Saturday, February 13, 2010

Speech Preparation : Don’t Skip the Speech Outline

This article describes how to support your core message with a speech outline, and provides numerous examples. This is the second step in the six-step speech preparation process.

Writing an outline is, unfortunately, a step that many skip. The most common excuse is simply “No time.” This is unfortunate because time spent on an outline is time well spent. It is necessary to ensure that you craft a coherent and focussed presentation.

Writing a Speech Outline

An outline is a blueprint for your presentation.

  • It highlights the key logical elements. i.e. what points are being made to logically support the core message?
  • It highlights the key structural elements. e.g. introduction, body, conclusion, stories, high-level concepts
  • It links these elements together in a sequence, perhaps allocating very rough timings.
  • It can also map out the transitions between elements, although this may be deferred to a later stage of preparation.

Basic Speech Outlines

An outline is a blueprint for your presentation.

The basic speech outline template for structural elements is:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion

Similarly, the basic speech outline template for logical elements is the familiar advice:

  1. Tell them what you’re going to say
  2. Tell them
  3. Tell them what you’ve said

Put these together, and you have the start of a generic speech outline:

  1. Introduction — Establish topic and core message; list supporting points
  2. Body
    1. Supporting Point One
    2. Supporting Point Two
    3. Supporting Point Three
  3. Conclusion — Recap main points; summarize core message; call-to-action

It is surprising how well this simple 3-part outline template works for a wide range of speech topics. Incidentally, this same basic formula can be seen in novels, short stories, movies, plays, reports, business briefings, emails, memos, and many other forms of communication.

Thank you.


Emy[ motmot ] said...
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Emy[ motmot ] said...

ID : BHD 08-07-757

This is a better ways that we need to follow to make our speech very good and become more atteractive.
If we want get the good speech, so we should be follow this outline.So that we can get a good speech.From that, we also can much know and understand what speaker want to tell about.If we are not follow that outline,the audiences do not understand what speaker try to tell to audiences.Firstly about structural elements.In our speech,we should be follow step by step, which is introduction,body and also conclusion.If we are missing one of them,so our speech do not complete and of course audiences do not understand what we are try to tell to them and lastly,they will be bored listen to our speech.
Furthermore,we have logical elements in our speech to inform audiences what we want to tell them and the next point.
Last but not lease is a generic speech outline.In our body statement,we might be do the supporting point.It is call supporting details.It will be suuport the main point in your body to eleborate the main point.This is because to make the supporting point more interesting.
Thank you.

eyqa said...

ID : BHD 08-07-771


Type of Speech (Informative, Persuasive, Demonstrative, Final)
Attention-getter: question, quotation, startling statement, anecdote, etc.

Thesis: (It will be a statement, like this: Because there are so many negative effects of using tobacco, people should not smoke. The thesis statement is the topic sentence for your entire speech – in one sentence, what your speech is about. The introduction may be written word-for-word, if needed. You don’t want to misquote someone, so definitely write quotes word-for-word.)

From this point on in the body of the speech, you will simply organize your material in a logical order, using phrases. Don’t write complete sentences – just list enough words to remind you what to say. Here’s an example:
I. Cancer
A. Lung cancer caused by smoking
B. Irreversible effects

II. Emphysema
A. Shortness of breath
B. Long-term effects
C. Use of oxygen

III. Negative effects on others
Second-hand smoke

Concluding comment (relating to the attention-getter, if possible)

When you present your speech, don’t “announce” the outline headings. Just make them part of the normal flow of talking. Tie them into sentences and talk to the audience; don’t read to them.
In speech, tell them what you’re going to tell them (introduction), then tell them (body), and then tell them what you’ve told them (conclusion). You get three chances to share your information! Use words such as first, second, last, next, or finally to move from one point to the next. Try not to say “In conclusion”. That’s a weak way to end your speech.

ina@gadis kampung said...

id : BHD 08-07-837
class : HND1/SECTION 4

I like this articel because it give me idea and inspiration to make speech for future.
For example, this article explain that to do speech must have 3 structural elements:introduction,body, and conclusion.

In this articl also have info starta generic speech outline:
1)Introduction, we must establish topic and list supporting points.
2)Body, must have 3 Supporting Point.
3)clusion we should summarizecore message

zaRina.. said...

ID : BHD08-07-836

Sample Outline for a Talk
Be sure to put your name on your outline!

Include your speech title here

Purpose: (Why are you giving this talk?)

Thesis: (What is your major argument?)

I. Introduction

A. Greeting
B. Attention getter
C. Credibility statement
D. Thesis statement
E. Preview of main points


II. Body

A. Main point #1

1. Subordinate point (e.g., "According to…")

a. Support (e.g., example, statistic, visual, testimonial)
b. Support

2. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support


B. Main point #2

1. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support

2. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support

Internal Summary

C. Main point #3

1. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support

2. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support


III. Conclusion

A. Signal closing
B. Restate thesis
C. Review main points

1. Main point #1
2. Main point #2
3. Main point #2

D. Memorable statement or call to action
E. Thank audience for listening

azie said...

ID: BHD08-07-817

I like to share with everybody about the speech outline that i is simple..but i hope everyone can understand the outline.

A layout outline for a custom speech contains three parts, which are:

I. Introduction

Greeting and Attention Gatherer:
o The way you greet the audience and capture the attention of your listeners.

Thesis Statement:
o A sentence in the introduction specifying the purpose and the subject of the speech.

o The process of presenting yourself to the audience and establishing your credibility to persuade your audience that you are "trustworthy" enough to speak about the subject.

o An overview of the main points of the speech

II. Body

o A sentence signaling to the audience the end of the introduction and the beginning of the main part of the speech.

Main points:
o A detailed presentation of the main points and ideas of the speech; a description of your supporting ideas along with examples and visuals to explain and/or clarify your points.

III. Conclusion

o A sentence signaling to the audience the end of the body part of the speech and the beginning of the concluding part of the speech.

Paraphrasing of the Main Points:
o Restatement of your main points and ideas and emphasis on those parts of your speech you really want your audience to remember.

Closing Statement:
o A final sentence (it may be presented in the form of a rhetorical question), where you emphasize to the audience your key statement.

Nurul Syazwani bt Malek said...


Do not skip the speech outline. This is very important becouse with the speech outline we can have enough information to prepare the introduction,body and conclusion of the speech.With the speech outline we can know what we are going to give the point to the audience. The point also is systematic rather than we did not do the speech outline.So that the audience will understood your scope of your speech. Then the body must have supporting point so we can have the clear speech.The conclusion is we must recap the main point summarize the point of the speech that's all.
Thank you.

azie said...

ID : BHD 08-07-856

Some sample speech outline that I want to share..

For most types of ceremonies, all that will be expected of you is to give a sold speech that does everything it's supposed to do without trying to go too far. The standard funeral speech outline works like this:

1. Introduction: For the first minute or two, talk about how the person entered your life. If it's a family member, talk about your relationship with the person, and share some of your earliest memories. If it's a friend or acquaintance, talk about how you met, and address the significance that the person has taken in your life.

2. Anecdote: Every funeral speech outline should include 1-2 minutes to share a memory that helps illustrate the specific character and virtues of the deceased. Ideally, you should think of a memory that few people know about and that highlights the person's individuality. Move your role in the story to the background. Try to choose an anecdote where the person helped you in some way or taught you a valuable life lesson.

3. Conclusion: At a funeral, it's important to emphasize the lasting legacy of the deceased person. When a loved one passes away, we carry that person with us for the rest of our lives, even if, after a while, we don't talk about it all the time. The conclusion of your speech is your chance to state clearly what the person's lasting legacy will be. What type of inspiration do you expect to take from this person and carry though the rest of your life? Try to convince everyone in the room that they should take this inspiration, too.

With this basic speech outline, you should be able to construct a solid speech that lasts anywhere between 3 and 6 minutes. For most funerals, brevity is appreciated, so stick to this formula, don't try to go too far, and you'll do fine.
Thank you...

Eein said...

ID : BHD 08-07-852

For me, an outline for speech is very important as it is a brief organization of the main thoughts of a speech. Writing an outline is better, rather than writing out the entire speech word for word.

An outline allows the speaker to speak from their heart and prevents them from being tied or even worse, reading the speech.

All types of speeches have their own unique presentation methods, but all can be prepared in the form of an outline. That's why an outline is important to a speech.

An outline does not require difficult principles. Just a simple one.

An outline must have a theme to subject which is the central idea on what you want to convey in your speech.

Next, an introduction.. This introduction will capture the attention of audience. I think, the power words should be use here. This will help to accomplish our goal.

Then, the body.. For me, the fewer the better. Generally, thee main points. Here, gather relevant information and find something supportive for the speech.

Finally, a conclusion..
Here, sum up what you said and a review of the main points. Most importantly, i think here we should tell the audience what we really want them to do with the information. Then, if likely... try to make a call to action:)
for me, the best way is try to suggest them to use the information as they can see by themselves that it does indeed work..

enough said... :)
there's are benefit from all this outline...
1) it allows us to speak from our experience and even from our heart.
2) can make our speech more motivational.
3) allow us to discover which words to train and will help to reduce speech errors.

So..It's very important not to skip the speech outline...

I think that's all..
Thank You:)

DzZiy said...

ID: BHD08-07-807

It is true that not many people like or even bother to prepare a speech outline first before their speech.

Speech outline is indeed very crucial. A good speech outline create a well organize speech. With a speech outline, a speaker will realize which stage of the presentation they are in. This helps them to easily recaps on them, in the conclusion.

Putting a speech under one single writing or writing sketches will harden the audience to understand the main points that the speaker is to discuss in the speech. This cause the audience to might even fallen asleep while listening to a speech.

With a well organize speech outline, audiences will show an interest towards the speech. A speech with a good Introduction opener, will grab the audiences attention. A Body, that are full of great facts and aspiration will attract audience fully. A great speech a good Conclusion, will amazed the audience. This is why speech outline has to be prepared and done carefully before making a public presentation.

azie said...

ID : BHD 08-07-856

I agree that speech outline are very important to make our speech good.

There are three step outline that can guide us in creating a good speech.

A Three Step Outline for Creating a Powerful Speech..

This three-step guideline works for any kind of speech, short or long, whether it is an informative speech, a persuasive speech, a best man speech or other wedding speech, on practically any topic.

1.Write the Thesis, Introduction, or Speech Opening

Beginning with a welcome is important, especially if the speaker isn’t personally known by the audience. Welcoming the audience puts them at ease and allows them a moment to adjust to the speaker. This part of the speech should be about 10% of the full length.

After the welcome and introduction, a thesis should be written. The thesis is the speech opening, the place where the speaker will tell the audience what information is about to be conveyed. This doesn’t need to be long. It can be as short as one sentence or as long as three or four sentences. It should tell the core message the speaker wants the audience to remember.

2.Write the Body of a Speech

The body of the speech is where the presenter elaborates on the topic. The body should have a logical progression of facts and details. Placing a fact first, then following it with examples, details, anecdotes, and supporting evidence is the proper order. Once one fact has been thoroughly covered, another fact with its details can be introduced.

This succession of facts and details can be repeated as many times as necessary to complete the support of the thesis or topic. Add power to the speech by including facts in their order of importance. One technique is to save the most important fact for last. The body of the speech typically takes up about 75% of the speech.

3.Write the Conclusion, Ending, or Wrap-Up of a Speech

The conclusion is the place where the speaker gives the audience a recap of the points made during the speech. The speaker should tell the audience once again, what he or she just told them. Clarifying the points into a short, targeted summary will help the audience members keep those points in mind as they leave. It also helps note-takers and reporters to crystallize the content of the speech.

The conclusion may also be used to motivate the audience to action, to appeal to them for help, or give advice on the topic that was covered. Once the conclusion has been made, the speaker should thank the audience for listening.

The outline for the writing may be organized in this manner:

*Thesis or Introduction (10% of total length)
*Body (75% of total length)
*First Fact
*Details and supporting evidence, examples, anecdotes
*Second Fact
*Details and supporting evidence, examples, anecdotes
*Third Fact
*Details and supporting evidence, examples, anecdotes
*Conclusion (15% of total length)

Using this three step outline for writing a speech will make the task easier and will keep the speaker focused. The audience will appreciate the clarity, because the organized thesis, body, and conclusion will drive the points home succinctly. Whether it’s a toast to a bride and groom or an acceptance speech to public office, this format will deliver a powerful speech.

Thats all..
Thank you..

opickz_snichi said...

Name:Mohd Taufiq b.Mansor

Thanks, good infarmation this absolutely can help me to give a speech better than before.much appreciated..

for my suggesstion to have more security when give a speech we need good preparation..

For my simple tip is.. write it down as you get more speeches under your belt,you may be able to organize your thougths without the help of pen and paper,but to begin you will want to make a note.Even you dont refer to them went you are actually speaking.

For most situation,you wont want to write out the retire speech.Make a note on how you will open (usually a catchy story that the illustrates your main point),what you three main point are, and the pieces of evidence or story you will use to back each of them up, your summary and your final point.

Don't remember the outlining skill you learned??

Check out this guide on how to outline a speech..

Thank you

Shea Butter said...

name: sitinursyarifah bt hussin
id: bhd08-07-793
section: hnd1(B)

salam madam....

Normally, when we delivering the speech, people might probably forgot the speech outline..Without this, the listener do not know what you want to say about your speech...speech outline is most important if you want atrract the listener to hear your speak..and more friendly to the audience to know the step of your body of speech..

Unknown said...

Name:hamimra binti mohamad jail
Class:hnd1 section 2
thank you at puan mimi.From the tips i can use for the write outline after this but
I will share with other how to give sample persuasive speech outline.i hope that can useful for me and other people.

Sample persuasive speech outline including speechwriting tips on outlining the main speech topics for public speaking.
Sample Persuasive Speech Outline
SUBJECT: Your persuasive speech topic.
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To persuade the audience to...
A. Attention grabber.
B. Clarify the goal of your writing topic. By the way, don't write pursuasive speech topic, use the correct spelling! What do you want to persuade them to think, change, act or to move exactly?
C. Preview main points: Use the Roman numeral divisions of this sample persuasive outline.
D. Relate the issue to your audience.
E. Credibility: Why are you talking about this speech topic?
Transition sentence
How to make a speech outline of your key ideas? Use one of my speech outline examples. Or the Problem Solution and Monroe Motivation Sequence.
A. First Point
1. First Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
2. Second Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
3. Third Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
B. Second Point
1. First Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
2. Second Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
3. Third Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
In this sample you see 3 major points, avoid more than 5. If you dont want the sample persuasive speech outline above, then group them in the deductive speech writing format; from general to specific, or in the inductive public speaking outline from specific to general.
C. Third Point: Deal with opposition arguments.
E.g. What will happen if you don't agree
Like this sample persuasive speech outline
1. First Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
2. Second Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
3. Third Subpoint
a. First Sub-subtopic
b. Second Sub-subtopic
c. Third Sub-subtopic
Transition sentence
A. Signal the end.
B. Summarize main ideas.
C. Close with a concluding device or call to action.

that all tip i will share with other.
thank you

m i e z o z o y said...

ID no : BHD08-07-785
Class : HND1 Sec 4


About the outline speech, this outline mybe u can see through out the memo or business letter.

For me, the intro must be bombastic or unique that an attrack people to read or hear your speech. With the good of intonation in body language, more easier to attrack people. When the introduction were unique and bombastic, surely the people always hear and pay attention to what U gonna say.

For the body, should put the contextual evident that show people that we are analys the certain thing on a topic. Show people that we are alert of the topic that show how important of the certain things.

Close( Conclusion )
Its should be simple as the end of speech but, put a phrased that can bring impact from the inside of people. When this occurs, the speech is very fantastic and meaningful to the people.

that's all thank you....

Kikie Zaly said...

noorasyikin mohd noorzaly

salam madam.

For me,if we want have a good speech, we must follow this outline. Do not skip the speech outline because it is very important.

It just 3 basic speech outline which is introduction, body and conclusion. It seen easily but do not take easy. You must follow this 3 basic speech outline.

INTRODUCTION- create an introduction that will make the attention of your audience. Depending on your purpose, you would use the good words to attract audience to listen your speech.

BODY- Generally three main points but sometimes it is necessary to do more. Try not to do more than five.

CONCLUSION- review the main point of the speech and emphasis on those parts of your speech you really want your audience to remember.

T U N S Y U K R I said...

ID NO : BHD08-07-781

Agreed. For me, speech outline play the most important role when preparing a speech. By doing the outline we can line up part by part and make sure our speech are kept in order. This can make us giving speech smoothly.

Thanks for remind us about the importance of the speech outline. I will make sure I will never forget to do the speech outline and never skip it.

Yours sincerely,

Slay Away said...

ID NO : BHD08-07-866


Speech Outline Format


I. To arouse interest and gain attention should be the first function of the introduction.
II. The thesis (one sentence summary of the speech -- the main idea of your speech) should be the second point in the introduction.
III. A preview or overview statement, laying out the structure of the Body of the Speech (listing main points), should be the final point of your introduction.


I. Present the first main point of your speech. (This must be a subdivision of the thesis.)
A. This subdivision gives developmental and supporting material for the first main point.
B. This subdivision also develops the first main point. (NOT the preceding subpoint.)

II. Present the second main point of your speech. (This must be a subdivision of the thesis.)
A. This subdivision gives developmental and supporting material for the second main point.
B. This subdivision also develops the second main point. (Additional Main Points as needed -- no more than 4, however)


I. The first purpose of the outlined conclusion should be to give a summary of main points and information covered previously in the Body of the speech.

II. The second point in the conclusion should reinforce your thesis and leave the audience with a good impression. (This may be done by utilizing a quotation, a story, or making a reference to the introduction.)

III. YOU DO NOT PRESENT NEW MATERIAL IN THE CONCLUSION OF THE SPEECH. ** Total number of words in the outline should be only a fraction of those in the actual speech. Remember, the outline is like the skeleton of your speech -- it forms the structure you build your speech around.

Cik Eniey said...

ID : BHD 08-07-846

Assalamualaikum and thank you for your detailed post. I’m truly agree with your topic on do not skip the speech outline. As a result, what I had understood about the speech outline is that during the speech preparation process we may create a preparation outline, which is a very detailed outline.

It includes: the title, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, main points, subpoints, connectives, conclusion, and bibliography. The main points and subpoints are stated in full sentences. A speaking outline is just a brief outline used to jog a speaker’s memory during the presentation of a speech. It uses phrases or key words to state main points and sub points.

Thank you. =)

dAk said...

Name : Maisarah bt Abdul Rahman
ID : Bhd08-07-812
Class : HND 1 (Sect 2)

Assalammualaikum madam…

I agree with the posts that don’t skip the speech outline. However, many people don’t understand why we should doing this outline before giving a speech. People always make an excuse such as what did you post already and the very popular is they don’t have time. People who are rarely doing the speech might be having problem with this. They will think it just for once and no need to think about it again and they are unfamiliar with doing the outline. I would share and give some info why is it important to make speech outline before a speech?

1.Cause maybe you won't remember your whole speech but with an outline you might remember the main points and be able to improvise cause that's what an outline is, your main points in short and summarized form.

2.Most people cannot hold a coherent monologue for a longer period of time. Doing a presentation "on the fly", unprepared, is extremely difficult.

3.When people don’t know what to say, they will speak a strange sentences because they cannot think what should they must say. For example, can of bread and actually the better word is canned or fresh food.

I hope after this people will understand why doing outline speech is important before doing the speech. Thank you.

Unknown said...


Do not skip the speech outline. This is very important because with the speech outline we can have enough information to prepare the introduction,body and conclusion of the speech.With the speech outline we can know what we are going to give the point to the audience.The point also is systematic rather than we did not do the speech outline.This will help audience to understood scope of your speech. Then the body must have supporting point so we can have the clear speech.The conclusion is we must recap the main point summarize the point of the speech.Thanks for remind me about the importance of the speech outline.I will make sure that i will never forget to do the speech outline and never skip it.

mariyam said...

ID BHD08-07-851


thank you for the basic guide to write speech outline.

Rather than writing out the entire speech word for word, an outline is a brief organization of the main thoughts of a speech. In writing, it allows for faster organization. In giving a speech from an outline, it allows the speaker to speak from the heart. It prevents the speaker being tied to or even worse reading the speech.
You may be assigned a subject, topic or a theme. You may be asked to cover specific information, material, or organizational needs. Perhaps it may be to provide instructions or a ‘How To Speech’. These would be an informational style of speaking. They are well suited for developing into a discourse using a speech outline

Thank you.

Shea Butter said...

name: siti nursyarifah bt hussin
id: bhd08-07-793
class: hnd1 section 2
speech outline

4 important thing that will give you the point or mark in speech..

1. Attention getter
(who, when, where, what, how)

2.preview of speech
the preview of each paragraph for the audience know what are you talking about

firstly,secondly,next,let's continue, however, furthermore

concluding remarks.(flashback the preview of speech)

thank you..

sayeAreen said...

section: HND 1 (2)
id: BHD 08-07-770

assalamualaikum madam....
here i want to comment on the post above..

here is the in constructing an speech outline.

Step 1

Understand the parts of a speech. When preparing a speech outline, it is essential to know the main parts of a speech and their functions. Understanding these parts will aid in the development of an outline. An introduction presents the topic of your speech and informs the audience as to why they should listen. Speakers should present their main points in the introduction. The body is the heart of a speech. The main points are presented with details and supporting evidence. The conclusion summarizes what the speaker wants the audience to remember.

Step 2

Decide on an organizational pattern. Choosing how to organize a speech allows individuals to prepare the most effective outline. There are seven ways to organize a speech:
Logical or topical pattern: This method is used for informative speeches and is effective when speakers present several ideas that relate to each other.
Chronological or time sequence: People use this method in demonstration speeches, or when the main points relate by time.
Spatial or geographical pattern: This method is used when the main points relate to physical space.
Classification pattern: People use this method to relate main points all about parts of a larger unit.
Problem-solution pattern: This method is used for persuasive speeches when speakers have a problem and solution.
Cause-effect pattern: For when speakers have both the cause and effect of a problem.
Advantage-disadvantage pattern: This method is used when speakers have the advantages and disadvantages of a topic.

Step 3

Begin the speech outline with an introduction. Speakers must know what they want to say before they can put it on paper. Complete all research and gather all sources. The introduction includes a greeting and an attention grabber. It's followed by a thesis statement, the purpose and topic for the speech. It may also be wise to present your credibility and why you're qualified to speak on the topic. This is important if the audience is not familiar with you or your work. Present a brief overview of the main point and why the speech is useful to the audience.

Step 4

Outline the speech's body. The speech's body presents speakers' main points with supporting ideas. The speaker uses details and examples as evidence to support the main points. At times, speakers may use visuals to help the audience understand the main points of a speech. When creating an outline, make sure each main point is covered fully before moving on to the next main point. Speakers should not jump from one main point to another and then back again.

Step 5

Prepare the conclusion. This summarizes the speech's main points and emphasizes the points a speakers wants the audience to remember. It is not a time to introduce new material. Construct a final sentence with impact so audience members will remember your speech.

RoyKiller said...

ID BHD08-07-782

salam pn mimi.

i totally agree with your post, outline of speech is a guideline to a speaker to know what they want to suppose to talk.

outline must contain at least three parts:

An Introduction

A Body

A conclusion

In the Introduction, you state the topic of your speech. You tell the audience the main points of your speech. In other words, you say what you are going to speak about.

In the Body, you speak about each point in detail. For each point you must give the audience some evidence or information that will help explain and support each point. The Body is the longest of the three parts.

In the Conclusion, you should summarise the main points of your speech, and emphasise what you want the audience to remember.

Lolita's said...

Name : Nor Azura binti Mohd Ali
ID : BHD08-07-769
Class : HND1(section 4)

From my own opinion, speech outline are very important before we start our speech. At first i thought that it make me do many work. But, after i have done a few speech lately ( demonstrative speech ), i realize that without speech outline we wont know the step of our speech.

speech outline helps me a lot when i'm doing my speech that day. it makes me know what to do next and what is the point. i have learn about this outline speech.

these are some information i would like to share :

first, we must tell the purpose of the speech. write a simple purpose so that the audience know what we want to talk about.

by using attention getter, we want to attract the audience to listen to our speech. make sure that it is interesting so that we can get to bring the audience from start to the end of speech.

after that by using preview, we must preview what are the points that you would like to present. just a simple preview so that audience know what we want to talk about.

by using transition, we review the information that just presented and then we preview the next section. By using transition, we alert the audience what we we already said and what we want to say next.

about conclusion, we know that conclusion are important because we must conclude about overall of the speech. we must find a statement that will give impact to the audience.

thats all are some imformation from what i have learnt form you.

thank you.

Unknown said...

ID.NO: BHD08-07-774

Good topic for student because they typically not interested to write an outline. Why bother with an outline? Why not just skip to the speech writing itself? There are several good reasons why should take the time to make an outline:
1. An outline shows the entire structure of speech. This enables to see whether you've arranged main ideas and supporting details in the best possible way. It also helps you make sure that you have given each part of your speech enough emphasis.
2. Outlines let you see at a glance if you've forgotten anything important.
3. When you stand before your audience, you will have a visual image of your speech's structure. As a result, you will have more confidence that comes with being well prepared.
4. Your outline can be the basis for your note cards that you use during your speech.

Creating an outline is not difficult.It only take several tip how to write a good speech outline.

Outlining Hints: Put only one idea per line and use numbers and letters to distinguish between main ideas and supporting points. Also, use tabs to visually separate your main points from your evidence.

1. There are numerous benefits of giving blood. Soon after giving blood, you will receive a postcard with your cholesterol level on it along with the phrase, "Congratulations, you have just saved up to three lives!". Also, you get to enjoy your favorite cookies, crackers, and beverages while you donation.Many places on campus also give you a free T-shirt for donating.Life South blood centers will cover all non-insured blood processing fees for the donor and sometimes their family for a 12-month period after their donation.


Body: A.There are numerous benefits of giving blood.

1.Soon after giving blood, you will receive a postcard with your cholesterol level on it along with the phrase, "Congratulations, you have just saved up to three lives!"

2.Also, you get to enjoy your favorite cookies, crackers, and beverages while you donate.

3.Many places on campus also give you a free T-shirt for donating.

4.Life South blood centers will cover all non-insured blood processing fees for the donor and sometimes their family for a 12-month period after their donation.

Dont forget to write transition every each part on your speech..this is importance to understand the flow of your speech.

Thank you.

crazy iggle said...

ID: BHD08-07-59


here i want to show you 3 important elements and steps in outline speech that we must provide in a speech.

we must begin with welcome statement and encourage them to listen to your speech. in this part, please include your attention getting opener. after that, tell them what information is about to be conveyed.

this part is where you explain in details about your topic. you must elaborate your sentences and give logical facts of that topic. this part is very important.

The conclusion is the place where the speaker gives the audience a recap of the points made during the speech. The speaker should tell the audience once again, what he or she just told them. Clarifying the points into a short, targeted summary will help the audience members keep those points in mind as they leave. It also helps note-takers and reporters to crystallize the content of the speech.

The conclusion may also be used to motivate the audience to action, to appeal to them for help, or give advice on the topic that was covered. Once the conclusion has been made, the speaker should thank the audience for listening.

that's all.thank you.

noor amirah azhar said...
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noor amirah azhar said...

Name : Noor Amirah Binti Azhar
Id : Bhd 08-07-756
Class : HND 1 ( Sec 1)

The speech outline is the important things that need to be done before make a complete speech. While making the outline, the speaker can get the overview on what the speech should need. Here is the another example of speech outline.

introduction: Presents a topic of the speech and tells the audience the major points of your speech.
* Body: Contains the main points of your speech, where you focus on details; here too you provide all the informative or supportive evidence to explain and support your points.
* Conclusion: Summarizes the main points of your speech and stresses the most important details to make a lasting impact on the audience.

A detailed speech outline follows the same pattern as the basic speech outline, but it also contains subparts corresponding to the main parts of the outline. Below you will find a description of a layout outline that allows you to plan and present your speech material in a logical and concise way. In general, you may refer to this detailed outline if you wish to write a good speech of any type; you may also use it as your speech script.

A layout outline for a custom speech contains three parts, which are:

I. Introduction

* Greeting and Attention Gatherer: The way you greet the audience and capture the attention of your listeners.
* Thesis Statement: A sentence in the introduction specifying the purpose and the subject of the speech.
* Authority: The process of presenting yourself to the audience and establishing your credibility to persuade your audience that you are "trustworthy" enough to speak about the subject.
* Summary: An overview of the main points of the speech.
* Important Answer: An answer to the question: "Why do you think your presentation will be useful and/or valuable to the audience?"

II. Body

* Transition: A sentence signaling to the audience the end of the introduction and the beginning of the main part of the speech.
* Main points: A detailed presentation of the main points and ideas of the speech; a description of your supporting ideas along with examples and visuals to explain and/or clarify your points.

III. Conclusion

* Transition: A sentence signaling to the audience the end of the body part of the speech and the beginning of the concluding part of the speech.
* Paraphrasing of the Main Points: Restatement of your main points and ideas and emphasis on those parts of your speech you really want your audience to remember.
* Closing Statement: A final sentence (it may be presented in the form of a rhetorical question), where you emphasize to the audience your key statement.

Thank You

kukucantik said...

ID : BHD 0901896


That's true.. If we skip the speech outline, the speech that you want to build will be not organised well.

In doing speech outline, it must have :

1. Opener gather.
2. Statement of purpose.
3. Preview of main point.
4. Body.
5. A summary of the speech.
6. Memorable Concluding Remarks
7. Conclusion.

Thank you.

Nurulatika said...

ID: BHD 08-07-772


The speech outlines are very important for those who want to deliver the speech. It is because it can be a guideline for the speaker. So, if they want to give the speech, at least they have point to talk.

The effect of the speech if the speech outlines are skipped:

1. The speaker will lost the idea
2. There will be too much pause
3. The speech will stuck
4. The speech will not in sequence
5. Sometimes it run from the actual topics
6. The speech also will have no points
7. It also become bored and look dull

That's all from my opinion..
thank you.

Anonymous said...

BHD 07-07-718

As we know, the speech outline is important before we give our speech in front the audience. Actually, this speech outline is important because it's help us to be more confident because using the outline, we know and we can target the specific purpose in our speech. so that when we standing in front the audience, we know what the information that we have to give to the audience.So, if we skip this outline, it's hard to speaker to speak confidently because they will lose all the information that they have because they not ready to speak and still don't know what they must to do. so, to be a good speaker in front the audience, we must to make the outline, at least it will help us to know what the target that we have and should give to the audience.

Ijam said...



I have read through your article and I must admit that a speech outline is very important before you can make a speech. This is because, a speech outline lists the main ideas or key topics of a message you wish to communicate. Outlines list supporting details under key ideas.

After your speech outline has been completed, it can be used as a guide to help you keep your thoughts organized as you speech-write. A speech outline will help you speak in complete phrases and sentences as you dictate an essay, an email message, or a report of some kind.

Speech recognition outlines have another advantage. Speech outlines allow you to discover which words to train before you begin to write. By training all of these tricky words in advance, your composition can be created with less concern about speech-errors.

The steps for creating a speech outline varies significantly depending on whether or not you're using Microsoft Word or XpressPad, or some other speech recognition software product. But, any software wouldn’t changed anything if you are not well prepared to write the speech outline.

I will always remember these note because it is very helping and i hope that I can learn more from you. Insya Allah..

aien andisma said...

BHD 0807857

before this I'm not take important about speech outline. after read this, i knw now that speech outline is very important.with speech outline, we can write down all of our ideas than organize it to be more better.
if we skip speech outline, maybe our speech not arrangeable.

Sullivan Moore said...

ID: BHD08-07-802


In order to make a detailed and useful outline you must understand the structure of a speech. The basic structure of a speech and how to make a simple outline has been explained on another page. On that page it was shown that there are three main parts to a speech; The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion. These three parts can be further broken down. The structure of these three main parts can be seen in the outline below.

A presentation outline is a way to organize your material logically and clearly. You should make an outline before you start to write a speech. In fact the writing of a speech comes towards the end of the speech creation process (see '11 Steps to Creating a Speech'). By using a presentation outline, you can "see" your speech and determine where you need to add or revise information. It provides the structure for the introduction, body, and conclusion of your speech. In addition, it can serve as your speaking script.

This outline consists of Four parts; The Header, The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion. Before you start writing your speech you should make an outline using these 4 headings and their sub headings.

1. Header


Decide on your topic.


Analyze your audience. What do they already know about your topic? Are they interested in the topic?

Refine and limit topic

Based on your analysis of the audience you may need to slightly change you topic, by either changing the focus, or the scale of the topic.

Purpose Statement

Write down a clear statement of what it is you intend to achieve. What is the purpose of your speech.

Organizational Method or Pattern

There is no single way to organize a speech. The pattern you will select will be determined by the information you have and the specific purpose you want to achieve. There are six basic patterns for organizing a speech:

o Logical or topical
o Chronological
o Spatial
o Classification
o Problem-Solution
o Cause-effect

Once you have completed these five parts of the 'Header', you are then ready to start planning the speech itself.

2. Introduction

Greeting and Attention getter

How will you greet the audience? How will you get the audience's attention? Think of a sentence that will make the audience sit up and listen.

Thesis Statement

The 'purpose statement' is where you simply state what your goal is. However, it is not possible to use this in the speech. You need to convert it to a 'thesis statement'. A thesis statement is one sentence in the introduction in which you declare your purpose and topic.


If the audience do not know who you are, you will not only need to introduce yourself, but you will also need to 'establish your credibility'. This means you will have to explain to the audience why you are 'qualified' to speak about the subject.

Tell your audience why you think your presentation will be useful to them.

3. The body


Think of a sentence that will make it clear to the audience that you have finished the introduction, and are now about to start the body of the speech.

Main points and ideas

>Main ideas

>Supporting ideas

>Details & Examples


4. The conclusion


Think of a sentence that will make it clear to the audience that you have finished the body and are now coming to the end of the speech.

Restatement of main points
Summarize your main ideas and think of which piece of information you really want the audience to remember.


Think of a final sentence to help the audience remember your speech.

fickie said...

ID : BHD08-07-850

I would like to thank you for sharing with us such a very helpful information.

I totally agree that speech outline is very important and it is such a sin to skip it.

Speech outline is important because it keeps you on track of what you will speak about later on.

In a speech outline,you will prepare yourself with an introduction,body and closure.This will help you to give a complete and fully arranged speech.

Skipping speech outline will cause you to lose your confidence as you may get panicked when you do any mistake.Most of all,it can ruin your speech!

So,do not skip your speech outline.Even though it might look like nothing,it is actually everything!

Thank You =)

hey hey hazman said...

ID: BHD08-07-830
Class: HND1 Section 3

Speech outline is important so that we know what we want to say and when we want to say it. With a speech outline, the correct information is organized and there will be no redundancies of the same information. The sequence of your speech will be in sequence so that it won’t confuse the listeners of what information been given out. With the step by step on making a speech outline in the article will help us how to organize our speech.

Unknown said...

ID.NO: BHD08-07-761
Thanks for this post. And here I want to show the sample of outline speech. Here is a sample outline - using the format assigned for your speeches.

Name: Sara Slocum
Date: November 5, 1997
(Sample used with permission)
Title: Voting: Our Legal Right
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to vote in elections
I. Gain audience's attention by asking questions
II. Establish credibility - I vote
III. Explain what voting is
IV. Preview the body:
A. why we vote
B. Why we don't vote
C. Why we should vote
I. Why we vote
A. To select representatives
B. Constitutional right
1. Article 1
2. Amendment 15
3. Amendment 19
II. Why we don't vote
A. Figures on low voter turnout
B. Some don't care
C. Some are not educated about candidates
III. Why we should vote
A. To voice our opinions
B. To guarantee our freedom
I. Summarize main points
II. Explain how to register
III. End with Quotation

mahfuzah said...

ID: BHD08-01-721
Class: (SECTION 1)

Hi to Mrs Mimi ..

in conversation it needs about the topic outline for telling us.

To me, the intro should be turgid or unique that attrack to read or listen to your conversation. With good intonation in the language of the body, easier to attrack people. When the medium is unique and turgid sure many people who always listen and look at what you'd say.

for the body, it will tell what the point is in a topic, the topic here shows the importance of meditation.

Close (Conclusion)
to cover the topic. it will reveal about the topic so as to give effect to the public.

thank you

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