazy iggle said...

ID: BHD08-07-759


thank you for your tips. can't be denied i also have facing the same problems. For me, to overcome fear , while i deliver a speech i try my best to have an eye contact with the audience. just relax and smile always.

i hope can applied your tips for my speech in future.

thank you.

lynn said...

ID: BHD 08-07-799


First of all, i would like to thank for all the tip to overcome the fear of speaking. As we know, to give a speech in front of others is not easy especially for me. I become nervous, lack of confident, sweating and the worst thing i can be speechless when i try to give a speech. With all the tips that you're given, now i know how to overcome my fear. Yes, i admit that i need to be well-prepared before speaking, practice, have a backup for speech, reduce my fear and relax before i speak. When i well-prepared before speaking, i can speak in front of others with fluently. And by practice and practice i can reduce my fear besides can improve my speaking. Thanks again to you Madam Mimi because you're helping us through your tips.

kukucantik said...

ID : BHD 0901896


Thanks to you madam, because your article is very helpful and easy to understand.

for me, when i speak in front of the class i feel scary to give a speech, even though they all my friends.

to overcome my scary or fear, i always looking to my friends and smile.

smile give me more calm and easy to give a speech.

that's all.

thank you.

Ahmad Safwan said...

ID: BHD 08-07825


Thanks for your tips about overcome the fear of speaking to groups. This article is very helpful to me because trough this article i can know how to face my fear when i have to speak in front of people. Now, i know i have to be well prepared, always practice and relax before speaking because it can make me more confident when do a speech.

Thanks again.

azie said...

ID : BHD 08-07-856

Salam Madam..

Thanks for your wonderful tips madam.

Me myself also have this kind of fear when giving speech in front people.
I hope,i will apply this skill in my speech soon and i have more confident to give speech in front the audience.

Thank you.

Amri said...

ID : BHD 08-07-826

Assalamualaikum madam,,

Thank you so much because give this great tip.
This tip is really meaningful to me.
It help me how to build up my confident when doing speech and gave a good speech.
The exercise like try to practice in front of miror, record own speech and sit around the corner is really helpful.
Have a great sound when speech also give more benefit.
When the audience really enjoy with the speech, so it gave more comfortable and relax to continue the speech.That how I do before this.
After I read this tip it gave me more option to practice and make my speech skill getting improve.

Thank you again.

m i e z o z o y said...
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m i e z o z o y said...

ID NO. : BHD08-07-785


I had read all the tips. I hope all of that can help me in public speaking skills communication with other people. I admit that, in the past time,i was very afraid about speaking english infront of people especially my friends. They said, the english is not important as well other subject. So, when i want to speaking with other people, i feel shame and not confident to what i want to say. That's the problem how i can't speak english. Now, i had realised that how important the english to me. Nowadays, all of the lecturers may speak in english than teachers from the secondary. Learn in english, typing in english, and speak also in english. I really hope that this subject can help me in english pronounce or speelling. In the global organization, english is global language that all people use to speak in other word comunication language. Since i came to study in college, no wonder, english is first. Erm.. i think, this is the end of this comment, more further i go, more mistake that i could make. I'm not very clever about the grammar. So, i hope this all tips can help me and also my friends.

Thank you, daa...

ə٨̲̅Ù¥̲̅Ù¦̲̅]K.A.M.Iə٨̲̅Ù¥̲̅Ù¦̲̅] said...

ID : BHD08-07-815

I’m absolutely agreed with your statement that a great fear that many people have is speaking before a group or audience. Yes, it’s true that the primary reason is that afraid of looking foolish in front of other people because I think I’m the one of it.

My self-confident level is not good enough to speak in front audience because I’m extremely afraid by looking foolish with my peers because I can’t speak English very well and my language is not easily to understand sometimes. So people might get blur if I keep talking and this will less my self-confident. I believe that many of us feel the same thing and this is the main point why we can’t deliver a good speech.

By reading your blog, it helps me a lot on how to overcome my fear of speaking in front group or audience. I like the ‘your material’ and ‘know your audience' sub-point in the first step on how to overcome the fear because it trained me of the preparation. It also let me know the main thing that is important in my speech.

The second steps also teach me on how to looks well even not as perfect speaker but as a student that has learned so many things in the class. By doing this, I won’t look foolish anymore because I already practice on how to deliver a good speech. ‘Practice alone’, ‘use a mirror’ and ‘use a friendly audience’ is the best and easy way to practice well and also can improve our self-confident level.

‘Backup’ is quite important because everything can happen while we are deliver speech in case something goes wrong. So be prepared to bring along a piece of paper in case you have a mental lapse that forgetting what you were going to say next. This also can help to reduce our blank page and nervous.

I love the trick to imagine that the audience is naked or imagine them all in clown outfits. This is not just to make me become more confident, it also can make me laugh while doing this trick. I believe that everyone can deliver effective speeches if you enjoy standing in front audience. Don’t you think so madam? One more thing is more positive approach that we can think of them as caring, friendly people who want to hear our speech. It’s quite help for me as a student.

The last tips by reading your blog that also help me is relax before speaking. Although I’m not really sure either I can relax or not speaking before a group or audience but I can practice myself to be calm a little bit. So that people won’t recognize that I’m not comfort standing right there and this will give me a good personality while delivering a speech.

So I hope you know that deliver a good speech is not just acting like you have nothing to fear from but it also need your effort to be as good as you want so that people would believe what you are going to say. Thanks a lot for the tips and I will make sure that I will use it as my daily life.

Shaq said...

Name : Shafiq Izwan Bin Shamsuddin
ID number : BHD08-07-813
Section : HND1 [Section1]


First of all,thanks to Madam because posting some tips to overcome the fear in public speaking. Hoping that this useful tips can overcome my fear to speak to the public. Not confident, nervous and more, and this usually happens to me when I'm starting to give a speech in front of the public. It began worst when I became speechless and all my ideas flew away. I always practice giving a speech in front of the mirror before public speaking, but when facing the spectators, I'm afraid. I'm afraid with my pronounce, my spelling because I'm not to good in English.

Well,your tips about how to overcome fear when giving a speech very useful and meaningful to me. This can improve my confident level and overcome my nervous in front of the spectators and public.

I also have some tips to share to Madam and friends to overcome the fear, is by make yourself comfortable with the situations, you can walking around,sit down and more while giving a speech, not just stand up from the beginning until the end of the speech. A lot of reading and speaking in English with friends also can overcome the fear.

Thank you.

anept said...

ID NO: BHD08-07-821

first of all,thanks for your tip about step to overcome fear
of speaking to group.
with this article
everyone has feeling fear and become uncomfortable when giving speech include me.
I have a big problem when i give a speech infront the audience. i become nervous and no self confidence when people staring at me.
with all the tips that you given, it can help me how to control my fears and hopefully i can be more confidence ta give speech.

T U N S Y U K R I said...

ID NO. : BHD08-07-781


First of all i would like to thank you for giving all these wonderful tips. For your information, i also having difficulty when i'm trying to deliver my speech to the audience especially to the strangers. If i had to deliver speech to a group of people that i familiar with, i can still manage to deliver it smoothly but when it comes to strangers, everything went wrong and i will start shaking badly.

Recently i've been googling and i've read some articles about giving a good speech. When i read it then i realize that eye contact is one of the important part during delivering speech. The problem is i'm also having difficulties with these eye contact thingy. For me it's hard to do so and when i'm standing in front of a group of people i will try to avoid having eye contact with these people. So i would like to ask a couple of tips on how to have good eye contact with audience.

thank you.

Lolita's said...

ID NO. : BHD08-07-769

Assalamualaikum madam,

The article you post is very useful, because it is prepare with useful tips that can be use by students such as me.

Recently when i need to speak infront the audience, my hands start shacking and all of sudden, the words i need to tell the audience lost.

I hope with all the tips that you post, i can be more confident when speaking to groups.

Thank you.

~eada~ said...

ID : BHD0807773

Assalamualaikum to pn.mimi and all my friends.

First of all, i like to thank to pn.mimi because give me a tips how to overcome the fear of speaking.

I agree with you and i will try to apply all tips when i give speech to audience because when i asked to give a speech, i will became nervous, sweeting and scared. I also not confident with my speech because i feel that my speech not interesting.

After this, i will try to overcome my problem with this tips and get more confident when i talk in front.

thanks a lot pn.mimi

DaNNia (Nurulizzati) said...


thank you madam,for this tips.There is no shortage of advice on overcoming fear of speaking but my big concern is that a great deal of the advice will make the problem worse. Often the primary advice is to be well prepared and to practice. Nothing wrong in principle but these are not the first things to do. If people follow that advice alone they will build the fear instead of taking it away, because it doesn't overcome the problem of self confidence – the fear that you are going to make a fool of yourself.

DaNNia (Nurulizzati) said...

The key to overcoming fear of public speaking is in the content of the speech not the preparation and delivery.

1. Speak from Experience

The number one rule for overcoming Fear of speaking in public is to speak from experience, speak on a topic about which you have earned the right to speak. If you speak about something you know well, if you speak on a topic about which you feel passionate then you are going to feel far more confident. Make a list of all the things you have experience in. Your passions, your achievements, your lessons in life, your work experience, your education and training, your hobbies and interests, your family and travel experiences etc.

2. Become a Storyteller

Develop stories about your experiences in life and in work. Start getting into the habit of telling stories to friends and colleagues socially or at work. Listen to any professional speaker and you will notice that their speeches are filled with stories. Stories are easy for us to remember as speakers and easy for the audience to remember. Write out your best stories making sure they all have a clear message. Buy some books of short stories and fables and learn how the masters construct entertaining stories.

3. Give your Speech a Clear Purpose

When you start writing your speech, begin with a clear and definite purpose. Why are you delivering this speech? What exactly do you want to achieve with it? What are the audience expecting from it? The audience will not be able to remember more than one clear message especially if there are lots of other speeches. Keep your speech very focused and write out your purpose in a single sentence as your primary message. State up front the purpose so that the audience knows what to expect and finish with the purpose and a call to action – what do you want the audience to do now. Give them a clear reason for having listened to you. The by product of this is that you are seen to be a leader. All great speeches have a clear and definite purpose, so should yours.

4. Stick to Three or Four Supporting Points

The biggest mistake people make is to ramble on and on with far too much content. One main message – your purpose – supported by three or four points all illustrated by interesting facts and stories and you have a winning speech. It's not too much to remember and it's easy for the audience to recall. They will thank you for the clarity and you will overcome your fear because it is easy to remember and deliver. People do not need to hear everything, give them the key points and let them come to you for more detail.

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aien andisma said...

BHD 0807857

salam madam....

first, i would like to thanks to you cause giving a useful tips.
talking about fear, im one of the person that will get really nerve when come to front of many people. eventhough, im doing a good preparation but i still get the fear.

not in front of many people only but sometimes i would get very nerve even to talk with a person.

i hope with your useful tips i can be a good speeches.

Unknown said...

name: hamimra binti mohamad Jali
class: section 2HND1
salam madam...
first i to say thank you to madam because giving a useful tpps about that.for the tips can share with other student for give the effective preparation that enables them to quickly master public speaking skill.With the tips example i can comprehend communication concepts and learn hoe to perform public speaking.
Everyone student has are problem to fear and talK at the public each also me
I have a big problem when i give a speech infront the audience. Thats because i nervous and no self confidence when people staring at me.Another reason i also have a broken languange so i noself confidence with speak public
From that all the tips, i can help me how to control my fears n reduces my fear and hopefully i can be more confidence n no have problem with talik at public.
But,i would like to share this tip with other.Here is the tips to overcome your fear

1.Start Small: If you're new to the world of speaking, start small. Find a few friends and family to practice on. Begin by speaking to smaller groups and build up from there.

2.Prepare: Nothing helps ease the fear of public speaking than knowing your material. The ability to connect with your audience comes from having the confidence you won't get lost during your delivery. Rehearse several times before the big talk. Time your presentation and always have back up material in case time is left over.

3.Don't Memorize: Mastering the art of public speaking comes not from memorizing word for word your entire speech. The real pros know their material by remembering key points and prompts on sub topics and examples to cover.

4.Avoid Bullets: The majority of business presentations and speeches are boring monologues filled with endless PowerPoint slides and bullet points. Trash the PowerPoint presentation and make your material the focal point of the talk. If you do use PowerPoint, take the approach of using visuals that quickly convey your message.

4.Reduce Stress: The most fearful moment of any presentation is the one minute before your stage entrance. Use the tactic of elite athletes by visualizing a positive outcome and using deep belly breathing to reduce stress and build confidence.

5.Find a Friend: Prior to your public speaking on stage introduce yourself to a few members of the audience in the front row. During your talk look these people in the eye to ease your nerves and connect with your audience.

6.Engage the Audience: Creating a monologue presentation puts the entire task of informing and entertaining the audience on you. Make your talk a two-way interaction with questions and participation to reduce boredom and speak with ease. Having the group involved also gives you time to reorganize your thoughts if things are going off track.

Make public speaking part of your marketing function and boost your business success. Your fear will evaporate over time and you will wonder why you didn't start sooner.

thank you.

Unknown said...

name:hamimra binti mohamad jali
class:sec b hnd1

Fear of public speaking is a common phobia. The idea of standing in front of a large group with all eyes on you can be quite overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. The best way to overcome this fear is to gain confidence in your ability. Fear of public speaking is a common phobia. The idea of standing in front of a large group with all eyes on you can be quite overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. The best way to overcome this fear is to gain confidence in your ability. Just follow a few simple steps and you will feel your confidence increase in no time. practice,Be prepared,keep it simple, Rehearse but do not memorize also
Have a sense of humor and know that the audience does not expect perfection. Audiences realize that you are human and can make mistakes, and your recognizing this can really take the pressure off. And, if you do make a mistake, laugh at it and they will laugh with you rather than at you.

Think positively. If you tell yourself that you are going to fail, you probably will. Conversely, if you tell yourself that you will succeed, you will. Telling yourself that you will succeed will definitely boost your confidence.
thats tips is ypu can use for fffective speaking
but i think not only know about that bit you must alert for the warning below

Remember just to be yourself. Part of what makes a good public speaker is that the person can bring their own personality and unique perspective to the presentation. Trying to take on some kind of speaker persona will only make you seem disingenuous.As a speaker, your main objective is to pass along something worthwhile to the audience. This means your focus should be on what you can teach and offer them, rather than how the speech will benefit you. If you keep this in mind, you will focus more on the speech con

thats all.
thank you

~The Life Sketcher~ said...

Fear to give speech in public. One of the most popular problem that faced by many people including me. For me, to overcome this problem, i will some jokes, maybe a silly jokes,hehe or holding something to calm down myself.
Stop for a while, take a deep breath and start your new sentence with a big smile.

khaliq naru said...

name: khaliq naru b abd hamid
id:bhd 08-07-806
class:hnd 1 section 1

peace madam...

yeah pretty cool method to overcome the fear of public speaking,

in my opinion that is only a facts, when overcome the fear of speaking in public in real life...

the speaker must have the self-confident and experience of the public speaking... u can learn all the method in a book, still when dealing in real life situation.. mind-self-control of the fear take over the situation, and when that happend, the speaker w'll bcome numb and all the preparation and study of the method to over come the fear w'll be lost...

through me x-perience (even do i myself have difficult time 2 overcome the fear)... i learn from my mistake..the past experience thought me how to overcome it, the more i gain my experience the more i increases my confident to talk in public

the method that u gave (madam Emilia) is very helpful, but for me when dealing with the fear factor, the best way is to go out there and give a shout... u will learn more through the experience

the method is only helping tips,but to really overcome the fear of speach is to experience it over n over again to bulit up ur confident


Eein said...

ID : BHD 08-07-852

Salam madam....

A fear of public speaking is something that many people suffer through during their speech presentation. Me myself fear of this...

Your post will be helpful to me...
i would like to add up something which for me will overcome this fear and who knows we can become someone who is able to stand up in front of the audience and speak confidently. I hope so:)

Based from my own experienced,
don't expect too much from your own.. this might make us feel more nervous.

stop to memorize everything and worry about your speech.. and just enjoy your public speaking..

sometimes, we need to pretend that we're confident. you'll be suprise to feel that you'll become much more confident.

preparation on your speech is also important and practice often:)

and finally..just relax and let it wash away your fear.. :D

Love eein..hee~~

Thank you..

A.H.I.B said...

ID : BHD 08-07-870

i want to add some information that can help you make a good speech and also overcome the fear of speaking to groups. Visual aids, when used effectively, can help a speaker communicate better and can help listeners understand better. Visual aids engage the senses (what we see and what we hear) and help clarify, support, and strengthen the message. Visual aids are so effective that most speakers use them.

Visual aids can:

* provide support and emphasize main
* facilitate understanding
* encourage emotional involvement
* aid with delivery
* add to your credibility
* decrease your nervousness because they give you something to do with your hands, they draw audience attention away from you, and they make it almost impossible to forget what you want to say.

Listeners also benefit from the effective use of visual aids. Such aids can:

* help separate important from less important information
* add interest and color
* improve audience memory

Nurul Ashikin bt Azizan said...

Nurul Ashikin bt Azizan
Hnd1 Section 3

Peace be upon you Madam Mimi, thanks for the great method.

I will use the method given during the speech. Insyaallah.

I’m agreed with your statement that a great fear that many people have is speaking before a group is that they are afraid of looking foolish or stupid in front of many of their peers and important people. I think, i'm the one of it.

After finish read your post, i attracted with the sub point of the first step on how to overcome the fear because it trained me of the preparation before make a speech. It also let me know the main thing that is important in my speech.

The next steps teach me how to looks good during gives a speech in front of audience. By doing this, I hope so I won’t look foolish because I have already practice on how to deliver a good speech using the crops around me that helps me to deliver a good speech such as mirror.

Have a backup is important because we don't know what will happens to us when gives a speech ,everything can happen while we are deliver speech in case something goes wrong. So we must always prepared a backup such as a piece of paper that contain a point you want to tell when gives a speech. It can help you to remind back your speech. This also can help to reduce our blank page and nervous.

Reduce fear of your audience; I should not to fear the audience at all. Keep in my mind that, in most cases, the audience is on our side. They want to hear what i have to say or chances are that they wouldn’t even be there to begin with, and they want to see me do well when gives a speech. Before giving my speech, I will think of the audience as my friends that would like to share my opinion. I will always happily standing in front of audience and give a speech. I will always thinks and set up in my mind that the audience as caring, friendly people who want to hear our speech.

Relax before speaking is quiet important,
I will always practice myself to be calm when gives a speech. This is important because people won’t know that I’m not comfortable standing in front of audience and this will give me a good personality while delivering a speech in front of audience.

Now I know how to give a good speech. Before this i feel not to confident to stand in front of audience and give a speech. I will try hard to develop myself confident to give a good speech later.

Nurul Ashikin bt Azizan said...
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Nurul Ashikin bt Azizan said...

Name:Nurul Ashikin bt Azizan
Id No: BHD0807798
Class: Hnd1 section(3)

After I read the post, I feel it's such a good methods for us to avoid fear when have a speech.

Here, I gives additional tips to avoid the fear and nervous during the speech. I hope it will help you'all:

Firstly, we should remind ourselves to give our good communication skills. We are more than capable of getting our point across on a daily basis without a shaking voice, so stop our nerves by keeping this in mind before any speech, don’t ever thinks other thinks just focus on our speech.

Secondly, measure our speech and breathing. A shaking voice is usually brought on by irregular breathing. Take deep breaths when we hear our voice shaking, and consciously slow our breathing down to a normal rhythm. Our voice projection will in good condition when we have a good breathing.

Thirdly, slower the rhythm of your words down. When we begin to breathe at an irregular pace, we tend to speed up our speech. Slow our words down with our breathing to stop our voice from shaking. This important for audiences to get an attention for your speech and understand your speech.

Fourthly, practice our speech or what we wish to say to someone, before we have to get up and present the information. Being comfortable with the message makes it a lot easier to deliver. Preparation can help us feel confident enough to stop a shaking voice from creeping up on us.

Lastly, go for a run or walk briskly around the college or anywhere you think can give a peaceful in our mind before we have to give a speech, perform or have a tough conversation together with friends. Getting some of our nervous energy out beforehand is a great way to stop the shakes when we are nervous.

That's all the tips I can give for this post, I hope we'll can do well in speech coming soon. Good Luck for me also for all..

Kikie Zaly said...

noorasyikin mohd noorzaly
hnd1-section 3

salam madam..

Thanks madam for this tips to overcome fear in speech because I also have this kind of fear. I become nervous and sometimes I forget what I want to say. I think one of the reasons people fear public speaking is that they expect too much of themselves. It is because it just can make trouble when you speech. So u must follow the desires that you have only.

Preparation is useful for any public appearance. How you prepare, however, and how much time you need to spend are other matters entirely. But if you try to do too much, if you want everyone to applaud your every word, if you fear something bad might happen,you can get problem from this.

If you get nervous when you stand up to speak in front of a group, or if you suddenly feel nervous during the middle of your talk, don't hide this fact from your audience. Ask your audience for forgiveness while you take a few moments to collect yourself. From that you can start relax and smile to audience and then you can continue your speech.

thank you

Unknown said...

name:hamimra mohamad jali
class;hnd1 sec2

i want to share about to know about" How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear".

Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely, but this is hard to do. Whether we work alone or with large numbers of people, eventually we will need to speak in public to get certain tasks accomplished. And if we want to be leaders or achieve anything meaningful in our lives, we will often need to speak to groups, large and small, to be successful.

The truth about public speaking, however, is IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE STRESSFUL! If you correctly understand the hidden causes of public speaking stress, and if you keep just a few key principles in mind, speaking in public will soon become an invigorating and satisfying experience for you.

Review Of 11 Hidden Causes Of Public Speaking Stress

1. Thinking that public speaking is inherently stressful (it's not).
2. Thinking you need to be brilliant or perfect to succeed (you don't).
3. Trying to impart too much information or cover too many points in a short presentation.
4. Having the wrong purpose in mind (to get rather than to give/contribute).
5. Trying to please everyone (this is unrealistic).
6. Trying to emulate other speakers (very difficult) rather than simply being yourself (very easy).
7. Failing to be personally revealing and humble.
8. Being fearful of potential negative outcomes (they almost never occur and even when they do, you can use them to your advantage).
9. Trying to control the wrong things (e.g., the behavior of your audience).
10. Spending too much time overpreparing (instead of developing confidence and trust in your natural ability to succeed).
11. Thinking your audience will be as critical of your performance as you might be.

Review of 10 Key Principles To Always Keep In Mind

#1---Speaking in Public is NOT Inherently Stressful

#2---You Don't Have to be Brilliant or Perfect to Succeed

#3---All You Need is Two or Three Main Points

#4---You also Need a Purpose That is Right for the Task

#5---The Best Way to Succeed is NOT to Consider Yourself a Public Speaker!

#6---Humility and Humor Can Go a Long Way

#7---When You Speak in Public, Nothing "Bad" Can Ever Happen!

#8---You Don't Have to Control the Behavior of Your Audience

#9---In General, the More You Prepare, the Worse You Will Do

#10--Your Audience Truly Wants You to Succeed

That's all there is to it. Just look for these eleven hidden causes and keep the ten corresponding principles in mind.

Of course, you will need to practice. It's extremely easy to forget the ten key principles. No matter how often you review them, you'll instinctively fall back into your old stress-producing patterns.

What is the best way to practice? Go out and speak in public. Join a local Toastmasters Group if you like. Take a community college course in public speaking. Better yet, offer to teach a course about something you know very well.

Just keep throwing yourself into the arena, and in no time at all, your skill, confidence, and natural ability will come to the surface.

And remember, if you get up in front of a group and find this stressful, it only means you forgot the truth about what public speaking is all about. Go back and review this Report. Find out what you did wrong or what you didn't remember. Then go back out and speak again until you get it right. It may take time, but the long-term rewards will be impressive.

i hope the knowledge can help me and all student to do the good public spaking,
thank you


Name :Najiah bt.Zanial@Zainal
ID :BHD08-07-842
Class :HND1 SEC2

Feeling nervous at the public speaking is perfectly normal.How to control it???
There are the ways that can help to overcome the fears.....
The first ways is to identify your fears.After we analyzed the fears,we can do something about it.For example, afraid no one will be interested in the topic. To overcome that is choose the topic that can related with us. Second is replace the fears with positive thought.For example,my pronounce is not good. Positive belief is not all the student can speak truly good.

Skyjuice said...

ID No: BHD08-07-765
Class: HND1 (Section 1)

Salam to Madam Mimi,

Everyone facing their own fear when the times to give a speeches or presentations. I think that is such a great article on how to overcome the fear to speaking in groups or crowd. One of the primary reason why people afraid to speaking in front of crowd is they afraid of looking foolish in front of others.
Here, I would like to share a few tips on how to give a good speech, in order to overcome our fears and be more prepared in front of crowd:

1. Pick a speech that you feel comfortable talking about and are not embarrassed of. You have find a topic that you know how to delivered the content to your audience. Use a simple word as well as you want crowd understand and get the input of the speech.

2. It is better to talk about something that you have experienced on your own and not just heard of. If you give a speech base on the things that you just heard about it without relevant factual information, your audience cannot accept the speech and may be one of them know better about the topic you talk about and it be a doubt to them.

3. Make eye contact while you are giving a speech. Eye contact is very important, because we want audience can feel what we trying to delivered the content. Look at your audience and the environment of the place.

4. Talk loud and clearly, so everybody can hear you. Voice projection should be cleared, so that your audience get the input of your content. Do not mumbling in order afraid your audience tends to boring and not interested to hear your speech.

5. Put some jokes in between your speech. That way you will not lose the attention of your audience. Humor can make the speech more interesting and you can get your audience attention.

6. Do not shake your legs, hands, or make any unnecessary movements. A lot unnecessary movement shows to crowd that you're not prepared enough and lack of confidence.

I hope the tips is very helpful and now, you're ready to delivered your first speech. The most important thing is, PRACTICE MAKE PERFECT!!!

Skyjuice said...

ID : BHD08-07-765
Class : HND 1 (Section 1)

"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two? Does that seem right? To the average person that means that if they have to go to a funeral, they'd be better off in the casket than giving the eulogy."
-Jerry Seinfeld

When you ask people what they fear most about giving a speech, they list any number of reasons.

Here are the most common reasons people list for being afraid of public speaking with suggestions for what to do to overcome that fear.

1. "I'll be boring."

If you're not boring in real life, there's no reason for you to be boring as a speaker. Fear is the culprit. It makes you self-protective. When you're afraid, you draw back into yourself. Your focus narrows to what is immediately around you, and all you can think about is survival. You lose your creativity, spontaneity, and humor. Control your nervousness, and your natural liveliness will surface.

2. "People will laugh at me."

If you do or say something that amuses people, they will laugh — even if you don't want them to. So laugh with them. Then they're not laughing at you, they're laughing with you. And they'll love you for it. Laughter is the most potent antidote to fear. While fear shuts you down and makes you cower in the corner, laughter pumps you up and gets you energized.

3. "People will see how nervous I am."

So what? People expect you to be nervous. Being nervous is only a problem if you're so nervous that you make the audience nervous. Don't call attention to your nervousness. Just go on with your speech.

4. "I'll forget my next point."

Since so many speakers do forget their next point, there are lots of strategies to compensate for it.
* While preparing your presentation make sure your main points flow logically from one to another. Make the connections really tight.
* Take a moment, take a breath, and think. If you give yourself half a chance you'll probably remember what you were going to say.
* Back up and try again. Repeat the previous point, the one you just summarized. Doing so will often lead you on to the next point.
* Refer to your notes. Even if you speak without a podium, keep your notes nearby. They're your security blanket.
* Tell your audience you've drawn a blank. They'll understand, and their understanding will make you relax, which in turn will help you remember. Ask, "Where was I?" and someone will tell you.

5. "I won't be able to answer people's questions."

You don't have to have all the answers. You just have to know how to get the answers so you can say, "You've stumped me. I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know how to find it. If you give me your business card, I promise I'll get back to you with what you want to know."

6. "I'll freeze."

This is most people's biggest fear. You're standing before a room full of people and you freeze. Your mind goes blank. You can't remember a single thing you were planning on saying.

Here's the secret. Say something. Say anything. The longer you stay silent — trying to remember exactly what you had planned on saying — the more stressed you will get. And stress is like ice water on the brain. Say, "You know, I've completely forgotten what I was going to say." Your audience will identify with you. They may laugh. Then you can laugh. Oxygen will return to your brain and begin thawing things out. Refer to your notes, if necessary. And begin again.

eyqa said...

NAME : Nur atiqah bt yaacob
ID : BHD 08-07-771


This post is talking about overcome fear when public speaking.I think i belong to this group.To overcome this fear, i want to share some tips so ,my friend and i will no longer fear to pub lic speaking...

1. Step 1
Realize that you have information that the audience wants; you have something to offer. That switches the locus of control away from the audience and on to you. You are the person in charge, because you are the one in the know. The audience is not in charge; therefore, why be afraid of them?
2. Step 2
Think back to when you were a child and remember how you used to love to perform for your parents, teachers, even sometimes strangers on the street. Getting up in front of a group is a great way to get attention. You wanted that as a child, so why not be honest and admit it to yourself that you still want it now. Instead of shying away from it in your mind, go towards it. Try fantasizing about how great it will be when everyone is paying attention to you. Imagine how you will feel when everyone claps.
3. Step 3
Think "I am offering a gift" rather than "I am being scrutinized." Realize that you are a unique human being; there is no one else in the world exactly like you and nobody else has a mind which is exactly like yours. Therefore, when you share your thoughts with others, you are truly giving them a gift they can get nowhere else. Be generous and open up and share your intellectual wealth.
4. Step 4
When you get up to speak, if you feel frightened, realize that so many other people in your audience would feel frightened too, because this is such a common phobia. Therefore, if there is a little tremor in your voice or you don't appear one hundred percent cool, calm, and collected, your audience will empathize with you rather than punish or shame you. Because they will recognize that you are doing something challenging, their respect for you will increase. Therefore, don't become frightened about feeling frightened. Accept how you are today. Acceptance is the way to make things better.
5. Step 5
Realize how much you are helping others, and feel good about yourself. When you get up to speak, others will say to themselves, "They did it and so can I!" Your courage will inspire others. Taking a moment or two to think about that will make you feel proud and therefore less afraid.

JLU5508 said...

ID: BHD07-07-627

Assalamualaikum...One way to overcome fear of public speaking is to be afraid and speak anyway. As stupid as this seems, it’s possibly the most reliable way to gain confidence in speaking. Be afraid, be nervous, be hesitant, but do it anyway.

You won’t be very good at it the first few times, but don’t expect to be. Simply make it a goal to do it and finish. Once you’ve done it a few times, and you realize it hasn’t killed you, you’ll be less afraid to do it the next time. And if you keep doing it, eventually you’ll start to get good at it and may even learn to enjoy it.

I think one of the reasons people fear public speaking is that they expect too much of themselves. It’s like being afraid of flying a plane when you’ve had no instruction. Of course you’re going to fail. If the pilot calls you up to the cockpit and says “land this plane,” it’s a safe bet you’ll crash if you try it.

But at least when you fail at public speaking, it isn’t normally fatal. Failure is actually one of the best ways to learn it. It’s the same way we learn to walk and talk when we’re toddlers. We stumble and stutter until we get it right. Just as you wouldn’t expect a white belt in Karate to be able to break a brick, you also wouldn’t expect a first-time public speaker to be as polished as a pro. But sadly, people demand such a level of performance of themselves, expecting that if they’re going to speak publicly, they’d better be outstanding. And since this isn’t going to happen, it generates fear. But the fear largely goes away if you set realistic expectations and head up to the lectern expecting to stink your first few times.

Remember the scene from the movie The Matrix where Neo tries to do a super jump between two skyscrapers and falls to the ground? “Everyone falls the first time.” The same goes with public speaking. You’re going to stink your first time. Get over it.

Nurulatika said...

ID: BHD08-07-772

Salam Madam...

As we know, every student will has fear when they are facing public speaking. It also including me, myself. It is hard for me to control fear during I give a public speaking.
Whole my body will shake. But when I read your tip, I think it is easy to control that fear. I also have some tips to share with you on how to overcome fear of speaking.

1.Move around.
by moving, we minimize our nervousness and add more interest to our delivery

2.Pick-up your cheerleaders.
As you look from one audience to another, you will find people who are nodding, smiling and listening to your message. You will also see those who look bored or grumpy. Return your glances to the positive people, who will spur your energy and confidence

3. Visualize and Affirm.
Before any endeavor, by visualizing your success and affirming your worth, you can make the different between an average performance and a spectacular once.

4. The audience care.
To make even more of the audience become allies, get to the presentation early and great them as they come into the room.

fareiz b. adzmi said...
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fareiz b. adzmi said...

ID: BHD0807865

Assalamualaikum to Madam Emelia. I would like to thank you for the tips given on overcoming the fear of speaking to groups. For me, it is normal when people get nervous in front of the crowd especially for students. They will try to avoid to be selected to talk in front of the crowd just because they do not have faith in their selves. While actually, it is only perception of someone’s mind but not reality. As we growing up, society influences us through these images, usually without us realizing it. These images influence us not to be confident in front of the crowd. People may think that it can never be changed. It can actually be changed as long as we bear in our mind and we have faith in our selves. That is the most crucial thing. No matter how we avoid, as a student sooner or later we will face this situation to talk among the groups or the crowd. It is depends on us how we handle. There are two ways to handle this fear. The first is ‘right way’, and the second is ‘easy way’. You are the one who can decide which way that you want to use. Normally people get shivering and sweating in front of the crowd and they’re speechless. Here, I come with some tips to share.

1- Mind set
‘You’re what you think about all day long’ Dr. Robert Schuller .this statement is true. Like I mentioned before, we will act as we setting our mind. So, it means that as long as we set our mind, we can do it we will go for it and achieve it.

2- You actually need two or three points only
Be familiar with the topic that you are going to talk. Be prepare with a thesis statement, two or three body paragraph complete with the supporting details and the conclusion of the topic.

3- Be funny
This way helps you on controlling you nervousness in front of the people. Just take it easy, and go along with humour in your speech.

4- Do not pretend in front of the audience
Just be yourself. Do not act as you are brilliant and perfect because it might ruin your day.

5- Be spontaneous
You do not have to memorize everything. Just take out the main points and be spontaneous. It will be more challenging and adventurous. The more you prepare the worse will it be.

6- Use your body language
Learn to move when you are giving your speech or talk. Do not be like a bird in a cage. It will help to reduce your nervousness and it will make you feel more calm and comfortable being there.

7- Do not be over confident
However, keeping some nervousness is good on some sense. It will helps you to not over react and take for granted the advantage that you have.

8- Speak a lot
Whenever you get the chance to speak, just grab it. By speaking a lot either with your friends, family or teachers will help you to be brave and assert ourselves more in any situation.

I think these are some tips that I have to share with all of you. The most crucial is, be confident and think positive. If we take something on positive side, surely we can achieve the best in our life and we can become someone that is unexpected which is great in any arena. Thank you.

mar said...

ID BHD 08-07-851


thank you for the great tip on how to overcome fear. then i would like to share one tip:

Becoming less dependent on notes has several advantages. When you stand before a group and speak without using notes your credibility automatically rises. The audience thinks, 'Wow! This person really knows the material.' Since you won't be tied to a lectern or forced to hold notes, you can get physically closer to the audience, or actually enter the audience on occasion. The closer you are to them, the better you will connect. When you leave the script at home you can speak naturally to the audience rather than read to them. You will also be more confident because you no longer have to worry about your notes getting lost.Then, at lease you can overcome your fear with given a smooth speech.

thank you.

Unknown said...

Name : Najmul Asyifa' Bt. Azhar
ID no : BHD 08-07-792
Section : HND1 (1)

Assalamualaikum. I already tried this method and it seems to work for me. But it only work when i speak with malay people. When i try to speak with people from different races, my tongue twisted. Maybe the true problem is I scare to do mistakes when speaking to people from different races. Im pretty sure that there is a lot more people having the same problem as I am.

..bOoLat.. said...

Name : Faten Hannani Binti Mohd Isa
ID : BHD 08-07-758
Class : HND1 (Section 1)

Assalamualaikum madam,

Before this, I had post a comment on this topic and I had asked you why this feeling must have in each of people right? So i have make some researh on how to overcome this feeling.

Some fear helps motivate us to divert time from the pounding surf of our daily schedule and prepare our presentation or speech. Fear has a thousand faces but we have only three basic responses, which is :

1. Ignoring fear
Merely suffering through our fear is the simplest and most common response. It requires no learning, effort or practice. Negative consequences flow from this path. In addition, to being very stressful, fear tends to break concentration during preparation and disturbs other obligations.

Perhaps even more importantly, these weakness fear can also have an extremely negative impact on our performance in delivering our presentation. Fear takes our ability to casually walk to the stage and be ourselves. It tends to kill excitement and block the ability to connect deeply with the audience. Fear can make our body stiff, out breathing labored and our physical movement unnatural.

2. Evading fear
Usually the first step in dealing with the fear of the presentation is figuring out how to avoid the fear. Even if we are looking for a longer term solution, at least temporarily avoiding the problem is a key step in creating the space a fashion more encompassing approaches.

3. Transcending fear
Creative visualization is the first step in removing ourselves from the scary thoughts and consciously guiding our mind to a new space (actively imaging the desired end result).

Professional spend time imagining the desired end result and track the measurable increased performance that follows the creative visualization sessions. Fear stems from the unconscious repetitive thoughts and feelings about feeling.

That's all for now. Thank you madam.

feefar said...



the tips that you had given above will helps us to overcome a fears when to start a speech. as my friends and i already know that i have a problem when to start a speech. my nature character as a clumsy girl is the biggest problem when i want to start a speech. my hand become a shiver and cold. while my head will be dizzy.

the major problem is when i start to talk, automatically i'll become a stammer. so, after you give some tips, i will practise it myself alone.the simple tips that you are given makes me understand better now..

dAk said...

ID : BHD08-07-812

Assalammualaikum madam..

I remembered when I was secondary school, I always involved in many competition at school such as debate, public speaking and forum. I still can felt how the feeling when giving a speech in front of many people. I always forgot what should I said. That make me felt I’m a loser in front of audience and that so embarrassing with looking other competitor who is giving a perfect speech in front of audience. I agree with what madam said about the reason of fear is afraid to be foolish and stupid in front of audience. I want to give a perfect speech but because of me who always doing a mistake again and again make me feel fool and make me unconfidently to continue my speech.

However because I’m always involved in many competition before this, it give me an experience and opportunity to improve myself to become more and more confident to give a speech in front of audience. I’m happy because I with my friends won a second place for forum competition and that a good memories of me doing a speech. I hope for next time I can do better than before this and because it has been long time I don’t give any speech in front of audience, I would like to thanks to madam for reminds and giving me more tips about the how to overcome a fear when doing a speech. Thank you.

opickz_snichi said...

Name:Hohd Taufiq b.Mansor
ID: 08-07-835


firstly thank for all your article in this blog especially this article, has a lot of information are useful, helpful and wonderful tips.
Honestly, i admit that i has many problem especially nervous when giving a speech in front audience maybe this happen because of i scared to make mistake in front them.

By the way, the conclusion when i read this article is i found a tips useful for myself to be more confident when giving a speech next time.

that all.. thank you very much..

Unknown said...

ID: BHD08-07-774


I would like to thank to Madam Mimi for giving us some reasons of fear and how to overcome it.

This is useful for student like us in first step to become a good speecher.I'd do some tips that have given before presentation but it still have little fear inside.My hand little bit shaky.But it just for a while.Maybe the place and fully crowd make me fear.

When i have this situation, i always pray before start the speech.Dont forget to take a deeper breath and smile.It little bit can reduce your fear.Look at your audience.If you feel like they want take you as their lunch,you can just only look straight or look on their head.

Congrats to Maisarah for her story.It's so cool.

ina@gadis kampung said...

id : BHD 08-07-837
class : HND1 / SECTION 4

Assalamualaikum madam.........

I already read this article and what I can comment is it really useful to me especially for all hnd 1 students who will make a speech after semester break.
I always nervous when I want to speak in front other person. I feel like everyone look at me and I will make mistakes. Like Nur Iffa Aqwa said, sometimes I feel like people will laugh at me if I make a mistake during give a speech.
This article give me tips how to overcome my fear when I give speech and give me idea to make preparation before perform my speech.
I hope I can do the best when I give speech.
Thank you because make article that can help me to be more confident after read this article and I will practice all tips that you have given in this article. Also thank you to all friend that have give another tips.

Unknown said...

ID: BHD08-07-859
Assalamualaikum. Your article is very usefull to make me to ovecome fear. Here I have some tips on how to overcome fear while give a speech.

Start Small: If you're new to the world of speaking, start small. Find a few friends and family to practice on. Begin by speaking to smaller groups and build up from there.
In my business speaking career, I speak to groups of 30 to 3,000. One discovery I made is the size of the audience makes no difference. If you know your topic, you're pre-speaking fear will quickly evaporate.

Prepare: Nothing helps ease the fear of public speaking than knowing your material. The ability to connect with your audience comes from having the confidence you won't get lost during your delivery. Rehearse several times before the big talk. Time your presentation and always have back up material in case time is left over.

Don't Memorize: Mastering the art of public speaking comes not from memorizing word for word your entire speech. The real pros know their material by remembering key points and prompts on sub topics and examples to cover.

Avoid Bullets: The majority of business presentations and speeches are boring monologues filled with endless PowerPoint slides and bullet points. Trash the PowerPoint presentation and make your material the focal point of the talk. If you do use PowerPoint, take the approach of using visuals that quickly convey your message.

Reduce Stress: The most fearful moment of any presentation is the one minute before your stage entrance. Use the tactic of elite athletes by visualizing a positive outcome and using deep belly breathing to reduce stress and build confidence.

Find a Friend: Prior to your public speaking on stage introduce yourself to a few members of the audience in the front row. During your talk look these people in the eye to ease your nerves and connect with your audience.

Engage the Audience: Creating a monologue presentation puts the entire task of informing and entertaining the audience on you. Make your talk a two-way interaction with questions and participation to reduce boredom and speak with ease. Having the group involved also gives you time to reorganize your thoughts if things are going off track.
Make public speaking part of your marketing function and boost your business success. Your fear will evaporate over time and you will wonder why you didn't start sooner.

diyla said...

ID: BHD08-07-862

As we know, actually public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely. We will need to speak infront of people to accomplish a certain task that have been given. So that, as a good speaker, he or she must have a high confident level when speaking.

I have my experience when I was in form 1. I was terrified of speaking in front of the student during assembly. That was my first time! I would nervous and my hand was shaked. At that time, I imagine that nobody infront of me. So that, I can give an effective speech to the student.

From my experience, I can conclude that whatever it is, just relax before speak. It is a way that you are now in control.

It is not easy to do because you have to look at the audience and panic may settle in. So, you have to make preparations to make sure that everything is under control.

So, I hope that this will help people to overcome a fear. Remember this, be relax and imagine no one listening to your speech.

Thank you

Shea Butter said...

name : siti nursyarifah bt hussin
id : BHD08-07-793
class : hnd1 sec 2

Fear of public speaking?????????????

Some of people for the first time speaking in front of the people can feel this kind of feeling..You feel nervous, shameless, out of spoken, sometime shake a hand, sweating and can't speak perfectly as usual..This post will help you but ..but to overcome this problem depend on you...

For me i can try to follow what the madam said...

everything will be ok if u doing early preparation and be relax..

thank you..

Unknown said...

name:hamimra binti mohamad jali

Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.
In public speaking, as in any form of communication, there are five basic elements, often expressed as "who is saying what to whom using what medium with what effects?"

The purpose of public speaking can range from simply transmitting information, to motivating people to act, to simply telling a story. Good orators should be able to change the emotions of their listeners, not just inform them.
The fear of public speaking is called glossophobia
(or, informally, "stage fright"). It is believed to be the single most common phobia — affecting as much as 75% of the population. Fear of oration is ranked even above that of death.

How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear

11 Hidden Causes Of Public Speaking Stress

1. Thinking that public speaking is inherently stressful ( it's not ).
2. Thinking you need to be brilliant or perfect to succeed ( you don't ).
3. Trying to impart too much information or cover too many points in a short presentation.
4. Having the wrong purpose in mind ( to get rather than to give/contribute ).
5. Trying to please everyone ( this is unrealistic ).
6. Trying to emulate other speakers ( very difficult ) rather than simply being yourself ( very easy ).
7. Failing to be personally revealing and humble.
8. Being fearful of potential negative outcomes ( they almost never occur and even when they do, you can use them to your advantage ).
9. Trying to control the wrong things
( e.g., the behavior of your audience ).
10. Spending too much time overpreparing
( instead of developing confidence and trust in your natural ability to succeed ).
11. Thinking your audience will be as critical of your performance as you might be.

10 Key Principles To Always Keep In Mind

1---Speaking in Public is NOT Inherently Stressful

2---You Don't Have to be Brilliant or Perfect to Succeed

3---All You Need is Two or Three Main Points

4---You also Need a Purpose That is Right for the Task

5---The Best Way to Succeed is NOT to Consider Yourself a Public Speaker!

6---Humility and Humor Can Go a Long Way

7---When You Speak in Public, Nothing "Bad" Can Ever Happen!

8---You Don't Have to Control the Behavior of Your Audience

9---In General, the More You Prepare, the Worse You Will Do

10--Your Audience Truly Wants You to Succeed

thank you

Unknown said...


Thanks a lot because post this article in your blog.I like this article because it can help me how to overcome my fear when I speaking in front of audience.Now i am 20 years old but i still can't speak properly in front the audience. My problem is i afraid if the language of my spoke is wrong, i also nervous, and i also not prepared for the speak.I also afraid if no one will not interested to my topic.So,i hope after i read this article i can control my fear when i give my speech and can deliver a good speech.That all..Thankz you...

Slay Away said...


Salam to madam.
Thanks for your tips and post on how to overcome the fear.

Based on my experience,not only me but its happen to all person if we had to give a speech to an audience,its really make me feel's like afraid to give a speech because we didn't know whether our speech is good or not and also our pronunciation.I'm also admit that I'll nervous when giving a speech in front audience maybe this happen because of afraid that i might to make mistake in front them.

to overcome this fear,i ll try to follow your tips on how to overcome fear and get prepared in speech that i would give,and i hope i can overcome this fear and give the best speech without afraid of an audience and not feel nervous anymore.

and in my opinion if we want to start a speech or anythings, we just take a breath to feel better...

anyways thanks for your tips.

nuRuL AiEyNz said...



first of all,thanks for your tip about step to overcome fear
of speaking to group.Preparation is the key to overcome any fear of public speaking.

Here are a few important strategies:

* Arrive at the place early to get comfortable with your surroundings.

* Practice in front of friends, family or groups many times over prior to the event.

* Relax by taking deep breaths before you go on
* Visualize calming thoughts like waves crashing on a beach.

* Don't memorize your speech. Use bullet notes to talk about a topic

* Speak loud, clearly and most importantly - speak SLOWLY

* Engage your audience with eye contact and questions

* Talk with people 10 minutes before you go on to get a flow for speaking.

thank you...

Shea Butter said...

name: siti nursyarifah bt hussin
id: BHD08-07-793
class: hnd1 section2

salam madam..
thank you for your post..

Unforgettable delivery

Your delivery of your speech or presentation will make or break it, no matter how well you've prepared and crafted your clear, concise message. Some useful tips for keeping your presentation vivid include:

> Use examples to bring your points to life
> Keep your body language up-beat – don't stay stuck behind a rostrum

> Don't talk to fast. Less is more here too. > Pauses are effective.

> Use a variety of tones of voice
> Use visual aids.

i hope for upcoming speech i will try to do it...

@sma_kh@l said...

ID : BHD08-07-869


I'm going to share with you some public speaking exercises that can help take the edge off before you ever step on stage. I know it can get tough especially the last 30 minutes before you're expected to speak, so I'll share with you some of things I do.

Try to relax. I know that's just a stupid statement to start with but there are little exercises, especially with self hypnosis that can help you relax. Self hypnosis never worked for me, but before you put yourself in a hypnotic state, you first have to relax and these are the exercises you can use. You need a quiet place where you can focus for a few minutes. You want to start thinking about your finger tips and how the muscles can relax. Feel them lose their tension, than move up your finger to your hand. The idea is to keep moving up until you hit all of your body.

The next exercise should be you watching yourself do this speech, and doing it calmly. Sometimes looking at through a television screen can make it a little easier. The idea is that you want to run it through your mind that you're going to calm when you do this speech. You want to show your mind how a calm speech looks and exactly what you do during that speech.

Lastly, be prepared for your speech. That's just really the most important thing you can do to relax. If you know your speech well enough, it takes a lot of the edge off. Maybe you're a little nervous about the questions at the end. Practice this. Have someone ask you questions related to your speech. Ones you've never heard. It'll teach you to think on your feet.

Anonymous said...

Nur Hazirah bt Rusli


Thanks madam for your post on overcomes the fear of speaking to groups. It's very meaningful to me because I've also fear when speak in front of people.

But the way, I have one more tip to overcome this habit by speak from experience; speak on a topic about which we have earned the right to speak. If we speak about something we know well then, we are going to feel far more confident. Make a list of all the things we have experience in such as, our achievements, our lessons in life, and our hobbies and interests.

Thank you.

adDein said...

Mohd Aizudin bin Jamalan
BHD 08-07-832
HND 1 Section 2

Assalamualaikum Pn Emilia

I find this article about tips when give public speaking for additional information for all.

1. Humor

Never intentionally and overtly include humor in your introduction. If the audience laughs, run with it. If you’re intent on entertaining an audience, entertain. If you want to teach, motivate, persuade, or inspire, humor is not necessary. If it happens great, but don’t make it your purpose.

You will read in numerous places that humor is a great ice breaker. You will hear about how you can test the audience to see if they are ready to have fun. Unless the humor advances your proposition and unless it is unintended, it runs the risk of making you look like an amateur.

2. Be Prepared

For instance in one lecture, a baby started to cry forcing the mother to get up and leave. The speaker said, "There goes our youngest participant in today's presentation. The hope of any speaker is to move their audience. I have never seen another speaker move their audience faster or more effectively than that young orator."

3. Tense, Past, Present, or Future?

Only the history channel can effectively talk in past tense. For the rest of us, talk in the here and now. Always talk in the present tense.

4. Never- Never Words

Never use words that you don’t know the meaning of. Never use double entendres. Never use vulgarity. This is especially important for non-native speakers. You may see some use it, even see the audience laugh. But you could be offending as many as are laughing.

5. Avoid Verbal Flatulence

In addition to eliminating word whiskers like "and uh'," peppering speech with the connective "now" or "and now" there are other forms of verbal flatulence to avoid.

Some are language specific. I have heard a number of Spanish speakers who, instead of saying "now" use the expression that translates to the English "therefore." Making statements like, "you already know this, but" and other stating of the obvious. If it is superfluous, eliminate it from your speech.

Any thoughts that don't directly support your theme need to be let go as well. No matter how good a story, if it doesn't fit the theme, leave it out.

Mr_NiCe_GuY said...
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Mr_NiCe_GuY said...

ID : BHD 08-07-874

Assalamualaikum to Mdm Emilia

There is some tips on some way to overcome the fear of speaking.

Understand It
When you truly understand speaking your thoughts won't allow you to be afraid of it. You'll also find a lot of content designed to help you understand the fear of public speaking itself.

Love It
Ever heard the statement "Love conquers fear"? It points to a great truth. How can you be afraid of something if you love it so much that you can't wait to do it? Love it and you develop a passion and enthusiasm for speaking in public - no matter what the occasion.

Practice It
Recognizing that there's no substitute for a ton of practice. If you spend time to practice it in front of your friends, I'm sure that you will not have a problem in the future when you want to give a speech.

RoyKiller said...
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RoyKiller said...

ID : BHD 08-07-782

Most people who fear public speaking are worried about being judged negatively or criticized ... or they fear disappointing people who currently think well of them ... they might even feel that they just don't have what it takes to be a good public speaker ... or that people aren't that interested in what they have to say.

These are just some of the many issues that contribute to a fear of public speaking.

These specific concerns are caused by beliefs like

Mistakes and failure are bad

People aren't interested in what I have to say

The first step towards overcoming fear is to understand the core from which the fear emanates. A certain amount of meditation and self-evaluation is critical. What you need to understand is the origin of the fear. Does the fear come from something someone has told you? Does it come due to some of your past experiences? Once you know the root cause, you can begin trying to work towards overcoming the specific fear.

One of the aspects of identifying your fear is being objective and true to yourself. You can try to examine the beliefs that you have that lead you to a certain fear. For example, if you are afraid of making presentations to a group of people and feel that you will not be appreciated by them, try making an attempt.

diyla said...

ID: BHD08-07-862

Assalamualaikum. Have you ever got nervous or fear when facing the audience? Have you ever been disgrace on the stage? Not everyone can speak agilely in front of the public.

Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. Therefore, a good speech should be substantial and engaging. A lot of people are anxious when they are required to make a speech on ceremonious topic because they cannot entertain or influence another. It is quite hard to create an affecting speaking with beneficial information. However, it is nothing impossible if you are firmly attentive. There are three main points which the most orators should concern for making a good public speaking including preparation, body languages, and speaking skills.

The perfect preparation brings on successful delivery which has three steps.

Firstly, finding out themes and points on your topic and write them down with sources. You have to interpret what the main idea is and how many points of your title and make a list for your clarified understanding. If you use other sources, you should give them credit by referencing their names.

Then, make an outline so that you will understand the structure of your speech. In your outline you should write the introduction, body, and conclusion, you will be clear what you would mention first and lastly. You should rehearse your speech as much as you can before an appointed day. You will know your weakness and ruin it immediately. The more you have practiced, the more you are confident.

The appropriate body languages produce an interesting oration. Eye-contact is the most importance body language which all of speakers would have. Audiences will pay better attention to you if you look at them while you speak. If you are not confident enough, you may think their heads are only turnips and cabbages. Hand gestures are frequently used while you are speaking.

You should move your hands sometimes, but not always to cause natural speaking. For example, raise one finger up when you said one, or open wide your hands when you mentioned to all audiences. Do not stand still even you speak on serious topic. The stage belongs to you, utilize it. You should walk around the stage to catch all of audiences. Using body language can help you overcome your nervousness and deliver a better speech.

Without any speaking skills, even the best title of the world can be boring. Good speakers open a speech with a dramatic statement and end with an impression that makes the audiences want to applaud.

Do not open like you do not know exactly what you will say, you will be less reliable. Your ending should give useful properties, such as motto or suggestion. Many famous speakers make an excellent rhythm and know when they should pause for audiences' reaction. You should stop for a while to observe agreements or wait for laughing when you have made humours from your audiences. Do not speak too fast or too slow. Lastly, good delivers know which part has to stressed or unstressed for breaking down boring.

Imagine you are listening to monotone speech, would you like to sleep? You should speak vitally; your voice and story will be pleasant. No matter what topic you get; good speaking skills make it become fascinating.

Although the advices given above will not turn amateur orators into experts, it will help you speak better in front of the public with more confidence. You must not expect to be the professional on speaking, but you need to express our profitable details to audiences naturally and attractively.

Thank you

Kroja Algebra said...

Name: Muhammad Fadhli Bin Ismail
Id: BHD08-07-849
Class: Hnd 1 Sec 4

Assalammualaikum. In my opinion, the ability to deliver a good speech in public is a skill highly valued. In fact, you can’t expect to be a leader or named as an influencer if you can’t face your audience and grab their attention effectively. You can use public speaking for many purposes such as persuasion, motivation, influence, informing or simply entertaining people.

But, what do I mean with public speaking? In my opinion, the meaning of public speaking contains a very broad range of different possibilities: telling a story to your friends in a bar; raising your hand and speaking in your class; speaking up in a meeting with customers; speaking in the workplace in the presence of your colleagues and boss; speaking in the court of law; talking with some of your employees; Speaking in front of 10/100/1000/10000 people; but even being interviewed by a TV or a radio reporter or being interviewed in a podcast by a blogger buddy could be considered as public speaking.

Each one of these situations generates a sense of fear that we experience as anxiety with a different degree of intensity, depending on your own circumstances and the situation itself. This anxiety can ruin your speech and holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams. This sense of fear is blocking your true potential. Free your life from this fear, reach your audience effectively and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

If you have always been terrified of public speaking don’t worry because I’m going to share with you all my secrets to overcome this sense of fea

Wan Azim said...

HND1 (3)

Assalamualaikum madam.

reason for fear?

it is a good topic you choose.

fear?is mean a lot, fear to death, to snake, to ghost and else.

but here what we are talking about is fear to give a speech, fear to standing in front of the audience where they give different judgment to us. maybe i have lot of fear in life but one of the biggest thing is fear to speak, not speak to friend like a simple thing but what i mean is fear to talk and give a speech in front the audience.

i like to take your word "because they fear looking foolish in front of other people" i agree with this because no one want to look themselves as someone fool or silly in front many listener.

so the tips that you share like be well prepared is good enough to make sure our speech was something that interest people and make sure that we not look fool in front the audience.

thanks for the tips and for sure I'll used it to make sure my fear was defeated.

nurin said...

NAME : Nurulain bt Adanan
ID : BHD08-07-871


Firstly, thank you for your good tips. I hope i can face my fear when speaking in public when use your tips because i am the one who always feel fear when speaking in public.

Beside that, i will always do practice for myself. Before this, i always perform gamelan to the audience. But, it is by group. I will try my best to make good public speaking. thank you again for your good tips.

Anonymous said...


Fear`of speaking to group,it happen to everybody.Thanks for the post.

people fear to speak to their group because they are not confident with their self.To be honest,I'm also not confident with myself.
I'm scared I cannot become active when in group.
I also scared that I cannot give even an idea when discuss.
I also scared to stand in front of people. My heartbeat become faster than fastest.I feel shy.With this post that had said that practice alone using the mirror I will try it and be well prepared I'll try my best.
Thank you madam..Thats all..

Amri said...

ID : BHD 08-07-826


Thank you to madam because of this great article. This really help me when speaking to group. I also got some tip how to overcome the fear of speaking to group that i want to share with others.

Be well prepared

One of the best ways to make sure you don't make foolish mistakes is to be well prepared before you speak to a group. You should know what are going to talk about, who you will speak to, and under what conditions you will speak.


You should practice your speech many times before you give it.Even if you know your material very well, practice is extremely important. The more you give a talk, the more automatic it becomes, the more meat it can have, and the more confidence you have in your abilities to give the speech.

Relax before speaking

When you are introduced to speak, take three breaths to settle you down before you get out of your chair. Then when you go up to the lectern, thank the person who introduced you and then count to 10 before you start speaking. This will allow the audience to get settled and ready to hear you. It also is a way that you are showing that you are now in control. It is not easy to do, because you have to look at the audience and panic may settle in. But if you have made all the preparations, you can be sure of yourself and deserve to be in control of the situation. It is a good feeling.

That all from me. Hope this tips will help you all. Thank you.

Shaq said...

Name : Shafiq Izwan bin Shamsuddin
ID : BHD0807813
Section : H1(1)

Hello there and assalamualaikum.

It has been said for years that when a survey asked people what their greatest fears were, the fear of speaking before a group ranked #1 — even ahead of death. I don’t have the actual facts on the survey, but I do know that the majority of people who are asked to present experience a great deal of anxiety. In this article, I will suggest ways to cope with the fear and anxiety that often accompany giving a presentation.

Be Prepared! At the risk of being repetitious in this series of articles, I can’t stress enough the value of preparation. The more prepared we are as presenters, the more confident we become. Pick the theme for your presentation, the three major points you plan to make, a strong opening and closing, and practice.

Do Not Memorize! It is helpful to memorize your opening and closing and your outline, but do not try to memorize the rest of your presentation. I have agonized along with presenters who have forgotten the words they memorized, then become so flustered that they couldn’t continue.

Move Around! When we stand glued behind the lectern, we magnify our chances for anxiety. By moving — and I don’t mean pacing back and forth, which is distracting to the audience — we minimize our nervousness and add more interest to our delivery. Having props to use, writing on or pointing to a flip chart, or even moving into the audience can help both the speaker and the audience members.

That's all, thank you.

faizal said...

mohd faizal
hnd1 sec3

this is my way how to control the fear factor when facing audience.... i want to share as feedback..

think that not all people can do what you do.. you are success!.
what are you prepared are enough.. and complete.
what the audience need is what you prepared and not what audience need to have objection..
when speaker look at audience face.. he/she can looks many type of emotion.. forget about the emotion but think they try to understand and imaging what you say..

that all.
thank you.

zuhir cullen said...

ID NO: BHD 08-07-824

Thank you for this article. This article useful for me.When I speak in front of many people I will get fear like all people looked at me and I afraid to stared my eyes to them maybe less practice make me fear to speak front of the people.Other than that, I think breathing exercise is useful.Breathing exercise is to take in a long slow breath through your nose. Feel the coolness of the air, savor it as you boureath it in.Feel it as you exhale. Notice how it has changed. It is now nice and warm.Repeat at least 5 times, or until you feel calm and relaxed.Also Think before you speak. Reduce the fluff and filler material in your daily communications. Try to make every word count, and think about how you're going to phrase something before you open your mouth. If you don't have something important to say, remain silent. With continuous effort, the right words will come to you more easily. It may seem surprising but limiting the amount you talk will make what you have to say more interesting.

Ijam said...


Thank you for your notes on how to overcome fear in speaking to group. I actually faced this problem since long time ago, as well as I am not a good speaker. So, your notes were very helpful.
Here I want to share some tips on how to overcome fear while speaking in group.

-First, you must learn your subject well. Fill your mind with information about your subject. If you put in the time to do proper research you have won half the speaks. Your confidence grows along with your knowledge of your subject.

-Then, be the expert. If you have studied, done the research and are properly prepared, then you are the expert. You must act like the instructor. Think that you are the teacher who is teaching them.

- You also don’t need to apologize. Do not begin a speech by saying you are sorry for being un-prepared. As soon as you do you have lost the right to speak. You should never start a speech with any kind of an apology.

- Say nothing before begin your speech. When you want to make your speech, pause before saying anything. Look your group member in their eyes. You appear not to be nervous and everyone begins to feel secure. As they will be more likely to receive your message, you will then overcome your fear.

I hope these tips will be helping and i hope that I can learn more from you. Insya Allah..

Unknown said...

Name : Najmul Asyifa' Bt. Azhar
ID no : BHD 08-07-792
Section : HND1 (1)

salam. now i would like to shared with you all how to overcome the fear of speaking..

Fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias in the world. When some people think about getting up and speaking in front of an audience, they feel an acute sense that they will be judged negatively. One way for you to overcome this fear is to develop an attitude of generosity toward your audience. Stop thinking about getting your audience's approval and start thinking about giving your audience a gift.

Step 1-Realize that you have information that the audience wants; you have something to offer. That switches the locus of control away from the audience and on to you. You are the person in charge, because you are the one in the know. The audience is not in charge; therefore, why be afraid of them?

Step 2-Think back to when you were a child and remember how you used to love to perform for your parents, teachers, even sometimes strangers on the street. Getting up in front of a group is a great way to get attention. You wanted that as a child, so why not be honest and admit it to yourself that you still want it now. Instead of shying away from it in your mind, go towards it. Try fantasizing about how great it will be when everyone is paying attention to you. Imagine how you will feel when everyone claps.

Step 3-Think "I am offering a gift" rather than "I am being scrutinized." Realize that you are a unique human being; there is no one else in the world exactly like you and nobody else has a mind which is exactly like yours. Therefore, when you share your thoughts with others, you are truly giving them a gift they can get nowhere else. Be generous and open up and share your intellectual wealth.

Step 4-When you get up to speak, if you feel frightened, realize that so many other people in your audience would feel frightened too, because this is such a common phobia. Therefore, if there is a little tremor in your voice or you don't appear one hundred percent cool, calm, and collected, your audience will empathize with you rather than punish or shame you. Because they will recognize that you are doing something challenging, their respect for you will increase. Therefore, don't become frightened about feeling frightened. Accept how you are today. Acceptance is the way to make things better.

Step 5-Realize how much you are helping others, and feel good about yourself. When you get up to speak, others will say to themselves, "They did it and so can I!" Your courage will inspire others. Taking a moment or two to think about that will make you feel proud and therefore less afraid.

thank you(",)

Anonymous said...

BHD 07-07-718

this article is the best article and i like it. this because "fear" is faced by everyone and including me. everyone will faced this fear when they have to standing in front the audience and many people looking to only their self. I don't have my confident self when I'm standing in front on many people, but using your tips given, i hope i can face all the audience and give my speech confidently. i also hope that this article will help other speaker to have their confident self in front their audience, the must and should face all the fear no matter they like or not.

thank you.

Sullivan Moore said...

ID: BHD08-07-802

Assalamualaikum Madam
this is the strategy to overcome the fear during public speaking

the first strategy in overcoming a fear of public speaking is to try basic methods outside of medical treatment first. One of the best lay person’s methods is taught in acting schools and by public speaking professionals. It teaches a person how to take a normal stressful public speaking event and turn into something pleasurable.

· Public speaking is a normal part of life

· Public speaking does not just apply to politicians, managers or other high flyers, but to school presentations, charity speeches, wedding toasts and so much more

· It is normal to be scared when doing this for the first time

· It is also normal to have knees knocking together, hands shaking, voices trembling, thoughts getting jumbled, palms sweating and forgetting things

· It is normal to be just a normal nobody, make some mistakes, stumble over thoughts and words, tell unfunny jokes and/or even forget what is supposed to be discussed

· Differences of opinion are normal and not a reflection of you, the person

· Remember the ‘KISS’ principle: ‘Keep it simple stupid’

· Stick to major points (a minimum of 1+), break those down into finer points and so on, but not go off on a tangent; use an outline and cue cards; stick to the point

· Your outline should follow who/what, when, where, why and how

· Most of us would cringe at the idea of public speaking and panic

· Pretend that you know the audience as if they were your friends, or that you are dealing with an audience full of school children, but not that you are a public speaker

· Practice your speech beforehand, get a friend or confidant that you trust to listen to your speech as if you were already doing the presentation (learn it by heart); dress accordingly, do all the introductions, jokes and other things that you will do on the day of your speech

· Create a list of possible questions that the audience may ask you and prepare your answers on cue cards – practice these

· Feel confident in your own self and abilities

· Prime yourself as you step in front of the audience

· Project your voice to the back of the room, but don’t yell

· Focus on something in the room behind the audience that pleases you and make your speech to it

· Maintain an air of humility and sense of humor during public speaking events

· Don’t tell a joke that you cannot pull off

· Laugh at yourself if you make a mistake or forget something, and make a joke out of that – ‘laugh and the whole world laughs with you’

· Don’t prime yourself for disaster – these don’t usually happen

· We all have experienced embarrassing results, whether from a public speech or just a conversation with a friend

· Have a contingency plan available

· If you become speechless, take ten deep breaths, count to ten and have a sip of water – start again

· If the audience reacts badly, walks out and/or someone rallies a defense against you, ask for feedback from the person or persons involved in the situation

· Public speaking is about sharing thoughts, ideas and information

· Control yourself, thoughts, arrangements, preparation, practice, the room layout and any equipment that you may need

· People are people - some fidget; others ignore you – this is normal

· Ignore the non-listeners; talk to those who want to listen

· Don’t over prepare for things that may never happen

· You are successful now because you are trying to learn strategies to overcome your fear of public speaking by reading this article

· Believe in yourself

· Audiences don’t want to embarrass, judge you as a person/by your clothes, voice or anything else

· Audiences want to learn something new, no matter how meager that might be

· Most of your audience will hold you in high esteem because you had the courage to stand up and speak at all

· Your listeners want you to be successful!

thank you

pijo jonas said...

Nurhafiza Bt Yazulla

Assalamalaikum madam,

Thanks for this post. I would like to add one information on how to overcome fear of public speaking. Give up the belief that you have to be perfect.
Most people are afraid of public speaking because they fear the embarrassment of making mistakes in front of others. Anxiety over mistakes only makes mistakes more likely. Having anxiety could be the biggest mistake of all. Even professional speakers occasionally make mistakes. The difference is that they don't consider mistakes major obstacles to success. The secret is to accept that mistakes are going to happen sometimes, and to develop the ability to recover from them quickly. Dr. L. Michael Hall, author of Secrets of Personal Mastery, advises, "Give yourself permission to be gloriously fallible!"

Thank you

fickie said...

ID : BHD08-07-850

Thank you for your post =)

People tend to have fear of speaking to groups.Here I would like to share with you some of my personal way in overcoming this fear.

Be yourself.That is everything to me.By being myself, I find that it is much easier for me to perform or deliver my speech and i won't get influenced by others.I don't copy others but just do what I know I can do best.

Other than that,I just let loose of myself.I prevent myself form standing stiff as that will limit my movement and my confidence.Lack of confidence will lead to extra fear.

Besides that,I'll keep it slow and steady,smooth all the way.I speak slowly and I won't rush to keep myself form making any mistake and get panicked later on.

last but not least,I'll pray to God before I start my speech and hope for everything good to happen as well as for my speech to end successfully.

Thank You =)

Unknown said...

ID NO: BHD 08-07-841

Assalamua'alaikum Madam Mimi..

I want to add from my opinion how to overcome the fear of speaking to the group.

- You can doing exercise by give your speech in front of crowded people. You can improve your speaking skill, your nervous can be decrease and your confident will increase by doing this. You also can get feedback from the group of people and help your performance in speech.

- Try to see the motivation program or something that connect with the exercise of speech something like English program. You can learn how to give a speech by see the attorney of the event. You can learn from his or her voice variation and his or her body language and then you can practice it by yourself.

- You also can make your exercise by using a mirror. You can see your own style of speaking. You know your body language, your movement and your eye contact. You can know by yourself your own mistake. This style of exercise is for someone who want to improve their skill by their own self.

- You can also record your exercise and then see the record and analyze it. You can improve your skill of speaking from the recording. You can publish the recording in the internet and ask online people to comment the speech and yet you will know the mistake in your speaking.

Make sure you practice a lot before speaking so you will be confident during speaking. I hope this technique will help your performance in your speech. Thank you.

hey hey hazman said...

ID: BHD08-07-830
Class: HND1 Section 3

Basically, people have fear of speaking to groups is just because they do not have confidence towards themselves and felt like looking foolish when giving speech. Be well prepared before speaking to a group can make u confident to give out information about your speech. Practice makes perfect. So practice as much as possible to reduce nervousness when give out speech. Have a backup, just in case there’s a forgotten line in your speech. Relax yourself so that you can avoid the audience to think that you have Parkinson disease.

Farhana Bt Awang said...

ID NO : BHD08-07-843

Assalamualikum pn mimi,

i like this article because this can help we to decrease our fear when give a speech.but for me, i like to speak in front of my friends but to speak in a stages, i cannot present well because of the fear. i don't know why i cannot present well when give a speech in front of the people.
and i hope from your article, i will learn how to decrease my fear when i give a speech.
i hope i can be a good speaker to the listeners, without nervous and fear.
that's all from me, thank you madam.

mahfuzah said...

ID: BHD08-01-721
Class: (SECTION 1)

Hi to Mrs Mimi ..

as we know we will have a fear to talk or presentation in public. Each person will experience the same thing we would do anything to get rid of this fear.
I hope to take this subject can help us to feel confident to speak in public

Amie Mede said...

ID : BHD08-07-853

it is normal for people having fear before giving a speech. it is not easy to stand alone in front of many people that you don't know who they are,where they live,who is their parents,what they thinking about and many more and giving a speech. especially if that speech is the most important speech.

ways that you give to overcome this fears is really inspiring and really open my eyes how important to overcome all this fears while giving a speech.

if this fears keep bothering you while you give a speech, just think that you are the only person who willingly and you are the one who has the courage to stand in front of them and speak. you have been give the faith by many people to talk and talk and encourage them to believe what you say and to understand what topic are you talking about.

true, be well prepared is important. if you're not well prepared enough what do you think audience might think of your speech and how you will look like in front of them. think yourself as the audience and you watch someone else giving a speech and not prepared. how fool they will look like right?

then, yes, practice. wise man said practice makes perfect. practice yourself. no matter how you practice, in front of your friends, in front of the mirror or even record yourself. do what you want to do, as long as you will not look stupid.

have a backup is certainly a great idea. this is in case you forgets your line or idea or anything that will ruined your speech. butterflies in your stomach will be thrown away.

audience is important. without audience,who you will want to give your speech to. think about it, but you might think that your audience is greater, important, strong than you right? first, do not underestimate your audience. if feel nervous, it's true to reduce fear of your audience if this matter happen.

then, for me also, it's true to relax myself while giving my speech. because by relaxing somehow somewhat it may overcome my fear.

thank you.

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