Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Good Sample Speech Outline

The sample speech outline below will help clarify what you want to say as well as help organise your material.

Read the page through to familiarise yourself with the terms and the process.

An outline forms the foundation of any successful speech as it guides you logically and sequentially through all the aspects you need to consider before you write.

When completed well it saves you time and helps avoid any anxiety caused by inadequate preparation.

The process is broken down into 4 steps:

  • Preparation:- deciding on your topic, considering the audience, refining your topic to suit them, deciding on the purpose of the speech and the organisational method you will use

  • Introduction:- opening greeting and attention getter, defining your thesis statement (a summary of what your speech is about) establishing your credibility, an overview and the benefit to the audience

  • Body:- transition or link between introduction and body, main ideas with supporting ideas, examples and details

  • Conclusion:- summary of main points and closer or call to action

Sample Speech Outline - Step One - Preparation

Topic - decide what you are going to talk about

Audience - consider who will be listening to you and what aspects of your topic is best suited to meet their needs

Refine or Limit Topic - reframe in view of your audience -decide on the angle you will take and whether or not you need to limit the scope

Define Purpose - Is it, for example, to persuade, inform, demonstrate, entertain, or welcome? Is it a combination of these?

Organisational Pattern or Method - There are 6 basic organisational patterns or methods of arranging the body of your material. Choose the one most appropriate for your need.

These are:

  • Cause - Effect Because event A happened, event B occurred.

  • Problem - Solution The problem is X. The solution is Y.

  • Logical This pattern suits a broad topic which is broken down into naturally occurring sub-topics.
    Example:- Broad topic: Vocal Variety Sub-topics: rate of speech, use of pausing, voice tone, volume, articulation...

  • Spatial or Geographic Topics dealing with physical space. Example:- The popular tourism areas in New Zealand

  • Time or Chronological Historical topics dealing with the sequence of events or demonstration speeches, for example, how to bake a cake

  • Advantage - Disadvantage For examining the range of positive and negative aspects to an idea or event

Sample Speech Outline - Step Two - Introduction

  • Greeting - Attention Getter - How are you going to greet your audience, grab their attention and compel them to listen?

  • Thesis Statement - A one sentence summary of your speech topic and your point of view or angle.
    Example:- Green politics is no longer a fanciful, fringe fad. It is a neccessity.

  • Credibility - Establishes your right to speak on the topic, cites your qualification or expertise

  • Summative overview - Brief outline of the main points to be covered

  • Benefit - What's in your speech for your audience? Why will they want to hear what you've got to tell them?

Sample Speech Outline - Step Three - Body

  • Transition - the link between your introduction and the main body of your speech.

  • Main Idea 1 - Supporting ideas - Details and examples - Visuals or props - Transition to...
  • Main Idea 2 - Supporting ideas - Details and examples - Visuals or props - Transition to...
  • Main Idea 3 - Supporting ideas - Details and examples - Visuals or props - Transition to...

Sample Speech Outline - Step Four - Conclusion

  • Summary of main ideas - from body of speech

  • Re-statement of thesis statement - from introduction

  • Re-statement of benefit to audience - from introduction

  • Closer, Clincher or Call to Action - final sentence

Thank you.


Ayuni said...

ID: 08-07-847

Sample Informative Speech Outline
(This is offered as an example only. Do NOT use the content in this outline.)
Hopefully, we will be achieving one of our major goals in life soon….graduating from college. All the tests, papers, and projects will be over. What a relief! Although we will no longer have to worry about grades, we will have to worry about something even more important….getting a job. It will determine our future, how we live…where we live…and whether or not we are happy with what we do. Therefore, we need to know how to interview for a job.
Subject Sentence: There are four steps to follow in preparing for the job interview.
Connective - To begin with - - - -
I. You must thoroughly research the company.
A. Internet (give example on using the Internet)
B. Publications (give examples of government sources, other career
C. People (what types of people can you contact?)
Connective - Second - - - - - -
II. You must thoroughly analyze and prepare yourself.
A. Verbal Communication
1. What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Give examples)
2. What can you do to improve your weaknesses? (Give examples)
B. Nonverbal Communication
1. What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Give examples)
2. What can you do to improve your weaknesses? (Give examples)
C. Appearance
1. According to Ann Johnston’s 2004 Dressing to Get the Job,
You should wear the following types of clothing to the interview.
2. These types of clothing are considered to be unprofessional.
Connective – Next,
III. You should anticipate questions and answers.
A. Questions asked by the interviewer
1. In the May 2004 issue of Job Digest, Clarice Stevens lists these routine questions commonly asked at a job interview.
List questions
2. Other questions may include…….
List questions
B. Questions asked by the interviewee
1. In the November 2004 issue of Career Magazine, John Simons states: “Interviewees must also be prepared to ask appropriate questions if they want to be perceived as strong, interested, viable candidates.”
2. Simons encourages the interviewee to ask the following types of
List questions
Connective – Finally, to lessen anxiety on the big day,
IV. You should prepare everything that you need the night before the interview.
A. Portfolio (give examples of what it should contain)
B. Clothing (cite sources and their recommendations for “career” clothing)
C. Transportation
Connective - To summarize,
In order to prepare for the job interview, you should research the company, analyze yourself, anticipate questions and answers, and prepare the night before. This preparation may make the difference in how you approach each work day for the rest of your life….dreading it…or looking forward to it. If you fail to prepare, you may be preparing to fail.
Note to students:
• Label introduction, subject sentence, body, conclusion, and connectives. Connectives may be one word, a phrase, or a sentence.
• Write out the introduction, main points, and conclusion in complete sentences.
• Refer to at least three sources in the speech outline and verbally in the speech.
• Use the Speech Data and Bibliography Sheet as a cover for the outline.
• Use proper outline format. For example, if there is an A, there should be a B. If there is a 1, there should be 2.
• Use parallel wording for all of your main points. For example, “The first step is….” “The second step is…”
• Develop each main point with support material (e.g., examples, definitions, statistics, quotations, personal experiences, analogies.)

Ayuni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NiNa said...

ID : BHD0807814


Whether you are giving a demonstration, welcome or persuasive speech, this basic speech outline sample will show you how to organiza and plan your speech. The 3 easy steps are :

1. Tell your audience what you are going to say(INTRODUCTION)
2. Say it. (BODY)
3. Tell them what you said (CONCLUSION)


This is the first part of your presentation. Use it to make a great first impression.Your audience should to be eager to listen to you. Create this anticipation by having someone give you a pawerful welcome speech. If the event dosent involved an emcee you need to generate anticipation yourself.Attention grabbing statements are a fantastic way to make your audience sit and listen. Attention grabbing topics include :

-Amazing facts
-Sound effects

WELCOME YOUR AUDIENCE in your speech opening - if you are giving a formal presentation, ensure you meet the ceromonial requirements, such as special welcome to distinguished guests and dignitaries.Do some researh if you are unsure.

Encourage your audience to WARM TO YOU - one way to do is to establish you credibility. Let your audience know why they should believe anything you say. Provide details relevent to your speech topic.

Tell your audience WHAT TO EXPECT - What is it in for them? Give them with a brief overview of what your speech will cover. Make it sound exciting and keep them interested. After generating of this excitement, your audience will be keen to listen to the main part of your talk and the second part of your speech outline is the body.


This is the main part of your presentation. It is where most of your content should be such as facts, stories,ancedotes and general information. It also the part where your listeners are most likely to fall asleep if you have not prepaired it well.

Take your good speech topic and then split into the main point. Research each of these points or ideas to gain some supporting evidence, example and further information. Dont limit yourself to words,consider using aids to enhance your speech.

Each sub speech topic can follow a simmilar pattern of :

Sub speech topic 1 :
-Supporting ideas
-Explain with examples,can use props of aids

Smoothly link from this topics to the next

Sub speech topic 2 :
-Supporting ideas
-Explain with examples,can use props of aids

Repeat this process untill you have exhausted your ideas, persuasuve arguments,facts,figures and anything else you wish to include in your public speaking presentation.
Once you have complete the body you just have the third and final step to complete - conclusion


This is the last and the finalo part of speech.It should have no new matarial.

Use it to reinforce your main points. What informationn do you want your listeners to remember.

Include a call to action. This is a brief sentance to persuade your audience to do something such as standing for toast,signing up for a seminar or congratulating the retiree.

It will be a probably be the last sentence of your speech so make it good.Leave them with a great lasting impression.

gadis kesunyian said...

ID: BHN0707678

Going to Make a Speech
What Do I Talk About?

Start by asking yourself three questions:

1. Who is my audience? (What do I know about the corporate culture or collective personality of the group?)

2. What do they want or need to know from me?

3. How long can or should I talk?

How Do I Start to Write My Speech?

That's easy. To begin with, don't. Gather and organize your ideas, plan and polish, but don't write it down word for word. For now, just jot an outline with key points and ideas on a note pad.

How Do I Polish My Speech?

Your next step is to make a written draft of your speech. You can assemble your notes, or you may prefer to talk your ideas into a tape recorder and transcribe the words. Then read your draft to confirm that it is:

- Interesting: After every point you make, ask yourself, "Who cares?" If no one does, edit it out.

- Concise: Delete redundancies and clichés.

- Effective: Are your supporting examples strong and on target? If not, replace them.

- Personal: Does it have a high I-You Factor? Be sure you've connected yourself with your audience by putting them into your speech.

- Politically correct: "PC" is sometimes overdone, but it is essential. You lose listeners if you unintentionally offend them.

Vigorous polishing makes your talk tighter, more powerful, and less likely to bore or irritate your audience.

gadis kesunyian said...

ID: BHD0707678

Are You Getting Your Point Across?
Start with Who and Where

The venue and audience size should drive how you deliver your message. Other factors include how formal the gathering will be and the level of commitment you want from the audience.

Presenting to large gatherings is usually to impart information or to introduce/demonstrate something new, not usually to get high-level commitment and action from the audience. Given that, on-screen slides usually serve large venues and audiences well, especially when the presenter is too far away for the audience to see facial expressions and other nonverbal communications.

When the gathering is small enough that the audience can effectively focus on the presenter, on-screen slides can still be effective. But the presenter needs to keep the audience’s attention, and not let listeners focus solely on the screen.

Several proven tactics will help you keep audience focus. For example, blacking out the screen periodically, and never turning your back on the audience and “presenting to the screen” will keep you at the center of attention.

Smaller gatherings allow for more interaction with the audience. Use that interaction to your advantage by always being ready to answer questions. And don’t neglect the opportunity to meet with audience members after the presentation for one-on-one or small-group discussions. In smaller meetings, you can directly ask audience members to support your perspective.

Many consultants use small gatherings to request decisions, such as asking for specific future behaviors from management or employees, or for approval to spend company funds. In these situations, a PowerPoint presentation may not be the wisest choice.

Instead, you may want to consider the whitepaper approach. With a well-constructed text document that contains a few key conceptual charts and data-driven graphs, you can facilitate a fact-based, highly interactive exploration of a topic

This approach minimizes the “instruct and persuade” tone of on-screen presentations and encourages deeper exploration of the issues.

ə٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]K.A.M.Iə٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅] said...

ID : BHD08-07-815

I had read your good writing about the sample speech outline. I'm agree that’s will help clarify what we want to say as well as help organise our material.

However, it didn't work if we can't deliver a good speech in front the audiences. When you are presenting in front audience, you are performing as an actor is on stage.

"The most common phobia that Americans have is glossophobia, the fear of public speaking. Seventy-five percent of all Americans report having a fear of public speaking, beating out fear of spiders, fear of the dark and even fear of death. What they need is advice for giving a good speech-advice that's more constructive than ‘picture the audience naked’.” - by Stephen Schneider.

Here, I want to share some tips on how you are going to deliver effective speeches.

*Go first - It's the best way to get the speech over and done with instead of sitting anxiously at your desk. Pretend that your speech doesn't really matter. It's hard, but just think that you're talking to someone and it's totally normal.

*Look at the wall above your audience's heads - This still makes it appear that you are making eye contact without having to deal with your audience directly.

*Know your speech - Even if you forget what you were originally going to say, just present what in your mind. So this will make audience become more confident to listen on what you are presenting.

*Body language - Standing, walking or moving about with appropriate hand gesture or facial expression is preferred to sitting down or standing still with head down and reading from a prepared speech.

*Pause - Allow yourself and your audience a little time to reflect and think. Don't race through your presentation and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling out of breath.

So, this is the tips that I can share with. Even it’s not too much but I hope it can still help others to deliver effective speeches.

azie said...

ID : BHD 08-07-856

A good persuasive speech outline...

Start with a clear idea of your persuasive speech's objective. What do you want your audience to do as a result of your speech. Condense it into a single sentence. Keep this in mind throughout.

Draft a preliminary Call to Action, specifically asking your audience to do what you want them to do. If yours is a sales speech, be clear as to what the next step you want them to take is. Is it to buy your product, or perhaps to test drive it, or maybe just to begin the process of considering your product.

Prepare three solid reasons why they should do what you want. Start by brainstorming 6-10 good reasons. Group those that are closely related into the three main concepts, and then rank them according to their relative importance.

You now know where you want your audience to go and why from your perspective.

Now stop and think more carefully about your audience. Who are they? Are they the decision makers? Or support staff? Are they capable of making a decision to buy on the spot, or is there a process that will be required. Consider their age, gender, existing relationships with your competitors, geographical distribution issues and any other factors that will influence the way they hear what you have to say.
You've already identified what you have to say, the goal here is to understand how best to say it, so your audience hears what you have to say. You may rank the importance of your arguments one way, they may another. If there is a difference, consider re-ranking yours. A good persuasive speech communicates what the audience wants to hear and know.

Now for each major point on your list, come up with an anecdote or story to illustrate how or why this would be important to your audience. These stories will become the body of your speech. When you have three good stories, one for each major point you need to consider how to link them together. How to transition from one point to the next.

Finally, now that you have a series of three stories, each of which illustrate one of the key reasons why your audience should act positively on your call to action, you need to come up with an introduction. This is like an appetizer to get them interested in what you are about to say.

Asking them a relevant question, or making a bold statement designed to grab their attention are just two possible ways of achieving this. The introduction should be relatively brief. You want to grab their attention, and give them a quick preview of what you are going to tell them.
You now have your draft persuasive speech outline. Ultimately you want to memorize your introduction and your call to action/conclusion. You want these to be down pat. Don't memorize the body of your speech. Instead, remember the stories you are going to tell and the transitions you are going to use to move from one to the next. This will give your speech a natural flow and relieve you from worrying about memorizing exact phrasing.

Write your first draft in 30 minutes. Practice it out loud and or in your head a dozen times. Each time, you will change it trying to convert your ideas into language your audience will hear and understand.

Do this and you will wow them. Making a speech, particularly a good persuasive speech isn't about what you want to say, it's about saying what your audience is open to hearing and doing so with stories and images they will remember.
Thank you..

Unknown said...

ID : BHD 07-07681

first impression really remembered in our mind.
same to the speech we have to start the speech dramatically and grab attention of audience. if we had a good content of speech but the opening is not interesting,it will be not remembered to the audience.

so i want to give some opening technique:

1.State importance of topic. Startle the audience.

2.Arouse suspense/curiosity.

3.Tell a story.

4.Ask a rhetorical question.

5.Begin with a quotation.

6.Reference the occasion.

Share^Rough said...

ID: BHD08-07-794

For me, from what i learn in the class is that every speech that you are about to give it is important to make an outline before you give the speech so that it can be a guideline for you in your speech...

Besides that, i learn that there are 2 parts that are very important in your speech and that is the "attention getter or introduction" and "conclusion".

Introduction is important because this will decide whether the audience will keep listening to your speech, if your introduction is good(with power word) then they will stay and have interest in your speech or else if it bad, they will start losing interest in your speech and leave. So for me i think introduction must be powerful for example by showing an example or making a scenario regarding your topic so that you can make the audience more easier to visualize what you want to talk about. Not only that your intonation or the way you speak is important because if your intonation is flat or in other word just like reading, people immediately losing interest. More than that, i think one way to easily attract people to listen to your speech is to you can make the introduction humorous with light joke so it will enlighten the atmosphere around you.

Conclusion is other part that are important in any speech because this is where you will give a great impact to the audience at the end of your speech so that they will remember all what you just tell them in your speech. In your conclusion you can sum up what you said. A review of the main points. Most importantly, tell the audience what you want them to do with the information. If appropriate, make a call to action. Ask for a commitment to try the suggestions, or to put to use the information. Suggest they test and see for them selves that it does indeed work. From what i learn in class, at least provide a strong statement or powerful word so that it will give an impact to your audience for example the Title of your speech is
"Don't use handphone while driving" and example of statement or powerful word that you can use is
"Always think about your love one before ever think to use it while driving"

nuRuL AiEyNz said...

ID NO : BHD08-07-821

A good and making a simple outline...

An outline is a way to organize your ides logically and clearly.without making an outline, your speech will probably lack structure, and so be difficult to understand. by using a presentation outline, you can see the structure of the speech.
in addition, it can also serve as your speaking script.
the following presentation outline is a very simple way to organize your material into a speech format. when making an outline, you should not write full sentences, but just key word and phrases.

1- introduction

what is the topic of your speech?
why should the audience listen to your speech?
what will your main points be?

2- The body

what are your main points and ideas?
what are your supporting evidence and information?

3- The conclusion

what were the main point of your speech, and what do you want the audience to remember?

Aldin_HPA said...

BHD 08-07-828

Good Sample Speech Outline

A good persuasive speech is the speech that could inspired and influenced other people.

It is always thoughtful that persuasive speech might also considered dangerous since our country had enabled rules that will arrested people who talk agonizingly open about sensitive sentiments which may cause a big havoc between two or three races at a time = ISA [Internal Security Act]

A persuasive also might changes people point of view throughout something big, such as, non-muslims might probably thinks that muslim practices a 'kejam' throughout penzina's, thief, smugglers, or some other things.

Unknown said...

name:hamimra b.mohamad jali
class:hnd1 sec2

Include your speech title here

Purpose: (Why are you giving this talk?)

Thesis: (What is your major argument?)

I. Introduction

A. Greeting
B. Attention getter
C. Credibility statement
D. Thesis statement
E. Preview of main points


II. Body

A. Main point #1

1. Subordinate point (e.g., "According to…")

a. Support (e.g., example, statistic, visual, testimonial)
b. Support

2. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support


B. Main point #2

1. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support

2. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support

Internal Summary

C. Main point #3

1. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support

2. Subordinate point

a. Support
b. Support


III. Conclusion

A. Signal closing
B. Restate thesis
C. Review main points

1. Main point #1
2. Main point #2
3. Main point #2

D. Memorable statement or call to action
E. Thank audience for listening

thank you


ID :BHD08-07-842

An outline is a great way to organize your thoughts as well as organize information from what you've read. It provides a brief, overall view to correlate and rearrange ideas. It can be useful to prepare a speech, essay or novel as well as a handy tool for memorization while studying. Here are a few tips to write a good speech outline:

a)Decide upon your topic
b)Gather research the material
c)Organize your outline
d)Decide upon your major idea
e)Record information to support your idea
f)Create your final draft

~thank you~

Cik Eniey said...

ID : BHD 08-07-846

Assalamualaikum and thank you for your post. Here I would like to give my sample of Informative Speech outline on “Panic Attack”.

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the nature, extent, and symptoms of panic attacks.

Central Idea: Panic attacks are serious medical conditions whose fearful symptoms affect millions of people.

Attention getter
Have you ever getting in panic attack situation?


I. I can't breathe, my arms are tingling, I'm really dizzy, and it feels as if my heart is about to fly out of my chest.

II. When this happened to me three years ago at an outdoor concert, I was really frightened.

A. At the time, I had no idea what was going on.
B. My doctor told me later that I had experienced a panic attack.

III. I have learned a lot about my condition during the past three years, and I did additional research for this speech.

IV. Today I would like to inform you about the nature of panic attacks, the people affected most often by them, and the options for treatment.

Transition: Let's start with the nature of panic attacks.


I. Panic attacks are a severe medical condition with a number of physical and mental symptoms.

A. As defined by the National Institute of Mental Health, panic attacks involve "unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms."
1. The attacks usually come out of nowhere and strike when least expected.
2. Their length can vary from a few minutes to several hours.

B. There are a number of symptoms common to most panic attacks.
1. Physical symptoms include a pounding heart, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and numbness or tingling sensations in the arms and legs.
2. Mental symptoms include acute fear, a sense of disaster or helplessness, and a feeling of being detached from one's own body.

Transition: Now that you know something about the nature of panic attacks, let's look at how widespread they are.

II. Panic attacks affect millions of people.

A. According to the American Psychiatric Association, six million Americans suffer from panic attacks.

B. Some groups have a higher incidence of panic attacks than do other groups.
1. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that panic attacks strike women twice as often as men.
2. Half the people who suffer from panic attacks develop symptoms before the age of 24.

Transition: Given the severity of panic attacks, I'm sure you are wondering how they can be treated.

III. There are two major options for treating panic attacks.

A. One option is medication.
1. Antidepressants are the most frequently prescribed medication for panic attacks.
2. They rearrange the brain's chemical levels so as to get rid of unwanted fear responses.

B. Another option is cognitive-behavioral therapy.
1. This therapy involves techniques that help people with panic attacks gain control of their symptoms and feelings.
a. Some techniques involve breathing exercises.
b. Other techniques target thought patterns that can trigger panic attacks.
2. According to David Barlow, author of the Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders, cognitive behavioral therapy can be highly effective.


I. As we have seen, panic attacks affect millions of people.
II. Fortunately, there are treatment options to help prevent panic attacks and to deal with them when they occur.
III. In my case, the combination of medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy has been extreme helpful.
IV. I don't know if I will ever be completely free of panic attacks, but at least I understand now what they are and what I can do about them.

Thank You. =)

kukucantik said...

ID : BHD 0901896
CLASS : HND1 / SECTION 4 good sample speech outline..

Topic: Music & Learning
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience how music affects learning

I. Introduction
A. Attention getter: Did you know that your choice of music could affect your learning?
B. Thesis: Music affects many areas of our lives including learning.
C. Preview: Today, I will talk about how music affects us emotionally and physically, which will lead us to how it influences us academically.
D. Credibility/Relation: Last Semester I took Psychology with Lacy Barnes.
1. If you've had her, you know she always has music playing when you walk into class and every day it was a difference style and artist.
2. I wondered if the music she chose had a purpose, so for my term paper I decided to do some research on the subject.

[Transition: Lets take a look at what I discovered.]

II. Body:
A. Before we can understand how music affects learning, we must understand how it affects us both emotionally and physically. According to Judith Turner in an article she wrote for Music Therapy in 2001:
1. Music affects how we feel.
2. Music also alters us physically.
[Transition: From the research I reviewed, classical music has been described as the best music to learn by, so let's take a look at how it works.]

B. L. O'Donnell writes in Music Power: The Report in 1999 that:
1. Classical music from the baroque period causes the heart to beat and pulse rate to relax to the music.
2. With a 60 beat per minute beat pattern, the simultaneous left and right hemisphere activity maximizes learning and retention of information.
3. When classical pieces are used as background music in study, students reported feeling calmer and could study for longer periods of time.
[Transition: As you can see, there is a lot involved in how music affects learning.]
III. Conclusion
A. Review: In this speech I have discussed how music affects us physically, emotionally and academically as well as how we might make music work for us in these areas. Music affects how we relate to one another and how we relate to the world around us.
B. Restate Thesis: Music affects all aspects of our lives.
C. Memorable ending: Cartoonist, Charles Schultz credits music as the inspiration behind many of the insights that came to life through Charlie Brown, Lucy and Snoopy in his cartoon strip "Peanuts."


Rina Ramli said...

ID : BHD08-07-844

Thank you for this sample outline speech. Before this, I always make mistake when do my speech outline. Now, I don't have to worry because this example can give guideline to make a good speech outline.

I hope after this I can make the good speech outline like this example.

Thank you...

mariyam said...

ID BHD08-07-851


Thank you for the guide. i can write theoutline but sometimes it too long. i still remember what madam said in the class don't list all the things in the outline. just list the main point. but for me, if i not list all i will forget how to elaborate the point. but according to your guide i can use the visual, so hopefully this guide will help me.

thank you.

shazzwan said...

ID: BHD 08-07-854
CLASS: HND1 [section 4]

Hi and assalamualaikum,

how to write a good speech?these are the answers that could be useful.

three-step guideline works for any kind of speech, short or long, whether it is an informative speech, a persuasive speech, a best man speech or other wedding speech, on practically any topic.

Write the Thesis, Introduction, or Speech Opening
Beginning with a welcome is important, especially if the speaker isn’t personally known by the audience. Welcoming the audience puts them at ease and allows them a moment to adjust to the speaker. This part of the speech should be about 10% of the full length.

After the welcome and introduction, a thesis should be written. The thesis is the speech opening, the place where the speaker will tell the audience what information is about to be conveyed. This doesn’t need to be long. It can be as short as one sentence or as long as three or four sentences. It should tell the core message the speaker wants the audience to remember.

Write the Body of a Speech
The body of the speech is where the presenter elaborates on the topic. The body should have a logical progression of facts and details. Placing a fact first, then following it with examples, details, anecdotes, and supporting evidence is the proper order. Once one fact has been thoroughly covered, another fact with its details can be introduced.

This succession of facts and details can be repeated as many times as necessary to complete the support of the thesis or topic. Add power to the speech by including facts in their order of importance. One technique is to save the most important fact for last.

Write the Conclusion,or Wrap-Up of a Speech
The conclusion is the place where the speaker gives the audience a recap of the points made during the speech. The speaker should tell the audience once again, what he or she just told them. Clarifying the points into a short, targeted summary will help the audience members keep those points in mind as they leave. It also helps note-takers and reporters to crystallize the content of the speech.

The conclusion may also be used to motivate the audience to action, to appeal to them for help, or give advice on the topic that was covered. Once the conclusion has been made, the speaker should thank the audience for listening.

RoyKiller said...

ID: BHD 08-07-782
CLASS: HND1 [section 4]

Persuasive Speech Outline Format

Specific Purpose: (To change the audience's mind about . . .)
Thesis: (The sentence that expresses in powerful words the point of view regarding your topic you will prove in your speech.

Attention Getter - (You need to grab the audience's attention)
Thesis - (Worded clearly, powerfuly, and succinctly, the sentence identifies your topic and your view.)
Audience Adaptation-(Tell us why you are qualified to talk about this topic and why it is important.)
Preview-(Tell us what the main points will be. conclude with a Transition to your first main point.)

1. Main Point (opposition claim) (cite source?)
2. Main Point (your first & weakest reason) (cite source)
a. subordinate point (evidence) listed
b. subordinate points
3. Main Point (next stronger reason) (cite source)
a. subordinate point
b. subordinate point
4. Main Point (next stronger reason) (cite source)
a. Subordinate Point
b. Subordinate point
5. Main Point (strongest reason of proof) (cite source)
a. Subordinate point
b. Subordinate point

Signal (Transition, it tells us you are "winding up")
Summary (Review main points and how you won each)
Closing (Persuade us that you have been persuasive and let us know that you are done.)

Anonymous said...

BHD 07-07-718

speech outline is very important to speaker when
they have to give a speech,
because without this outline they will lost all
the information that they should give to audience.
this speech outline that give it by you will help all
the speaker(student) to give a good
speech to their audience.
As we know, speech outline have
4 steps to organize our speech
to make sure the speech is good
and have all the information and can
attract the audience to listen.
so,to improve and to give
the good speech to the audience,
this speech outline will help us.
so, use the speech outline before you
give your speech in front your audience.

thank you.

Ijam said...



Here i want to say that i am totally agree about how important is an outline for a speaker before the speech is actually done.

For me, an outline is like a map before a speaker want to make her speech. Many speaker faces difficulty on their speech because they are not well prepared for the speech, they didn't have the strategy on how to present their speech.

It is actually simple, just draw out some of your ideas in form of an outline, and then you will have to use it as your reference before you make the actual speech.

I hope these tips will be helping and i hope that I can learn more from you. Insya Allah..

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